
Angelhale High

In the world of Annakai, the realm of all beings and creatures, a hole opens into the light skies above, shoving a newcomer into it's depths. Kenzie, a young human, discovers she's not alone in this new journey. Thinking to live a new life, only to discover she's the key to saving Annakai against Gods.

Miss_Kenzie · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1 - 2

As the figure's body laid there, going limp, the hero to her distress had picked her up. The feeling of every footstep, every breath taken, yet she couldn't feel her own self. 

The sound of opening doors and being in a hurry played into the girl's ears. Her body placed onto a rolling object as the sound of blurred speech tried to overtake her eardrums. Once rolled off into an emergency room, the figure laid there in bed,

'Aren't I supposed to be.. uh- not able to hear?' 

'The human brain works in stupid, yet useful ways.' 

'AH- Is that me talking?! Do I really sound like that?!' 


'Ew... I see why people don't like my voice.' 



'Look. It's not you. I'll let you see this for yourself.' 

Visions before her eyes changed, even with them closed. She found herself standing within a world that seemed so unrealistic, that the figure herself thought it was a dream or hallucination, 

"Woah...Am I dreaming?"

"Yes and no."

Standing in front at a distance was another figure. The darkness around them covered them in mysterious ways,

"My name is Mistress, and just for clarification, I am a guy. Why do I use Mistress and not.. m a s t e r ? I can. And will."

"O..kay- Uh.. So- Mistress. My name is-"

"Kenzie. I'm aware. Kenzie Jewel."

"...How the hell...?"

Mistress stepped out of the shadows, showing his appearance. A short, 5'2 male with a light blue sweatshirt. On it had many patches stitched in, such as a rose, or a smiley face. He had brown shorts with some black van shoes. Kenzie became confused,

"You.. look normal. You look like....me."

"Not sure how that happened to be honest, maybe I was just designed that way-"


"So this place, right? It's within your mind and my own body."

"...Your body?"

"Don't worry, you're not inside me. If anything, i'm inside you."


Mistress took a minute to chuckle after the comment, but continued on to his explanation,

"You see, Kenzie, I am a ghost. I may not look it here, since this is our world, but I promise you I am. I've possessed your body for a good reason. I don't wanna keep anything from you, since we're supposed to work together."


"You are in the realm of Annakai. This shit is basically a melting pot for species and creatures who have died and come here. You'll see that soon."

"So- I'm dead?"

"No. You were brought here by force. You possess a very, very useful power."

"And.. what's that?"

"Technology. I know you have tech abilities, and we can help each other with them."

"...I dunno.."

"Well you better! Because you can't leave otherwise!"


"Just LISTEN to me! You heard me, right? I know you have hearing aids in but DAMN."

Kenzie shook her head, groaning. She then nodded, listening to Mistress's words, 

"I can't tell you everything since you might wake up, but you'll find out soon enough. You and I have something to defeat and if not, we might all die AGAIN. Either that, or we all become trapped in a world of nothing but corruption and hatred!"

"Sounds like Earth."

"But worse."

"Nah.. Earth is definitely somewhere... shitty but not shitty."

Kenzie looked down to her hands, noticing how they were starting to fade,

"W-What's happening?!" 

"You're fading. It's normal for when people wake up. I'll be here."

Kenzie was afraid. She reached out to Mistress before fading away, her whole vision turning black again before opening her eyes.