
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 2_ Accused Guilty

His eyes widen and his hand drop down from the book he was holding on Kim Min-Jun of blossom group was mention. "What! Are you very sure of this evidence you just provided?"

"Yes detective. You know, I smelled something suspicious with his dressed code the day he came. He was putting on black all through, with a black cap half covering his face and putting on nose mask. I didn't even recognize him at first."

"Well, that's normal among celebrities."

"I know detective, but at least he should have come with bouncers or some body guard. Detective Jin, I heard something that Kim Min-Jun and Park A-yeong break up just a week before now. Don't you think he might be responsible for her death?"

He glanced at him wondering why he was giving all this information when he knew it may affect him negatively. "Why are you saying all this to me?" He found himself asking.

"Aren't you here for this? And besides, Actress park A- yeong was my favorite and my female crush idol. I was her biggest Fan. So I'll do anything I can to fish out the murderer of my favorite idol."

Detective Jin sigh. Truly, the receptionist was making sense."Very well, can I see the CCTV footage for this week?"

"Sure detective." He leads him to the CCTV room.

Detective Jin watched it and truly Kim Min-Jun was spotted going into her room in a hurry and twenty two minutes later he came out in a hurry with his hands in his pocket and leaped out of the hotel.

"That's enough evidence." He thought and brought out his phone at once and calls on other cops.

"I found the murderer, it Kim min-Jun of Blossom group."

The death of the popular star actress, park A-yeong was all over the news, magazine and social media already.

The members of the blossom group were all in the living room at the company in shock and thoughts as they were watching the recent trendy news of Actress Park A-yeong death except for Park Min-Jun who was lazing beside the swimming pool at the company.

His phone has been ringing but he intentionally ignored it saying he doesn't want to be disturbed.

Then I messaged bumped in. He picked up the phone and view at the message. It was from Manager Ma "Min Jun, answer the phone quick." And then the call came again. He answered it at once.

"Hello, Manager Ma, what's up? Am I having a contract?" He jokingly asked knowing full well that Manager Ma was going to him scold for ignoring his calls.

"It could have been better if that was the case right now. Are you home?

"Nope, at the company right now but I'll soon be heading home."

"Have you seen the news?" Manager Ma asked.

"What news?"

"It social, see for yourself. I'm on my way to the company. And don't go anywhere."

"Okay, I'll do that when I'm done here..."

"Do it now!" He yelled and hang-up.

"What's wrong with him, why was he yelling being so serious? Let me see what he was lamenting about. How I'm going to know the exact news he wants to to see?" Kim Min-Jun murmured questioning viewing through social media.

At once, the sun glasses on his eyes fell from it position to the ground, his eyes widen in shock and he sit up at once as he saw the news of actress Park A-yeong death. "What the hell! No, no, no, this can't be true, it can't be. This is definitely the works of those damn reporters."

Immediately Manager Ma arrive the company in his car. He went to Min-Jun immediately.

"Have you seen it yet?" Manager ma asked immediately he got to him.

"This isn't true right? This are definitely the works of those hungry reporters right? A-Yeong isn't dead right?"

"Does that look invalid to you? That damn real! A-Yeong is dead!"

"This can be. When did this happen?"

"Since this morning I guess. The reporters reported the doctor declare she was murdered twenty hours before she was found dead by a staff in her room at the Nuveen hotel."

"But she was very okay when I saw her yesterday..."

"And that is the problem we have now. You stubbornly went to the hotel to see her after I warned you not to go."

"That was because I have no other choice and you know it. But what does that got to do with me?"

"It have everything to do with you! She was murdered twenty hour earlier, that the exact time you left her at the hotel. Did anybody saw you in the hotel?"

"I don't think so. I disguise myself completely. I only take off the nose mask when I was about entering her room, but I'm very sure nobody saw me."

"Do you realize cameras are everywhere?"


Suddenly, the cop's cars arrived the company.

"Let me handle this." Manager Ma said. The other members run outside when they heard the police sirens. They were surprised seeing the cops everywhere. "What's going on here, why are the cops here?" Duri curiously asked

Detective Jun walked to them together with some other cops. He showed them his ID card. "I'm detective Jun and these are my assistants. He said pointing to the other cops.

"I'm Manager Ma, how can I help you."

"We are here for Kim Min-Jun for the murder of Actress Park A-yeong."

On hearing this, the other members all gasped in shock.

"What!" Both Min Jun and manager Ma exclaimed surprisingly . Manager Ma wasn't taken aback as Min-Jun was. he somehow know it will truly get to this.

"Detective, what do you mean he is being charged for murdering actress Park A-yeong?" Manager ma asked trying to hide knowing something.

"You can come with us if you wish to know more but for now I'll advise you to remain quite." He turned to the officers. "Take him."

They handcuffed him and drag him to the car.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" Min-Jun yelled struggling with the officers holding unto him. Manager ma was also trying to talk sense into detective Jin whom gives him no listening ears.

"Manager Ma, call my lawyer." Min-Jun shouted as they throw him into the car and drove away.