
Angelhale High

In the world of Annakai, the realm of all beings and creatures, a hole opens into the light skies above, shoving a newcomer into it's depths. Kenzie, a young human, discovers she's not alone in this new journey. Thinking to live a new life, only to discover she's the key to saving Annakai against Gods.

Miss_Kenzie · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Fall

"How powerful do you take the Gods to be?"

"I take them as cowards."

"C-COWARDS?! But-"

"You heard me. I won't speak again about them until she arrives.." 

"You mean the girl in the books?"

"Yep. She should be here any minute now."

"How do you expect her to get he-" 

The stop of conversation. Silence filled the area as the figure looked up to the skies. A fairly small hole, compared to the sky, opened. Within were binary code and magic of blues and turquoise. Coming out flew down a feminine figure, screaming to the top of her lungs,


The figures went over to where the girl was going to fall, watching. They looked to each other before one disappeared. The other disappearing as well.

Slamming into the ground, the girl was surprised she was even alive. The ground around her cracked and the nature ruined in a small radius,

"U-Ugh... God.. Everything hurts.."

Muttering out under her breathless mouth, she tried to move. Her body felt paralyzed to the ground as she kept trying to move. The area became foggy and dark for a moment. 

At her last few seconds, she noticed some bright red shoes running her way, only to hear and listen.

"Oh my goodness! Hello?! Are you conscious?!"

As the silence filled the area, the girl's eyes closed and the whole world went dark...

After years, I came back with a new and improved version of Angelhale High ( Used to be called ' The Creator ' ). I've been planning and experimenting with so much!

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