
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 18

[ This is the last time I change the title of this book, tee hee. Anyway enjoy!!!]

Chapter 18

He reach Seattle around 9 in the evening, after the plane land he just teleport multiple time from there and got out of the Air Port. He teleport on top of a building and just stare blankly at the city below, thinking what to do from now on.

" I don't have an identity in this world, I'm just a ghost right now… Hmmm a ghost huh?" he tilted his head up and gaze at the sky" suite me well I guess?"

" Right now I need money, a place to stay and an identity to forge. I guess more work? Let's see, the first choice is to threaten a governor ….. nah that's stupid.

Second choice is to work some time on the underground to get some money, but will they take me seriously with this child body? Hmmm … I guess with some hard mean it can be done.

The third choice is to learn how to hack and make my own identification and steal some money along the way…. Nah to troublesome, the second choice it is then." After making his decision he got up and want to search for some bar around here, but his entire body start hurting.



He can hear his own heartbeat, he recognize this pain. It was the same type of pain he go through when he was still in Miyuki house , and only one type of medicine can help him ease this pain. Putting one of his hand down on the ground he started to recalled how the energy from before work and a beautiful flower with 6 petal appear in front of him and with a wave of his hand the flower start to make the same proses and transform into a pipe of cigarette.

He lit it up a take a deep puff.



A cloud of smoke come out form his mouth bringing along the pain he felt. It's has been exactly 24 hour from the last time he felt this pain again.

" What's going on, Is there something wrong with my body? I don't remember that I have any illness before. Not like I can go to check up my body or anything since I don't have an iD for now. Let's just obverse for now, since this cigarette can subside my pain I will wait till then."

After making decision to postpone the matter for latter he vanish from the place and continue on what he was originally planning to do.


6 months later

Somewhere at L.A in Holmby Hills, there is a large mansion in the neighborhood that everyone know it's owner. Whether they know by awe, fear, vengeance or wariness it's all depend on who's talking. In any normal day, this mansion is fill with guard guarding every corner of the house inside and out.

But today was a little bit different from any normal day, it was because today the guard was on high alert from morning and the number of guard was also double, they have been on this state almost a week now. Why did they in this situation? It was because their superior got a tips from someone that their boss was being targeted by an assassin.

If it was a normal assassin they it will ignore does threat because it was quite normal for the boss to receive this kind of threat because so many people want him dead. But now they can't just shrug it off.

It was because, right now the boss is being targeted by a dangerous and infamous assassin in the entire underground world of America. Nobody know of his or her origin, the only thing they know is that he or she appear in the underground world precisely 6 month ago.

Although he or she is new in this business, the efficiency of his/her work is enough to scare many people that has heard it name. Everytime someone was targeted by he/she it was as if the god of death will personally come to great you. The target will die in matter of week when it set it aim on.

Nobody know the appearance of the assassin because he/she is always wearing a mask whenever he/she work. But it did matter, the title of "White Crawler" is a name that was fear in the underground, the name did attract many bigshot and government to contact him but they always fail to have any lead to approach him.

The only way to contact him is by the apps called 'SYCHO' it was an underground apps that was create for underground worker to submit a job or accept a job. The app only work on a special device create only for the use of it to protect the customers information. So they have no way no personally contact him, and rumors say the only person that manage to have a chat with it is the one that brought him to this society. But he was also kill with a bullet in his forehead.

So when they got a information about "White Crawler" aiming for their boss head, everyone is on high alert. Right now on the third floor of the mansion, there is around 6 people sitting on a circular table. Everyone has a serious expression on their face.

" it's been a week since we have receive the information about "White Crawler" aiming for my head. Do any of you have any useful information?" some on spoke up in the sit of the 'head'. He is the one that was being targeted this time.

His name is Gordon Brute, a fat man with an ugly face. He is currently wearing a white suit unbefitting of his ugly appearance. He is a shrewd business man, on the surface he is opening a branch restaurant all over LA, but what normal people doesn't know is that he is also selling illegal drug and human trafficking.

Even though he was doing illegal business, the authority didn't do anything because of the evidence their receive is not 'enough. He has been targeted of many assassin from the past either from his competitor or just some people who have a vendetta on him.

" No sir, we didn't detect any unusually movement in our perimeter" a man with a bulky body answer him. he was the head security and also the personal body guard of Gordon.

"Tch, useless" the fat man spoke in irritation. The other in the room just keep silent.

Suddenly their hear a sound




The sound of a silencer, they didn't have time to relax before 3 people of the room have a hole on their forehead. It was to sudden for them, they didn't hear any noise before the sound of the silencer just suddenly heard.

The remaining to people beside Gordon quickly got up from their chair and rush toward Gordon to protect him. The one with the athlete body shout at the door.

"GUARDDD!!! Call all available men inside right NOW!!!! The 'White Crawler' has arrive."

10 second

40 second

2 minutes

Even after 5 minute there was no sound coming from the door, their back was now wet of cold sweat. The room was now deadly silent, Gordon cant take the silent anymore and immedietly ask him to check what's going on outside.

" Go check what's going on outside, I pay you guys not for playing hide and seek, but to protect me bastard!! NOW GO"

"Yes sir"

The man leave his position to check what's going on outside and leaving only bulky man beside Gordon.

He slowly open the door with his left hand while his right hand was holding a gun. But unlucky for him, the moment he open the door a knife is slicing directly at his neck.



Blood was gushing out from his neck, he didn't even have a chance to scream before darkness embracing him.

"QUICK SHOOT!! He is at the door" Gordon scream at the only man beside him. The man didn't need his instruction because he already holding mp40 and shot at the direction of the door.




The sound of gun was heard in the entire room, after firing until he ran out of amno they just look at the direction of the door, but nothing can be seen except for the dust that accumulate from the firing earlier. When the bulky men want to reload his amno he suddenly lost his vision


A hole appear at the bulky man forehead, and just like that Gordon only guard is dead.

Only now did Gordon see his attacker, standing infront of him wearing a white blank mask, a black jacket and hoodie, a tactical pant and a black glove.


On his right hand he was holding a silent gun, and his left hand he was holding a combat knife. He slowly walk at Gordon direction

Gordon right now already fall on his butt, he was scare shitless right now. The man that was suppose to kill him already appear, how cant he be afraid.

"D-don't be to hasty, H-how about I double your payment and you let me free? We can talk this out , I can even offer y-" Gordon didn't get to finish his word before he was shot directly on the forehead.

The mask man just silently watch Gordon lifeless body for awhile before he speak without turning his head around.

"You can came out now" the mask man called out to no one. The room was silent for a couple off minute before a man with brown hair, pale skin and red eye come out from the corner of the room.

"Heh as expected from "White Crawler"" the man sneer and spoke sarcastically




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