
Anime Fest: Dimensional Clash

Power of different worlds clash to put an end to every debate once for all, an anime fest with earth shattering battle starting. You can request for a fight between your favorite characters on my p@treon "Tier 2" But not every anime is included, I have provided a list of anime I will write about, so please check it before subscribing, no refunds. P@treon.com/DimensionalClash

Dimensional_Geek · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 6



At the cliff near the waterfall, around five or six figures surrounded Danzo who with hate in his eyes attacked one of them, only to attack from behind by the others, a blade going through his neck, groaning.

But Danzo who was stabbed by the blade disappeared without leaving a trace, appearing at some distance, an exhausted look on his face.

"Ha...damn...at this rate i won't be able to supress mokuton anymore!!"

Said Danzo while taking deep breaths, only one eye left open on his right arm, the rest all closed, even the right eye of his grey.

The fight was going on, Danzo couldn't get upperhand even once, Shisui overpowering him casually, he was already killed so many times, now only one Izanagi left.

Also the cells of First Hokage on his right arm that were supressed by many sharigan were now revolting, suppresing them while battling Shisui was getting difficult.

"He's stubborn...I need to finish this quickly!"

Shisui wasn't completely fine, some exhaustion on his face clearly visible, although he had the upperhand in the battle. the chakra he consumed was a lot, Susanoo, Kotoamatsukami used twice, also his special body flicker technique all of this consumed a lot of his chakra.

If only Danzo didn't have Izanagi, he would have ended this fight way before, but sadly it wasn't the case.

Using Kotoamatsukami also put a lot of toll on his eyes, blood was already tracing down from them.

But even Shisui had to admit Izanagi was really a superb card to have, when he tried to change the will of Danzo, he using Izanagi quickly escaped his control.


Summoning Jutsu!!! Baku!

At this moment, Danzo moved as he bit his thumb and tapping the ground next second, with a burst of smoke, a huge dark orange elephant appearing.

Wind Style! Great Wind Blast!


With the appearnce of the huge beast, Danzo began to make hand signs quickly and sucked in, breathing out as a massive wide blast of wind roared out of his mouth, obliterating every thing in its way.


But this just seemed the start, Danzo giving the massive elephant one look as it roared, an even greater wind blast pushed out, combining with Danzo's jutsu.

The scope of the combined Wind Style was too much, at least hundred meters wide, gust of winds approaching Shisui, who had a solemn look on his face.


Yelled Shisui, knowing he had no other choice, blood like flood running down his eyes, the windmill pattern in his eyes spinning like crazy, green chakra gushing out of him, taking a shape quickly.

The moment Susanoo around Shisui took the shape of a 40 meter high tengu nosed monster with yellow eyes, a huge green katana in the right hand and a spear in other, the massive wind blast collided with it.

In a radius of hundreds of meters, massive chunks of rocks were pulled out from the ground due to impact, trees uprooted casually, the waterfall affected as well, destroyed as well.


But at this moment, amid the destruction from the dust that covered the area of impact, a huge green spear shot out accurately hitting the massive dark orange elephant.



The spear accurately went thought the head of the elephant, huge amount of blood splashing as the beast roared in pain, tumbling down on the ground, before disappearing, bursting into smoke.

The whole cliif couldn't hold on the impact, breaking down as everything crashed down, right into the river flowing underneath the cliff.


The water blasted out from all the rubble falling into it, though the fight didn't seem affected much by the destruction, another sound of sword peircing spreading from the river.

On the surface of river, stood Shisui with pale face from exhaustion, the pattern in his eyes returned to three tomoe, but the sword in his hands gone through the heart of Danzo right in front of him.

"Cough...It's not you who have won Shisui...you hardly have any chakra left,,,It's me whose gonna have the last laugh..."

Danzo coughed out blood but despite that he seemed confident, speaking in a weak but confident tone to Shisui, his lips full of blood curved up into a victors smile.

"Think again...

But Shisui didn't panick at this words, calmly speaking, his eyes on the right arm of Danzo.


Danzo at this words finally noticed how the pain was still there, something definetely wrong, looking at his right eye.


The last open eye on his right arm was closed at the moment, endless shock on the face of Danzo, he was sure he had one eye left.

Genjutsu! Ahh!! Damn you Shisui!!!

But it didn't took him more than a micro-second to understand what had happened, using Genjutsu Shisui had made him beleive he still had one more eye left despite having none, with despair and anger, Danzo yelling out.



Save you words, I'm coming for real next time...Flaming Blade!!!"



But Shisui only pushed the blade deep into his heart in response to his yelling, saying his last words, flames appearing around the blade dug in the heart of Danzo.

Instantly, Danzo was surrounded by flames, the screams in agony spreading everywhere, Shisui with a calm look watching him burn.

{Next fight Goku vs ????} Check on my P@treon.

Request more fights at P@treon.com/DimensionalClash