
Apocalypse of Demons

The world in its current times wasn't really at peace in it's current times and that was because of the beings that lurked in the shadows. Creatures that suddenly appeared in the world and caused destruction wherever they went. An organization was created to hunt them down and help rid the world of demons they were known as demon hunters. Dave a young high school boy in Kyoto who went to the train station to see his uncle is caught up in a train accident. The train was suddenly destroyed killing almost everyone in it. No one on the train knew what happened not even the train driver had seen it but it wasn't long before the demon hunters arrived. The demon hunters had managed to defeat the demon but before its last moment, it quickly ran towards Dave who was in the rubble. Immediately after that day his whole life changed and he became a demon hunter but when things begin to unveil Dave is shocked when he finds out he is something known as a victim of possession. This greatly endangers his life because of the large amount of mana he now possesses, but that was only the beginning of his problems. Turns out the demons weren't after him merely because of the amount of mana he possesses.

Noob3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

14: First Test 2

Those words rang in Alex's head as he turned to face the beast standing behind him and so did the others.

The demon was a gorilla-like beast that stood two hundred centimeters tall, with dark blue skin and spikes sticking out of its body, its limbs were quite large and its face was like that of an ape's but it had a horn sticking out of it's forehead, which bent and grew and grew upwards.

The gorilla-like beast instantly charged straight towards them and they all quickly jumped out of the way, instantly pulling out the daggers they all had under their shirts.

The demon had barged into the barrier and shook its head before turning towards the four of them, Ichigo, and Dave were now on its right and Hoshino along with Alex were on the left.

The demon charged straight towards Dave and Ichigo and Ichigo slightly backed away while Dave charged towards the demon.

The demon sent a punch straight towards him and he quickly moved to the side, dodging the attack.

The demon's hand went deep down into the ground and caused a slight dent on the ground and Dave using this to his advantage quickly slashed at the demon's huge hand and after reaching his shoulder he turned rough, slashing at the beast's back as well.

The demon roared and swung its wounded arm towards its back, the demon's hand came swiftly and Dave left with no time to react quickly placed both daggers in front of him and they began to glow a bright white light.

The demon's hand collided with the daggers and sent Dave flying and barging into the barrier, Ichigo used the opportunity to run towards the demon and tried to slash at it but the demon demon immediately turned around with a swing of its hand heading straight towards Ichigo.

His own hand was still moving so he didn't have time to react to the beast's attack, that was when it's the beast's hand was slightly knocked away and he could see Hoshino standing next to him.

They both backed away immediately and Hoshino said. " It's a third-class demon, it has intelligence so don't get careless."

Dave was now standing opposite them with the two daggers in his hands and with the demon standing in his way, getting to them wouldn't be easy.

The beast looked at them with a burning glare and then it turned towards Dave and after turning around with a single step, it sent a punch straight towards Dave.

Dave quickly rolled out of the way and got on his knees before quickly standing up, the beast pulled out its hand from another hole it had just made, and then it roared.

While roaring, the demon swung its hand towards its back and Hoshino who was running towards it quickly jumped high up, dodging the attack, and immediately stabbed her dagger into the demon's left eye, with a backflip she drew out the dagger and landed on the ground.

The demon roared in pain and immediately swung its hand wildly at the both of them, they both quickly jumped out of the way, and just as their hands touched the ground, debris of the earth went flying towards and past them.

Turning towards the place where the demon's fist had just landed the hole there was a bit larger than the other two and it wasn't long before the demon pulled back its hand.

" Dave! You should distract the demon, I'll launch a powerful attack along with Ichigo once it's busy" she instructed, quickly running towards Ichigo as fast as she could.

The demon sent another punch straight towards Dave and he quickly jumped out of the way, the demon's hand went crashing into the ground, and looking around inside the dome there were now Four dents on the ground.

Dave was now standing a little far away from the demon and as its hand came towards him he jumped back slightly and before the demon could regain its composure he quickly stabbed the dagger he was holding into the demon's hand.

