
ancient saiyan in mha

just another saiyan isekai with a training system. I dont own MHA or dargon ball.

Peter_Gatis · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


It is a very interesting day for the citizens of japan.

Today they had seen on live tv two heroes fighting a enraged muscle giant. Heroes fighting on live tv is quite common. You dont even need to watch them on tv! With the crime rates being as high as they are you can just go take a stroll every day and you are bound to see some action.

But today was unique. The main hero shown today was gang orca, one of the top heroes. Needless to say he is very strong! He also has a giant fanbase, so the news where being spread even further faster.

But that's not all! You would expect that a strong hero like Gang Orca would make quick work of the villain right? Nope! At the end of the fight Gang Orca was quite injured on the contrary. Even the help of the hero Tether wasn't enough to turn the tide of the battle.

Most watchers where very worried as they watched Orca get punched repeatedly by the giant. taking blow after blow. But they did not think bad of the hero, no no no!

His image was raised even higher to most of the viewers!

They saw the damage Rhino can cause with every hit whenever he punched the ground or the environment. He bulldozed through one of the most tough buildings, designed to be impenetrable with ease! Dont underestimate the durability of banks in a world where villains are commonplace.

Unknown to him there was a camera zoomed in on his back from the police barricade. Because of the zoom it seemed like it was barely meters away from him.

From the view of the viewers who watched the footage Gang Orca looked like a protector. A guardian sacrificing himself to protect them from the Villain. Despite his injuries, he pushed on with determination. Tanking every hit.

This is the biggest reason why Gang Orcas fanbase grew from that day. His fame gaining a new height.

Unlike Tether who despite his efforts, only a minority of the population commended for his power and bravery. In most peoples eyes he was barely contributing in the fight. Even the villain completely dismissed the hero and opted to attack Gang. Tether was barely useful.

But then came todays main event. The major participation of the rising star.

Not many people knew of the tiny vigilante. But the event that proceeded made his fame suddenly sky rocket at hyper speed.

A new tiny figure appearing suddenly and taking on Rhinos punch with ease. Completely unbothered by the hit. And then matching the berserkers devastating power in a loud exchange of blows.

It made viewers blood boil with confusion and excitement.

Who was this guy? What is his quirk? Is he a hero? How is he so strong? How come nobody knew of him?

But before they could even try to search for a answer on the internet the situation of the fight changed yet again. The tiny new figure breaking Rhinos fist in a single strong blow. The seemingly impossibly durable villain roaring in pain.

His solid kick on the giants face making it distort beyond what should be possible. Leaving neither the criminal neither the viewers time to react he rocketed up the the sky with a series of after images.

The news helicopter actually caught footage of the epitome of his 'flight'. His carefree movement and style seeming free and unrestrained.

people where confused yet again with his actions. But their question was not left unanswered for long as the figure accelerated downwards with even more speed than his rise. Landing on the villain and knocking him unconscious. Ending the fight.

Even when the dust cloud fell down and revealed his figure in the middle of the crater, he looked completely unbothered. Not even a single sign of being tired.

It was crazy! There aren't many heroes that have shown this level of power and speed. And by the words of the news anchor the figure was a vigilante!

'Who is he?' was the question that plagued their minds.

Posts about the new vigilante blew up on the internet. Tens of thousands of people actively trying to extract any information they can.

Sadly their hunger was left unattended as only a small amount of info was available. Mostly concerning a older incident in a gas station and some horribly filmed footage of him downing weak villains.

but this shroud of mystery just served to make them even more invested. Theories about his quirk and history flowing like a broken dam for the following days.

- Phoenixdunker posted: 'I have a interesting theory of his quirk We can all see that he is considerably undersized for his power, so what is his quirk allows him to compact his body and make it stronger?'

- UnholyPilgrim : 'My mans onto something here! That is actually possible! It explains why he is soo small too. If his actual name is David I'm going to be laughing for the rest of my life!'

- Lewdylew69 : 'I dont know why he is so small. But he is probably doing it to hide his identity better'

- DragonMight : ' Such a shame! Because of his height he has a shitty name like [Imp] . Who else believes that we should give him a new one?'

- HonkSmash : ' Yeah! He should have a cool name like [Speed Demon] because he is seriously fast.'

- UnholyPilgrim : ' Nah! It doesnt do justice to his sheer strength. I recommend something like [The Buster] since he busted Rhinos hand and ribs with ease '

- DeepFriedBrain : ' Hmmm. He looks and give of the air of someone free. To his enemies he seems unrestrainable, a loose cannon, completely irresistible in combat... '

- Horrificendbringer : ' Fast. Strong. Unrestrainable. The first image that comes to mind is a flurry of unblockable attacks with the air of crazy lawlessness. Without any pattern in his movements...'

- PheonixDunker : ' A relentless and unforgiving onslaught? '

- Lewdylew69 : ' Thats it @PheonixDunker ! Onslaught! Its a great name! '

- HonkSmash : ' Its decently good. Quite Imposing! '




The comments went on and on as new names where proposed by the communities.


Chapter End

words: 1019

Very small chapter today. If only I had more time to make it longer and get more quality inside it.

It was written so that I can ask if any of you want to suggest any nicknames fitting what he did in the bank incident.

Skyfall was also a nice name but I reconsidered with onslaught.

Gimme names. Im not creative enough.