
Abyssal Firmament

Jin was a mortal reincarnated into a cultivation world. He made a name for himself and became a person while far from reaching the peak was a person feared by angels, devils, and the fallen. But when he came across a powerful treasure in the abyss he was ambushed and killed. When he thought it was over he was reincarnated into a new world, in a new era with his memories and the treasure he was killed for. Join his journey as he rises above all and reigns supreme. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first try at creating a novel. After reading so much, I decided I wanted to make my own. I would appreciate some advice and tips to improve as I am a newbie writer. The cover picture is not mine if wanted to be taken down, let me know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding towards the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

Risks · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Truth I

"If you wanna fuck we can do that later. Just tell me what I want to know." I said blandly, she was a demon and way stronger than me. The fact that she hasn't pushed me to the ground and raped me is already showing enough mercy.

Zatanna smiled, "And here I thought you would put up a fight. A shame, I like my men who make me work for it." She said with a disappointed sigh but the excitement in her eyes said otherwise.

"Alucard, who I'm sure you've now figured out is my master is the bastard son of one of the top Dukes of Hell. He was sent here on a mission to gain a foothold in Genesis, keep tabs on things, and figure out what was so special about it." Zatanna began to explain but that only made me more confused.

Dukes rank high in the Infernal Hierarchy and only take orders from their Princes and Kings. There are some cases where the Duke would be as strong as their prince if not stronger and in cases like those they would only take orders from their king.

"I already knew about that. What I want to know is more about you and your sect." I said. If Zatanna was a demon for as long as I think she is then this scheme is way deeper than I thought.

"Ask away." The woman said as she arched her cherry lips and eyed me like meat.

"I'm sure that the Hell gate came from Sin City and thanks to its massive benefits, you guys had no hesitation in revolting against the royals. I'm guessing the Vice Sect master is also a demon, and so are all your Prime Disciple and a select few Core ones with Nen being the only exception." I stated.

"Correct." She nodded, "When we found the gate we had no idea it originated from the Nines at the time. Myself, Fabien, all the elders tried to enter secretly but none of us could enter no matter how hard we tried. We did it in secret because at the time we were having a purge of the sect and spies were getting killed left and right so we didn't bring our disciples to the gate in fear of their associates being a spy and tipping off the royals."

"So you guys have been dealing with them ever since back then?" I asked, realizing that the beef between Sin City and the Royals was originally a shadow war until recently at the auction, "So you guys didn't know that y'all stumbled onto an infernal inheritance ground but knew it was something that you had to be gatekeepers for."

"Yes." She answered swiftly, she then walked to one of the walls and leaned on it as she crossed her arms, lifting her massive breasts, "It was then we found out that the gate would allow at the weakest someone at the peak of Arcana Condensation and in the mid stages of Heavenly Transformation at the strongest. It was then that we brought forth our disciples with the most potential after we made them all sign soul contracts."

"When they came back the weakest was at the peak of Heavenly Transformation while the strongest was a peak Dao King but that wasn't what made things scary. When they came back they were all demonic variants of their original race." She said with a shutter.

"What?" I muttered in shock, this was bad, if any of these monsters were part of the extermination squads sent to deal with us at least half would be dead. Even I would be nothing but meat on the chopping block.

Zatanna, noticing the fear shook her head and waved her hand, "Relax, they're only low-grade demons they are the lowest grade so while they will deal some serious damage it's not something that can't be stopped."

My mood calmed down after her reassurance but I was still tense. I need to get stronger now, I don't have time to be complacent. Not anymore, not after the bomb she just dropped on me.

Luckily I found out what my last two Mortal Daos are going to be.

"This still doesn't explain why the Vice Sect Master sent those extermination squads. He even assigned them to kill members of your faction, I know you aren't going to let that slide."

Zatanna was prideful, very prideful there was no way she was going to let someone she disdained as much as the Vice Sect Master just walk all over her like that and even be bold enough to kill her members in such an underhanded way.

But to my surprise, she didn't frown or show any signs of anger or displeasure. She laughed.

"Hakari, who do you think I am? Do you really think that I'm that dumb and would let members of my own faction just throw themselves into the arms of death?" She asked.

I frowned, confused at what she was getting at, "What are you getting at? I saw Jesper kill all of your members and rape the only female member of his squad." I said until I suddenly stopped as my eyes opened wide and stared at Zatanna as the smile on her face got wider as the seconds went by.

"Don't tell me...they were all spies!" I shouted.

"Yeah, they were all spies. I couldn't have them killed in the sect or else it would've drawed attention. This was the next best thing." Zatanna replied.

Sighed and rubbed my temples as I tried to make sense of the information I was receiving. If she said anything else I'm pretty sure I would get overwhelmed by emotion.

"You have any other questions to ask?" Zatanna asked, "We have time."

"Yeah, I do." I said as I gave her a solemn look for the first time, taking her by surprise, "Why did you give yourself to Duan Ru Feng? I still don't understand that if you wanted a genius Kellian and Zantar would've been better options.

Astral Sea

Chaos Heaven


Chose One. I might choose Chaos Heaven but I want to see what you all choose.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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