The dagger bounced off the demon's hard skin and Dave was left stunned, that was when the demon let out a loud roar and after a moment Hoshino landed right next to him.

Right before Dave had tried to stab the demon with his dagger, Hishino's own dagger had begun to glow a bright white and had immediately jumped high up, and stabbed the dagger into the demon's shoulder, with a backflip she switched to the other side and drew the dagger out of the demon's body before landing on the ground.

The demon roared and instantly pulled its hand out of the hole it had just created, it then turned towards the place where the attack had just come from and the only person it could see was Ichigo.

The beast quickly swung its fist at him, this time stronger and faster and that was when Ichigo's eyes widened.

" So it was holding back this is really bad." He thought as he held out both of his daggers, aiming to block the incoming attack.

The demon's hand collided with the dagger and it instantly shattered, the force of the attack sent Ichigo crashing into the barrier.

The force of the attack was too much for him so it took him some time to recover from it and just as he looked he saw the demon on all fours facing him and the horn on its head had begun to glow with a bright white light.

Hoshino immediately jumped high up and tried to stab the demon with her dagger which was glowing with a bright white but it broke into two the moment it came in contact with the demon's hard skin.

Ichigo's eyes instantly widened and he began to tremble as lightning began to gather around the demon's horn, just as it was about to shoot the stream of lightning at him another stream of lightning shot at its head and caused the attack to miss its intended target.

Ichigo was relieved as the demon's head swung to the side and he instantly got on his feet before quickly moving to the side.

Ichigo now had no weapon to fight with, Hoshino only had one dagger left and Dave was the only one whose two daggers were still in his hands.

He quickly charged straight towards the demon and the demon quickly sent a punch straight towards him and he quickly moved to the side, dodging the attack.

He hopped onto the demon's hand and jumped high up, while in the air he held out both of his hands sideways and, with a spin he hit the demon.

The dagger in his right hand hit the demon hard on its head and instantly shattered into pieces, he then stepped on the shoulder of the demon before jumping away.

The demon instantly turned toward him with a grunt and charged straight towards him and just as it tried to punch he quickly jumped out of the way once again.

The three of them were now exhausted, especially Dave and Hoshino whose speed had slowed significantly since the start of the fight.

Dave quickly moved to where the other two were and it wasn't long before the demon turned towards them once again.

It then roared, louder than it had ever done, and then it jumped straight towards them and they instantly jumped out of the way before the beast's hand went crashing into the ground creating a hole twice as large as all the others inside the barrier.

Hoshino pulled her lips back after getting back on her feet and immediately charged straight toward the demon, the demon swung its hand towards her but a slight gush blew past it and just as its hand landed on the ground Hoshino sent a punch straight towards it's abdomen.


" Didn't you hear me!? Go tell them we're closed!" A man shouted.

" B, but sir.... We've told them but they killed Hishiro and Sachin, many workers are lying dead around the place." Another man replied, his whole body and voice trembling.

" What do you mean my workers are lying dead around the place, those guards are well-trained enough to deal with a demon." The man said with an angry tone, picking up the gun beside him. " You're very useless, look after my office while I'm gone."

He opened the door and left the room and soon as he was outside he could see a headless body with a black attire lying in front of him and there was blood splattered all over the place.

He gritted his teeth and held the gun tighter and just as he took another step forward he saw a man walking towards him and behind the man were four more men.

" It would be best if got out of my way." The man said as he walked towards him.

" Do I look a fool to you?" He asked as he raised the gun and pointed the gun at them. " Who's going to pay for all the damage you caused?"

" None of that matters to me."

The man got angered even more and instantly pulled the trigger, aiming for the man's head, a smirk crept up his face but his mouth instantly widened when he saw that the man was still standing with his palm closed and resting on his forehead.

The man tried to pull the trigger again but before he could do that he felt a stinging pain in his knee and immediately dropped to the floor, it wasn't long before his head went rolling on the floor as well.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I did, stay tuned cause the action has only just begun.

Noob3creators' thoughts