Okay! Here’s the deal: My master was killed and I was thrown into a river that connects the world of mechanics to the world of fantasy. Two worlds that have been at war ever since they collided. Confused? Good. It gets weirder. My mission is to be of help for my master. But they all keep dying on me! Now, I am really just going with the flow of things. Wait...I need to save the world from total destruction? What?! But I’m just an A.I. Helper...
"Niko! Run!" These were my masters last orders and her final words.
My robotic legs could only run so fast. As they are not programmed to run in the Olympics. I didn't think I'd make it far. Nope. Not at all.
As a result of this, I was captured and crushed into little bits of pieces. No. I'm not dead. In pieces, yes. But not dead.
"Throw that thing in the water. It should have died after being crushed but just to make sure. Let it drown with the fishes." The leader told his subordinates.
The men picked up my robotic pieces into a small bag and dumped it into a nearby river. I am now dead...sike! I'm waterproof baby!
But I am floating in the river with no body...that's a problem. Hmm...what should I do now? Welp, no use thinking about it now since I actually can't do anything. No body, no hope.
Since we are going to be here for some time together, why don't I catch you up on some stuff. Let's start from the beginning.
Long ago...in a land far away…actually just a few miles from here. There lived two separate worlds. One filled with magic and all that good stuff. In the other, a world of mechanics and metal. Guess which one I'm from. From the world of metal? Nooo, who would have guessed?
Anyways, these two worlds lived separately for so long until oh about three hundred years ago on one fateful day when they were forced to merge. No one is sure of what happened but their worlds grew larger and each suddenly had a new neighbor.
Can you imagine? You are living alone one day and POP! Out of nowhere, this random person is telling you that they live next to you. Now you are forced to share that land with someone else.
This wouldn't normally be a problem except...both worlds hate each other. Both believe that the world was their own and they should be at the top. The ruler if you will.
How annoying. Why don't they just share? But it's not my problem.
So, after three hundred years of this bs. Yes, I am about more than three hundred years old. Five hundred to be exact. Don't judge! I am still young compared to the five thousand year old robots. Anyways, I don't really care for politics and all that. My only job is to serve my master. Though...that will be kinda hard since she is kinda dead...Anyways!
My role in society is to do whatever my master tells me to. Make tea? On it! Make the bed? On it! Help lead a revolution against both worlds? No problem!
What was that last task, You may ask? Well, my master, Madelyn, was leading a revolution to help combine both worlds. She wanted world peace and all that fun stuff. I was only there for support and technological advancement. She was an inventor with the idea to create emotions. She knew that our people were basically emotionless and knew no empathy. She also knew that the world of magic did not want our technology and thought themselves as basically Gods. She wanted to go against both ideologies and open their eyes to the possibilities of a combined world.
Many people were scared of her inventions or thought her ideas were stupid childish dreams. Which was my there were many traitors within her group. She knew about these people but was too naive to think she could change their minds. As a result, she is now dead.
Back to the present! How am I still alive after being smashed into pieces and thrown into the river? Easy! My memory chip is water and bulletproof. I doubt those weasels could punch harder than a bullet. The real question is who will be my master now? Without someone, I am nothing. I know I am only a memory chip, but I will do my best! I promise!
Oh, there goes a piece of metal. Bye bye.
Another piece went bye bye because of the water current.
My memory chip is actually very small. You could hardly see it. All that metal was just extra pieces from my original body.
GLUB...GLUB...I'm bored!!!
I have been floating down this river for so long. All I see is water. All I know is fish. Water. Fishy. I'm over it! Actually, I'm surprised a fish hasn't gobbled me up on accident yet.
I can't exactly see my surroundings but I can sense them in a way that's hard to explain. It's like that feeling when you're watching a movie and you know what's going to happen after. It's not like that at all but ya know. Wait! I feel the water start to slow down. Where am I?
I'm being lifted into the air. I'm...being consumed?!? Wait! I'm not edible! Noooo!!!
Well that happened. Time for nature to take its course. I guess. But to be honest, I feel different. Like this person is a part of me now. Again, hard to explain.
I tugged on the sleeve of another human.
*Huh? What was that?*
"Yes dear. He'll be here soon. Just wait" someone else said
*Was that...the owner of this body?*
"You can wait for him outside honey" the other voice said
I motioned to my room, saying that I will wait there instead.
Little did I know that this was the first time I met with my new master.