
Angelhale High

In the world of Annakai, the realm of all beings and creatures, a hole opens into the light skies above, shoving a newcomer into it's depths. Kenzie, a young human, discovers she's not alone in this new journey. Thinking to live a new life, only to discover she's the key to saving Annakai against Gods.

Miss_Kenzie · Fantasy
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5 Chs

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Opening her eyes, Kenzie takes a good look around her surroundings. The smell of a hospital, exactly where she sat. In a bed, healing from the fall. The voice of a British female stood out to her, 

"Good morning! I'm glad you're awake!"

Seeing a stranger in the room with her, Kenzie freaked out a little. She panicked internally, not even being able to speak. Her eyes shown it all, widening to this new being. The figure put her hands up, telling Kenzie non-verbally that she meant no harm,

"Don't panic too much. I apologize if I've scared you. My name is Fiona Ramidha, or some just call me Lady Fiona. Pleasure to meet you."

As Fiona put a hand out to Kenzie, the two met eyes for a moment before shaking it off. From there, Fiona continued,

"I saw your body on the ground in a.. not so well state, so I carried you to the hospital. You were non-conscious even!"

"Well uhm... Thank you... I appreciate it. You didn't have to. But thank you."

Fiona bowed, lowering her body before standing up again. Before Kenzie could really get a good appearance check, a nurse entered the room, 

"Good morning. My name is Nurse Whittington. How are you feeling, Kenzie?" 

"Oh uhm- I'm just in pain. I can't describe certain spots. It just hurts all over."

"Could you rate the pain from 0 to 10, 0 being no pain?" 


"Okay, and is there anywhere in particular that hurts more than others?"

"My ribcage."

"Alright. Well i'll be taking care of all your concerns. Are you having trouble breathing or feeling shortness of breath?" 

"Uhm.. Yeah.."

"We'll get a doctor to look at your ribcage then. It's possible you'll have bruises or even fractures. Do you have any dizziness or nausea?"

"Not too much, just a tiny bit dizzy."

"Any tingling in your arms or legs?"

"No. Just pain."

"We'll run some tests to make sure everything's in order. Just lay back and relax for now while I go place in some paperwork and get some medication."

As Nurse Whittington turned to Fiona, bowing his head before making a hand motion, telling her to come outside. Fiona stepped out with him. 

'I wonder why he'd need to speak with her...' 

Kenzie tilted her head and then got up from the bed, making her way slowly over to the door and listening into their conversation,

"Is there something you need, Nurse?" 

"I wish to ask you a few questions."

"Go on..."

"First, What is your relationship to the patient, Fiona?" 

"I'm not close with her. I am simply the bystander of what happened."

"So can you tell me what happened?"

"All I seen was that she had fallen from the sky. Landed on the ground with some pretty bad pain. But for some reason, I thought she would have been in much more of a damaged state."

The nurse thought for a moment. She was right. He clicked a pen, writing down something onto the clipboard and on some papers,

"What was she like when you found her? Bruises? Open wounds? Any signs of lethal harm?" 

"Kenzie definitely had bruises forming. But other than that, she clutched her side before going unconscious."

"And I assume she didn't speak?"


"Now this is going to be more.. uhm- magical questions. Do you know if Kenzie has any sort of abilities or something magical?"

"Not that I have been told yet. I'm unaware if she does."

"Hm.. okay we'll have to do some tests. We can't give her certain things or treatment with certain magic or abilities, as you'd know." 

As the two finished their conversation, Kenzie went back to her bed. The idea of sleeping sounded nice, yet horrifying. What if they came to do things to her while she slept? What if they hurt her more? What if Fiona did anything? Would she even be alive if she slept...?

Fiona stepped inside the room again, her eyes glancing over to the patient. She walked over and placed her hands upon the rail at the end of the bed,

"Since I did not introduce myself fully, i'll do so now. You know my name, but call me Fiona for short. I shall be helping you, but you need to listen to me."


"Good. Would you like an explanation of where you truly are?" 

"That would be nice."

"Great. Settle in. I'm about to say a lot."

Oh no...