
Anime Fest: Dimensional Clash

Power of different worlds clash to put an end to every debate once for all, an anime fest with earth shattering battle starting. You can request for a fight between your favorite characters on my p@treon "Tier 2" But not every anime is included, I have provided a list of anime I will write about, so please check it before subscribing, no refunds. P@treon.com/DimensionalClash

Dimensional_Geek · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

"AHHH!! Curse you Shisui!!! I'll kill you!! I'll kill you again!!!!!!!"

Roared Danzo with immense hatred in his tone, his skin slowly melting by the flames, going through extreme pain.

"If only you were feeling even 1% of the pain you caused to people all your life, you deserve way more than death and burning, sadly nothing more terrifying exist aside from this"

There was a sad and emotional look on the face of Shisui, just now he received the information about what happened after his death, the true culprit right infront of him.

Itachi slaughtering the Uchiha Clan, pain attacking the village and Danzo doing nothing, Orochimaru attacking and him doing nothing again, stealing the eyes of those Itachi had to slaughter for the village, everything was related to man burning before him.


The screams of Danzo lasted for a while before they stopped, turning into ashes right before Shisui who watched him from burn from start to finish without blinking.

"Sigh...I'm sorry Itachi...I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you had to go through so much...I hope you also get the chance to remove your regrets...

Danzo burnt to ashes, shisui was left alone in the battlefield, talking to himself in an emotional tone, he also learned that Sasuke had killed Itachi who was waiting to be killed by Sasuke all these years, knowing how much Itachi had gone through.


While Shisui was sad due to the memories he received, the battlefield around him changed back to the endless white void, though noticing the change but Shisui didn't caring much.


Shisui stood there for long just thinking about the memories but suddenly his body started turning into white particles, slowly dispersing.

"I see...it's time for me to return...Danzo, don't worry...this time you'll be killed for good!"

Shisui immediately understood what was happening, with a determinant look getting ready for what was to come, this time ready to remove the scourge for good.


With the disappearance of Shisui, the endless void returned to calm again but not for long, soon two figures suddenly appearing in the white space.


Even the void trembled a little due to the momentum they radiated, well...at least one of them for sure.

"What...this is not the supermarket! How did I end up here? and when did I change into my costume?"

A surprised voice rang in the void, a bald head wearing a yellow one-piece jumpsuit, red gloves and a white cape fluttering on his back.

The baldy had a curious look on his face, eyes looking at the white void around him, looking for answers.

Today at the supermarket was super sale, on his way to the market he suddenly disappeared and appeared at this place, confusing him.

"Hey! This isn't Whis's place, did I end up somewhere else?

At this moment, the other figure in the white space spoke, rubbing his black spiky hair with an awkward look on his face.

Dark colored eyes and pale skin, he was donned in an orange gi secured by a black knot-tied obi over his waist, blue wristsbands and black kung fu shoes,

Underneath his orangi gi, he wore a blue short sleeved shirt, the muscles on his body quite prominent.

Goku looked at the place around him with confusion, he was on earth and for training he decided to instant trasnmit to Beerus's planet but somehow ended up here.

There was an urgency on the face of Goku to leave this place, after being completely thrashed by Black Frieza, he wanted nothing else but to train and catch up to him.

"Hey...did you brought me here?"

"Ahh so bright!!...is it you krillin?"

Just when Goku was wondering how he ended up here, a kinda polite and confused voice fell in his ears, goku looking over only for the white light in the void to reflect by a bald head, goku instinctally calling out.

"Krillin...who is that? I'm Saitama!"

Replied Saitama quickly, didn't know why but a familar feeling coming from the name Krillin, even though first time hearing it.

"oh Saitama?...I'm Son Goku, Nice to meet you!"

But quickly Goku understood this baldhead was not Krillin, not feeling the familar ki from him, introducing himself by the way.


Saitama seeing this stranger politely introducing himself wanted to ask more but at this moment he stiffened, a lot of information out of nowhere pouring into his head.

It was the same for Goku, his eyes going blank, the reason why he appeared at this strange place, all explained by the information that appeared in his head.

"Infinite shopping coupons...now that's a reward hard to refuse!"

But soon they came back to their senses, Saitama after analyzing the information speaking with some greed in his voice.

Request Fights at P@treon.com/DimensionalClash