
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

After Alex suddenly disappear from her sight Miyuki collapse on her knee while crying. She's too late, Alex misunderstood her word. And then she recalled back the time when she first meet him in this world. The word keep echoing in her head.


"C-Can you kill me?"


"... Please don't abandon me…. Please *sob* *sob* I don't want to be alone anymore"


She recalled back the word of what Alex said when they meet, Alex at that time mentally unstable, he even want her to kill him. She was at lost, she thought that her situation was worse but she seem to forget what cause Alex to be in that state, to reject even the idea of living.

"…. I'm wrong…. Alex, please come back *sob*sob*" Miyuki start to plead to no one. But this time Alex didn't magically appear, no, far from it, the house was eerily silent on the sound of Miyuki crying can be heard. The house was like that for another 30 minute.

"… I don't care anymore, even if you do not remember me I still remember you." Miyuki start to mutter. And slowly stand up from her kneeling position, she slowly make her way out of the house.



The sound of the door opening and closing echo throughout the house as Miyuki made her way out.

"…. Since you don't want to come back it's fine.." as she was outside the house the ground start shaking.

"… you can hide while you can, I will find you no matter you are hiding" a large piece of land start to float from the ground and make it way to the top of the house.

" I don't have any 'home' at this moment on…. The only 'home' I recognize from now on is where I am by your side"


The huge boulder drop to the and smash it to bits. At this time there is something that she ignore the moment she wake up till now. And that is the strange pull to her soul that is always pointing to Alex direction. But it was vague, she can only tell the direction of where is it.

"In the past I didn't get to full fill my dream to have a family with you. But now, since we are together in this immortal life. I will make sure you accept me, either by hook or by crook" At this point Miyuki has a large smile on her face similar to any yandere girl she read in the manga.

*Swoush* (bad at imagining the sound of people jumping at huge force that leaving the ground cracking)

And with that in mind she 'jump' toward the general direction Alex are leaving a damage environment behind.





1 years later

Somewhere in Washington, United State America.

At a small apartment complex with 1 bedroom, there is a man lying on a single size bed with sweat cover his naked top. The man is around 1.75 meter tall, black hair that reach his neck and a accompanied with a handsome face.

Right now he was sleeping, but his body will sometime move around at reflex, you can tell just by looking at it he does not has a pleasant dream.

Suddenly he abruptly woke up from his sleep and sat up.



He take a deep breath to calm himself, put his feet down on the ground and reach out for a case that beside his bed on the table. He open it up, you can see that inside the case is full of brown color cigarette.

" Where's the lighter.. tch" after putting a cigarette on his mouth he search for a lighter but cant find it. Too lazy to find the lighter he snap his finger and a fire is coming out of his thumb.

*Huff *


He then glance at the time, it was already noon. He got out from his bed and made his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After a quick shower he stood in front of a mirror and take a glance at his body. He was a well built body with a sixpack and a toned muscle all over his bbody.

" It's only been a year and my body is growing at absurd rate..." he mutter to himself. Yes if you can't guess by now who this is, this is Alex. It's been a year since he left Miyuki, on the day he disappear from the mountain he reappear on a city somewhere in japan. He know by listening to conversation around him that he was in Tokyo.

it's weird for to suddenly see a tall building, colourful light all around, a tv(?) That was bigger than the tank they use during the war attach to the wall of some building and many weird thing.

By now he recognize that he has in modern era just like his first life. After he sort out those thought, he then remember that different form his last life, in this life he has a supernatural power. The first thing he know is teleportation, and the second one is something to do with plant? He wasn't sure either, he need to explore this thing slowly.

If he remember correctly, the first time he use it is at the mountain that Miyuki live at. Remembering the woman that 'misstook' him for someone else, his heart ache in pain. He was hoping that he finally meet the one that truly care for him, but it seem like it was just his hallucination. When she 'chase him out' he just want to get out of there before he start to feel more pain, but even though he was nowhere near her, it was still hurt.

Pushing that thought of his mind, he focus back on the current situation. He try to remember the feeling of the first time he use the his power, after a couple minute he start to feel the surrounding 100 meter. In this range he can 'see' everything clearly, from the people, car, and even fly, he can 'see' everything. Some people around notice that a cute boy is standing in the middle of the side road unmoving for a couple of minute. A woman with office dress begin to approach the boy.

" Hey boy, it's dangerous out her alone. About you follow this Nee-san to somewhere safe?" the woman ask and want to pat Alex head. But before she can touch him he suddenly disappear like a ghost as if he wasn't there.




100 meter away from that place, Alex suddenly appear near an alley

" I see….. So that's how I use this power, I just need to will it and I can appear anywhere within my range. But then…. How did I get this far from Miyuki house?" he doesn't know the answer and right now he doesn't want to think anything either, he was tired emotionally.

" Now….. what do I do?" he don't know what to do from now on. " Maybe I just go around everywhere the wind brought me ?" he jokingly thought and then he remember that strange connection that he feel with Miyuki. He can sense the general direction where it was, and right now when he carefully feel it, he sense two different connection. But one of them was very far from here, and the other one he can feel that like usual, no different.

Putting that thought in the back of his mind, he decide to take a journey back to his 'home country' in U.S "But I don't have any identification…. Well I will just sneak inside of the plane I guess"

And then he make his way to the Air Port by just teleport repeatedly since it not far from where he is. He reach Haneda Air port after just under 10 minute, he check the flight schedule and notice that there was a flight the head to Seattle in about 40 minute.

Without wasting anytime he teleport inside bypassing the checkpoint and search for the right gate. Surveying inside looking for someone that was travelling alone, he teleport beside him in quick motion teleport back to a toilet he found on the way to the gate, knock him out of cold, search for his ticket and just leave the poor man the poor man there alone.

He wait a couple more minute until the gate open for the passenger to go in, he wait for another 20 minute for the plane to take off and teleport inside the plane toilet.

And just like that he get into the seat the man he stole from was suppose to sit while avoiding as many CCTV and guard along the way by using his sense. And have his much needed sleep for another 11 hour .

Totally Unaware of a woman that was chasing after him.