
Anime Fest: Dimensional Clash

Power of different worlds clash to put an end to every debate once for all, an anime fest with earth shattering battle starting. You can request for a fight between your favorite characters on my p@treon "Tier 2" But not every anime is included, I have provided a list of anime I will write about, so please check it before subscribing, no refunds. P@treon.com/DimensionalClash

Dimensional_Geek · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

"I have freed the world from the cursed bloodline, I have done nothing wrong!"

Said Danzo calmly, ignoring the anger of Shisui at the sharingan embedded in his right arm.

Damn You!! Flaming Blade!!!


Yelled Shisui at his response, chakra bursting out of him as the sword in his hands was suddenly surrounded by yellow flames, his eyes turning red as well, three tomoe floating in them.

Next second, Shisui turned into an afterimage rushing towards Danzo, the intent to kill burning in his eyes.


Earth Style! Earth Spear!!

Analyzing the situation, Danzo didn't rely on wind style at which he was the most expert in, making quick hand signs, both the fists suddenly covered with a black matter.


The blade entangled with flames left a beautful arc in the air, slashed down at Danzo by Shisui who was already in front of the former.


Danzo didn't dogde meeting the burning blade head on, the right fist smashed at the blade, upon contact massive air flow generated.



But blood suddenly splashed, as a severed hand flew out, in front of Shisui kneeling Danzo with his right hand chopped off, groaning in pain.

Shisui ignored the wailing of Danzo, the blade surrounded by flames leaving an another beautiful arc slashed at the neck of Danzo.


Like butter the blade cut through the neck of Danzo, blood shooting upward along with the severed head.


Before the beheaded Danzo was Shisui with a calm look on his face, the blade still surrounded by flames.


But at this moment, there was a sudden movement behind Shisui, the person who was just beheaded appearing behind him, a kunai in his hands.


Shouted Danzo as with a cruel face, he slashed the kunai at the back neck of Shisui, a victor look in his eyes already.


But instead of blood splashing around, a sound simialr to metal colliding was heard, Shisui who had his back facing Danzo, was surrounded by green chakra, a look of shock on the face of Danzo who was still holding the kunai in his hands.


"As I suspected, Izanagi...you can't get me using the same trick twice!"

Calmly Shisui turned around, speaking while gazing at Danzo's right arm with red eyes, a pinwheel pattern in them,

Unlike before, two out of the nine eyes on the right arm of Danzo were closed, Shisui understanding everything.

"This...it's Susanoo...so... you were granted this power back here...damn it!"

Said Danzo with fear and frustration in his voice, taking quick steps back, his eyes on the green skeleton surrounding Shisui.

"Shut your trash!"


Rebuked Shisui, as the huge arm of Susanoo moved and slapped Danzo at quick speed, the other party caught off guard a little, blown away, hitting a tree far away, motionless.

"Hmph! even if you have Mangekyo...you can't kill me no matter how hard you try"

But the body of Danzo lying amid the destroyed trees disappeared suddenly, as some distance from Shisui the former reappeared totally fine, except another eye on his arm closed.

"The clan you detest the most...now the reason you are still alive is because of it..now I doubt the foresight of Second Hokage"

Said Shisui in response to Danzo's statement, some mockery in his red eyes.

"Why doubt it...?"

Asked Danzo with some confusion on his face, couldn't understand what he meant.

"It's simple, taking a weakling like you under his tutelage!"


The words of Shisui fell, a look of utter humiliation appeared on the face of Danzo, giving the former a look full of anger.


Wind Style! Wind Bullets!!

Danzo couldn't bear the insult, hands turning into afterimages as soon he brought them near his mouth, with a boom, compressed wind shooting out of his mouth.


Numerous small wind bullets collided with the Susanoo, setting dust off covering it completely, a look of hope on the face of Danzo, hoping his wind bullets are strong enough to deal with Susanoo.

Swish! Swish!


But his hopes crashed immediately, from the dust that covered Susanoo, numerous green needles shot out, covering a radius of at least hundred meters wide, Danzo cursing.


Chakra appeared at the soles of Danzo, as he jumped around trying to avoid the needles that basically covered everything, no way other than to dodge.



But the needles were just too many and too fast, Danzo couldn't dodge every as one stung him on the thigh, affecting his movements, exposed to rest, bombarded with numerous next second.

Hundreds of green needless from the Susanoo dug into the body of Danzo, head, neck, eyes, blood flowing down from everywhere, Danzo screaming in agony.

But those screams didn't last for long, eventually Danzo falling on the ground, motionless but his corpse disappering soon.