
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 1_ Actress Park A-yeong Was Murmured

At Nuveen Starr's royal hotel Seoul South Korea, exactly nine dawn. An abject screaming suddenly break down the peace and wellbeing of Nuveen.

At first, everyone present froze and listens if the screaming was truly coming from the hotel and yes it was confirmed as the screaming was heard again.

At once, it kept everyone present at the hotel in an abyss as the unpleasant screaming continues audibly.

Those in their rooms hurried out, standing at their entrance of their door watching a young lady staff on the floor at the entrance of one of the room crawling backwards and screaming in deep terror. No one could leave their door as they were all also scared and kept in furious thoughts.

Some of the hotel staffs leaped to the direction of the noise minutes later and found a staff on the floor still screaming in terrors.

"What's going on?" A staff asked curiously but she remained in her state but this time pointing into the room she was facing.

They quickly open the door. Immediately they do, they all gasped in fear to what they saw and the screaming because even more audible.

The popular star actress park A-yeong was lying lifeless with a knife pierce in her stomach. She was only on nightwear which has suddenly become bloody. The white duvet on the bed has turned wine from her blood.

"Holy shit..., Call an ambulance, quick, quick...." One of the staff shouted and some leaped into different directions.

Minute later, the cops, detective so as reporter were present at the hotel. After enough evidences was taken by the detectives, Actress Park A-yeong lifeless body was taken away.

Ye-hoon Aera, the staff who found the body was later taken to the police station for interrogations.

At the interrogating room, Ye-hoon Aera was sitting facing Detective Jun. Her face was buried at the floor. she was sitting right before Detective Jun but her soul seem to have left her body for a long time. She was still in shock from what she had seen with her eyes.

"When did you found the body?" Detective Jun finally spoke up after starry at her in silence for few minutes but was replied with silence.

"Aera, I'm sure you don't want to spend a night here. So it best you answer to very questions I ask you to make thing easy for both of us okay."

She nodded her head with her face still buried to the floor

"When did you found the body?"

"At exactly nine am" She answered amidst sob

"What were you going to do there at first?"

"Room service"

"Room service? Who let you in when you got there or did you let yourself in?"

"I let myself in. At first, I went to her room and knocked but there was no response. I left and returned still no response. Then I let myself in when I noticed the door wasn't locked properly and that was when I found her."

"Why didn't you raise an alarm immediately you saw the body?"

She raises her head up this time. Her eyes had turned red and her face expression wasn't friendly. Her voice came up. "What do you expect detective? For a young lady, who hasn't come across such situation ever in her life, wake up one morning, resume her duties and what she saw was a dead body." She said and tears roll down from her innocent eyes. "I fell and couldn't even stand up when I saw my favorite idol lying dead with my two fucking eyes. All I could do was screamed and screamed and screamed." She said and breaks down in mourning.

Detective Jun observe her and notice she truly was saying her she knows. She's just an innocent staff doing her job and accidentally bumped into such situation. He couldn't help but gives her tissues to wipe and tear which she thankfully wiped her tear with.

"How long has she been in the hotel?"

"I don't really know, but three days I have been on duties this week, she was there."

"And inside these three days, did you meet her with anyone or did you noticed anything?"

"I'm not sure." she responded.

Detective Jun observe her for a while. He put a call to some cops. They came later and took Aera away. Detective Jun too left the interrogating room.

"Sir, how did it go?" Officer Wang asked seeing him coming out from the room.

"She's guiltless. I let her go."

"But sir...."

"What about Actress Park A-yeong body?"

"Her body was taken to the morgue sir. And the hotel has been closed for now but all workers are still in the hotel."

He picked up his jacket on put it on "I'm going to the hotel."

"Can I come with you sir?"

"Stay back and do your job." Detective Jun said and left in a hurry.

At the hotel, Detective Jun was with a receptionist. He showed him his ID card. "I'm detective Jun, I just want to ask you some questions concerning Actress Park A-Yeong"

"Okay Sir." The receptionist answered.

He brought out a pen and book from is jacket which he was going to jot down every necessary evidence in. "How long has actress Park A- yeong been in this Hotel?"

"Three days Sir."

"Did she come with anyone?"

"No sir."

"Did anyone by any chance came visiting during these three days?"

"I think so."

"Male or female and when?"

"Male and I think..." He brought out a book and view at some pages. "Yesterday, at 4pm."

"Did you know when he left?"


"Do you by any chance know this person?" Detective Jun asked and suddenly came silent for some second, and then the receptionist answered.

"I think it was Min -jun." he muttered

"Who is Min Jun?"

"Kim Min -Jun of blossom group"

His eyes widen and his hand drop down from the book while other hold unto it as the name struck his ears like the lighten. "WHAT!" He yelled.
