
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 69: Out N About


The door is opened and they had a gentle smile as a very strong man. Covered in scars. Had walked in. With one of my friends beside him. She looks hypnotized in pleasure. Between her legs is a bit red but white stuff is sliding down. I am know in panic. They are turning girls into sluts. No wonder I never see recurring customers. Reasons why all I have sensed is male employees and all human. I swallowed a hard lump and I just stared at him with fear and just utter disgust. This man isn't even well built. He smells nasty. He is even covered in tattoos. His teeth is yellowish. His is thick for a strong man.

But this is the man who will rape me and turn me into a sex slave. He had a giant smile on his face and he orders his men to leave. He even hands them Hannah to them as she asked them to pleasure her. She's drugged. I am in the process of the drug right know. Its making me go hazy but I am strong. I must stay strong. But its so hard. All my body is sensitive. Every time I flinch away from him it makes me feel good.

He must be those gangs that enslave woman and make them just sex slaves. Addicted to drugs. I won't be one of them. I can't. It's getting hard to breath and this warm water isn't helping. I can't move my legs much. The man is know drenched in water as he grabs me by the arms and forces me to face him. He tried kissing me but I used my hands to push his face away from mine. I must fight. I can't surrender. He slaps me and I screamed in pain but it didn't hurt much. I felt surprised. Whatever this thing is. Its making my body yearn for pleasure.

I started panting as my whole body started to feel so warm. I crossed my legs as he pushes me back. He gets on his knees as he touches my area. I accidentally moaned and I panted harder. What is this emotion? Why does this feel so good? But why am I not satisfied?

"Don't worry wolf girl... This will make you feel so much better..." He commented

I looked to what he was saying and he had undone his pants and pulls out his dick. My eyes wide open in fear. That thing looks big but so disgusting. It has a weird thing in the shape of a diamond under the skin. It even smelled horrible. How many did he rape? There was a feint smell of blood on it. I swallowed hard as he had a giant grin on his face. No. Please no. I tried to crawl away again but my body is slimy so I fell back to the wet floor. He grabs my legs and turns me around. I looked at him panicked. He tried getting me closer but I struggled. This drug will never control my actions. If he pleasures me then I will lose my mind.

I won't be able to fight back. I won't be able to return. Even if this sensation feels so good I just can't. One way or another I will lose my virginity. To him or to someone else. I can see it. I know it. But I don't want to have anything that involves a sickness or a virus from this rapist.

A man walks in panicked "Boss! The police are here!"

"How? We made sure this area is secured!" The man says pissed of

He pushes me against the wall as he stands up "It was a raid... One of our men was a spy!"

"Who?" He asked pissed off

My mind is starting to haze up even more "I think it was the one who is fond of that thing in the back!"

Thing? So the being I sensed is the one they have here as well "Fuck... I should have never placed anyone to protect that thing!"

"But the officers are raiding the sauna were the girls are being held!" The man says in panic

The man glares at me and grabs me by the hair making me scream "All we have is this pest..."

"Yes sir..." The man says in panic

"Fuck... She is still useful in the black market..." He comments as he grabs my hair harder

I screamed even more I wanted to know if someone can hear me. Slowly I started to sense a lot of men and woman in the building. The man looks very pissed of as we slowly were hearing them. The man said something about the barriers. So he had a barrier up all this time. So this is all a ploy to catch woman and enslave them. Gun shots were heard and it made me yelp in fear. The man looks pissed of. He pushes the man out and the door slams open. The boss shuts my mouth as he tries to move me to a corner.

"Nice try!" A man above us spoke

I glanced up and this man is breathtaking. My whole mind started to haze up even faster with just staring at him completely. The man is in full panic as he tries to get something to use. But the man above had went forward. My face close to his chest and he pushed the back back. This man being half blob I didn't get hurt. Much. The officer I assume grabs me before the boss falls face first to the floor.

Everywhere he touched made my body yearn for more. 'Touch me more...' What? No I can't think that way. I must hold those urges in. This officer isn't human. But I don't know what is he as he has a different aura than the beings I have encountered in my life. This man I have never met such handsome and strong man as well with a different aura. Who is he? What is he? Why can't I take him now and here? No I must get this dirty thoughts out of my mind.

"Your safe know..." His voice makes me melt in such pleasure

He uses his jacket to cover my body as other officers started to come in one by one. This man is all wet and it's just so confusing. While the other officers took the men and checked the place. I held on to him tightly while covering my body in fear. I want him. I want him so badly. The moment I barely saw anybody I held his shirt tightly. He looks at me worriedly but I can sense it from him. I could sense his urges for me. I can even see it. I can even see his well built body. All wet. His uniform tight around his body is fully taunting me.

I clenched my jaw but he tried standing up but I didn't let him. His radio going of but all I wanted is him. The person in his radio sounded annoyed but I didn't care. He looks at me terrified. He isn't human so I can use my extra strength on his. He is very much afraid.

