
Angelhale High

Author: Miss_Kenzie
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 504 Views
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What is Angelhale High

Read ‘Angelhale High’ Online for Free, written by the author Miss_Kenzie, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering MAGIC Fiction, CULTIVATION Light Novel, SUPERPOWERS Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: In the world of Annakai, the realm of all beings and creatures, a hole opens into the light skies above, shoving a newco...


In the world of Annakai, the realm of all beings and creatures, a hole opens into the light skies above, shoving a newcomer into it's depths. Kenzie, a young human, discovers she's not alone in this new journey. Thinking to live a new life, only to discover she's the key to saving Annakai against Gods.

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We are moving! Read the synopsis :P

(This fanfiction was moved to the fanfiction category, as it should have been from the start. I will continue uploading the chapters there instead of here, so here's the link if you want to continue reading) https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-player-surviving-in-terraria-as-the-only-existence._19383342405170805 (Or you can just look for "The Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence" in the search tool) (Sorry for the inconveniences) *** Aeron was your average guy, he was going to college this year but found himself trapped in his house because of a certain pandemic, bored to death he decided to play Terraria once again as it was being finally updated. One day he went outside to buy some snacks, however on his way back he found himself dead after being run over by a truck. While waiting for his soul to be judged he "accidentally" falls to the void, a place where nothing is allowed to exist. When his soul was close to being destroyed he is saved by the goddess of order that sends him to Terraria world and gives him the power of a Player and some bonuses. However, The god of chaos saw all this and decided to make things a bit harder, he changed Aeron's course to an alternative version of Terraria world, A world called: "For the worthy". ¿Will he survive in this absolutely horrific world where everything can kill you in almost one hit? Probably not. ****************************** [English isn't my first language, but I'll try to make things readable] [As you may know i don't own terraria] [The cover was made by me] [I'll try not to drop this as I'm doing it because I have nothing else to do, and i saw that no one makes Terraria Fanfictions] [You know what? Don't trust me because i'm very lazy and i could drop this at any moment] [I'll try not to] [That's all]

Jarron7 · Games
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RingMon's - The Journey Begins

Monsters & Magic: Capturing Power  Intro about Fantasy Novel world - Human able to catch monster and put them into a finger ring. The monster had a variety of abilities and power based on water, earth, fire, ice element ChatGPT Welcome to the enchanting world of the Fantasy Novel! In this captivating realm, humans possess a remarkable ability to capture and harness the powers of extraordinary creatures known as monsters. These mystical beings, imbued with the forces of water, earth, fire, and ice elements, roam the lands, their abilities as diverse as the elements they represent. Within this fantastical setting, humans have discovered a unique method to capture these creatures. Through the use of intricate finger rings, specially crafted with ancient knowledge and infused with magical energies, humans can trap monsters within the confines of these small, portable accessories. Once captured, the monsters become loyal companions, ready to aid their human captors in their quests and adventures. The monsters themselves possess an array of awe-inspiring abilities and powers, each directly influenced by their elemental nature. Water monsters may possess the ability to manipulate the tides, summon torrential rains, or even control aquatic life. Earth monsters, on the other hand, may have the power to shape the terrain, cause earthquakes, or control the growth of plants and vegetation. Fire monsters ignite with blazing fury, capable of breathing flames, creating infernos, or generating intense heat. Lastly, ice monsters wield the power to freeze their surroundings, create blizzards, or form impenetrable ice barriers. Within this world, a delicate balance exists between humans and monsters. Some humans seek to capture and train monsters for noble purposes, utilizing their powers to protect their communities and safeguard the realm from dark forces. Others, however, may exploit their captive monsters for personal gain or employ them in nefarious deeds, threatening the harmony of the world. As you venture further into this captivating realm, be prepared to encounter a rich tapestry of characters, each with their own motivations and aspirations. Experience epic battles, forge unbreakable bonds, and witness the extraordinary synergy between humans and the elemental monsters they possess. The journey ahead is brimming with magic, adventure, and the boundless possibilities that can only be found within the pages of a truly immersive fantasy novel.

Aeroleaf · Fantasy
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往日大佬温祁被人算计落得个尸骨无存的下场,等她再睁眼,成为了被重生女欺负的小可怜。   小可怜不仅目不识丁,更是在圈子里人人厌恶,连英文字母都认不全。穿越第一天就和重生女对上。   重生女冷嘲热讽,“呵!我手拿重生大女主剧本,你只能是个炮灰!”   温家亲妈满脸鄙夷:“你妹妹琴棋书画样样精通,你别丢她的脸!”   温家众人:你一个拖油瓶,识相点就赶紧滚,别待在温家丢脸。   炮灰?拖油瓶?温大佬冷冷一笑,一手烂牌她照样能打出王炸!   从落魄农家女一跃成为华国神医!   从一无所有的小可怜活成星光璀璨!   一无所有又怎样?她照样能一双素手扭转乾坤!   *   就在众人习以为常村里来的某大佬以后,她摇身一变成为了Z岛顶端世家的大小姐。   顶流影帝一号:介绍一下,这是我妹妹,鬼才编剧。   佣兵大佬二号:介绍一下,这是我妹妹,古武届大佬。   冷漠霸总三号:介绍一下,这是我…   众人:她也是你妹妹?   冷漠霸总:不,她是我老板。   ……   只是,从一无所有到星光璀璨,一直都有人在她身后护她周全。   既许一人以偏爱,愿尽余生之慷慨。   【古穿今+金手指+女主美美美!!】

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