
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 68: Snapping out

I hate psychologists with all my heart and I am so happy I have just one more appointment and I can just go my merry way. I was walking back to my apartment as I needed to get something different to wear. 'You need to confront whatever is haunting you and it is something that had started when you were young...' That psychiatrist voice echoes around my head and I just got angrier. It made me so pissed of that I just couldn't help start to jog. I don't even want to go to the University anymore. I should leave already. I just hate this so much. I felt my heart race and I just wanted everything to vanish into thin air.

-'I Love You Kyle... But me and my child don't want this... None of this'-

The woman in my dreams voice echoes in my mind. I clenched my jaw as I felt completely and utterly annoyed. I hate this dreams. I hate whoever that woman is. I want everything to stop already. This dreams. The way they just attack me out of nowhere. It is starting to get very much annoying and I want it all to stop. I want it to stop. I hate this. I stopped as cars were speeding by. I may be depressed and having hard times trying to think positive or straight. But I am not suicidal. Not yet at least. I sighed out as I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I wanted to run. I want to keep running. Should I go back home. I want to stay far away from all of this. Maybe I should just move to the country side. Just stay away from everyone. Stay hidden. Stay away from all the problems. Keep the distance from all the stress and problems. I looked forward and I felt completely in shock. From across the street there stood a male. He looks so similar to the one in my dreams.

-He looks confused until I actually and slowly started digging the dagger deep into my gut.-

The birthmark in my stomach started aching and I touched it. Hissing a bit in pain. The pain is getting worse. It is getting completely unbearable by now. I looked down and noticed blood. I can hear the muffled sounds of people panicking around me. 'W-What?' My eyes were wide open as I felt completely confused. Why am I bleeding? How am I bleeding? I looked up and the man is gone. I looked down to my now open wound. I raised my shirt a bit and noticed a small hole. Did I get shot? How come I didn't hear it? I started shaking. My body felt completely tense.

What is going on? How did this happen? I fall on my ass as my legs felt weak. I couldn't stand much longer. I kept hearing the people around and I just clutched the wound in my stomach. I started to shake in panic as I felt the memories of my dream start to rush forward. I looked around the crowd of people as I heard a name. A familiar name but I just couldn't put it in place.

I saw a creature flashing in and out of my vision and it was starting to make me feel such fear. I looked around and I saw a different male. Above the crowd. He looks completely pissed of. My surroundings started to slowly vanish as well. I don't understand what is happening? I felt my world start to feel heavy and dizzy. I just wanted everything to stop. I suddenly felt a hand on my arm and I flinched. The person tried talking to me but I just couldn't hear him. I can see he is talking to me but I just can't see anything.

My world in spinning and I am seeing things. I felt the world spin again and I am suddenly looking at the sky and I just wanted everything to stop. The pain slowly going numb and I started seeing everything different. Is this another dream? Am I stuck in a loop of dream hopping or something. A dream in a dream. A nightmare in a nightmare. Maybe another realistic dream. I hear the voice of beast roaring.

-"I want her captured! Unharmed!" Damon yells in order rage in his eyes-

That's the male I saw earlier across the crowd. He looks so angry. Such rage in his eyes. What did I do to him? Or; What did the female in my dream do to him? This dreams are getting darker and darker but so repetitive.

-I rushed around in panic as I searched for Damon everywhere. He announced that I should be captured and unharmed. I am still on time to rescue everyone from this place. Its certainly abandoned on this area but its all showing signs of traps. Weird looking creatures and all I can do is dodge. I know one male from the villain side that will certainly will take me to him. If only I can see him. I was able to glide through a thin path and I saw a lot of humans packing.-

I could feel her fear. The adrenaline in her veins as she wanted to run away. Escape from everything. I could see how she wanted to cry but wanted to stay strong. She is in complete panic as these monsters wanted to capture her in some way. I tried looking at her but my body felt so heavy. As if someone is sitting on my stomach. As if I had been chained down. This dreams are getting harder to handle. I started to cough a bit as my heavy breathing was making it hard to keep my mind settled. Or even my throat dried. I couldn't hear anything from the real world. Why do I have so much bad luck.

-One was watching and I think I saw the traitor among them. There he is. I looked to those things and when they weren't looking I gunned for it. I ran towards the humans and that one noticed me. When he looks my way it was none other than Henry. I smiled widely and he extends his hand and I did the same. I need a boost. The moment our hands connected he pulls me hard. I was breathing heavily and I had bent down to at least let the flow of air enter my system. I coughed a little.-

My lungs started to hurt so badly as I tried to look around but I couldn't recognize my surroundings. But Henry. The male in my dreams. He looks like he is in love with the female. The way he quickly rescued her. Instead of leaving her there to be captured. He helped her. I can see in his eyes the worriedness he has but the slight anger and jealousy in them. I feel like he never knew she is pregnant. Or did he know and just ignored it. I feel like he wanted to father the child of that woman.

He really wanted to be part of life maybe. Be the father of someone else's child. But the female in the dreams she wasn't fully human if I am correct. Later in my dream she shares her blood with a young girl and lied to her about it. Using the child for her own selfish reasons.

-I stood and sighed out and I say "Thank you Henry..."-

I can feel the relief in her system as she had thanked him. She feels so good and her adrenaline was going down. I can see everything start to darken but these visions still had some type of daylight time. I can see clouds. I can still see the bright sun. What's going on with my vision. Darkness is draining the light around me.

-"No problem... But what are you doing here? We specifically told you to stay away from Damon" he warns me as he holds my hand-

The strength this man has I knew it clearly. He is jealous. Possessive even. I so wanted to smack his hand away but I am not the female. But I could feel her slight annoyance but I think she held it down before she could even notice herself.

-"I know but it just happened... Each time I run away he is there or I collide with him" I tried to defend myself-

Her annoyance is rising and in a way I can understand that part. I tried looking around as everything was getting darker and darker. What's happening? The crowd of people that were around me. I couldn't even see their faces now. Oh god. Am I dying? I could slowly feel my body light as a feather. The light around me was completely vanishing into thin air.

-"Still... Blow him off... Tell him off... Do something to push him away" he says angrily-

-I just smiled and say "How? I always do what you tell me... But still nothing helps"-

If I ever meet that male named Henry I would have smacked him. Make him mind his own damned business. He can't be possessive with something he could never have. Someone who doesn't even love him that way. Men are so annoying. A lot of the so called nice guys half of those nice guys turn out to be stalkers; aggressive; dangerous; suicidal; murders and even worse kidnappers.

Since I started having these dreams I made sure to keep my distance from men. But now look at me. I want to lose my virginity but I am afraid with who I want to lose it.

~Back to Reality~

I gasped awake as I felt so much air gone. I looked around in panic. What is happening? Where am I? I felt hands on me and I started to scream. Struggling in the process. I really wanted everything to stop. My stomach felt so much pain. Am I being attacked.

"KIRA IT'S ME!" I hear a familiar voice and my whole world slowly snapped

'Kira?' I started panting and I stopped my whole body and I looked forward and noticed a very familiar face. Tears started streaming down my eyes and I just wanted to keep crying. I am such an idiot. I should have known I was stuck in the book again. How long was I in that book? Or how long was I out? What time is it? What day is it? I started blinking as fast as I could as the tears were welling up in my eyes now. My cheeks had that slight burn as tears are basically not h20 type. So it will bother the skin.

Luke holds me against him "Oh my god... I got so worried... For a moment I thought you were stuck in there"

"How long was I in there?" I asked curiously

It couldn't have been a few hours. Though it felt like I was in there like any other day.

Magic is so different than what I can expect from what I have seen in books and television.

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