"Look... I don't... I don't want to harm you" he tries to protest

"Shut the door and shut up... This... Whatever this shit is... It's making me crazy and... And right know I prefer another virgin to help me" I taunted

"No I can't... Wait? How did you know am a virgin?" He asked in panic

I smiled a little as I say "I can smell it on you... Sense it on you... I can even sense that you want me too"

He swallows a lump and says "I am like any other guy when they see a naked girl... It has a mind of it's own..."

I placed my finger on his lips and say "No... I didn't see your friend yet... I can sense the urges... The moment we locked eyes... I saw it... I saw that you wanted me... That you wanted to protect me... You got jealous... You got angry..."

He looks at me shocked but he removes my finger from his lips as he spoke "So... You can sense and know all that just looking into my eyes..."

"Yes..." I say slowly as I started to move towards him

He starts to crawl as he spoke "So you even felt... That good tingling sparks?"

"Yes..." I answered slowly again

He swallows a lump again as he nears the corner I was on all fours walking towards him as he spoke again "Look... I don't want to... To... Have sex with my mate without her being aware of the situation..."

"I don't care at this moment... When our eyes met this shit and the bond you are speaking of made my mind haze up with need... So come here" I say as I get on top of him

I start to kiss his neck and nibble on it as I held on to him "If you keep doing this I won't hold back"

"Oh don't hold back... I want you to take me!" I told him as I take a bite at his shoulder

A growl erupts from him and he holds me tightly. A moan came out of me as he holds me tighter to him. The way he moved made me moan but its so empty in here. My moan echoed all around the walls. The door slams open to reveal a pissed of woman but I didn't care as I licked the bleeding I had caused on him. Something stung on my neck and I yelped. I removed it as I heard him growl angrily. I stared at the item and saw that it was a dart.

I started to feel numb but I stared at him as I felt scared. I want him. But my eyes were wide open as I saw his eyes. They were mismatched. His a hybrid? Just like me? He glares forward and he bared his fangs at whomever that woman is. But he got shot as well. I tried protecting him but I can't move. My body feels heavy. I heard my name but I slipped into darkness.

I never even got his name?

He called me his mate?

What is that?

What does it mean?

I can't believe I guessed his emotions.

What will happen?

~Back to Reality~

Luke left me to rest a whole day and helped me try to walk again. I had those weird dreams again. Weird. But in a way exciting. Though I did not feel pain or anything. Still weird as ever and just not vivid. I am happy though. It wasn't painful like what I felt when I was inside the book. I literally spent forty eight hours inside that book and my legs weren't completely back to being stable. They felt like gelatin. It took a bit and my stomach from empty to being full. Luke kept deep in thought as he helped me walk again but today. I am walking about with Luke by my side as we walked towards Scarlet's small home. Luke is staying by my side this time as he has done everything early. He didn't want to leave my side and just wanted to spend the day with me. Kassandra is not speaking to me. Afraid of something. I don't understand why. She won't even look at me. Did Luke tell her something bad? Or did she encounter something?

I looked at Luke as he was deep in thought this time. I felt completely confused so I just stayed quiet a little more. Once in a while I hear a gentle good evening Alpha and Lune from the ones that live in the pack. Jonathan came passed us by jogging as well greeting us and kept jogging away. I felt completely confused to all of it but it seems I have so much to learn. I sighed out and just looked down as I noticed the fallen leaves. It's really beautiful. The dried ones falling of so the new ones can come out. I looked up and noticed the small buds of flowers from the bright green trees. Beautiful.

I glanced at Luke as he was looking at me gently. I can still see the gentle hints of worriedness from him and I just smiled gently. Jeremy is no longer here and Amelia is stuck here for now. I think she is ordered to be in the Watermelon produce with Vanessa and Aria. Oliver is in Luke's office making sure the paperwork is in order while Luke hangs out with me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him gently as I stopped walking

He huffs a little with a gentle smile while saying "Just... I can't admire the woman I love"

I felt my face heat up and I just tried to push him as I say "I... Hey! No dodging... I can still see you are very worried about something"

I felt him walk to me and I just took steps back. My breath hitched. His dark eyes are hypnotic. I can't believe that. Amazing. I kept looking at him eyes as I felt my back connect with something. I looked to the side and saw nothing so I looked up. A tree. That is so weird. I swallowed the growing lump as I looked at Luke again as he was so close to my face. He looks so serious. So stern. He places a hand above me as his other hand grabbed me by my chin. My heart started racing as I didn't know what to do. My eyes were wide open as I stared at him get close to my face. My breathing started to be heavy as I didn't know what he was doing.

I did my very best not to do anything stupid but this position. His leg rubbing dangerously close to my area my core is already pulsating. Thanks to that weird dream this is not helping me at all. His lips touched mine and I felt as if I am floating in the air. It felt so good. I just wanted to stay in heaven a little longer.

I can never understand how I love this man so much but I do.

I always will love this man.

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