
A mad universe (DC/MARVEL)

I'm not great at writing summaries, so I'll skip that part and focus on highlighting the key themes instead: The world I've created combines elements from both DC and Marvel, with significant changes to ensure a balanced scale of power. I'm still researching both universes to ensure I do justice to their original concepts. Romance will play a role in the story, but I don't plan on introducing a large cast of female characters. For now, the main relationships are with Kara and possibly Rogue, due to how the draft has unfolded. My primary goal with this story is to attract readers and experiment with different writing styles that I can apply to my main story. This project isn't my top priority, so I won't be publishing daily updates. I'll aim for every other day, but if necessary, I'll adjust to at least two chapters per week. I promise to see the story through to completion, even if I encounter any obstacles.

Christian_210 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

7 years later: A single impulse that transforms a life.. - Part2

I didn't post for two days, so I decided to add the end of the previous chapter. I believe this will make it easier to follow.

[Of course, that'll be easy]

- Thank you. - After thanking Cortana I couldn't help but feel a little anxious, after all, I don't think Peter should be entering school yet, but since he was strangely entering the same year it would be interesting to watch Spider-Man's life; maybe he could help him not have such a miserable life and let him be one of the heroes he oversees and assists in the future.

Before he could lose himself in thought he felt Kara settle herself better before leaning on him as if intending to nap, and even though neither of them needed to sleep or even eat they would still do it from time to time simply out of desire and realizing that she seemed to want to nap now he decided to just mentally talk to Cortana while asking her to bring up holograms of all the data and other things he needed while continuing to work by mentally interacting with the holograms thanks to Cortana.


Maria POV:


After being called by her boss Nick she put her cell phone away still remembering the conversation with Barbara who was sleeping over at the house of a friend she made at school. 'I'd like to get along with the boy too, but ever since he found the cameras he's been very closed off' A small frown adorned Maria Hill's face for a single second before she relaxed again; when Gordon had asked her to help with his children years ago she had wanted to refuse, but remembering that she should keep close to him for easy access to Gotham's information she had decided to just accept, she would just have to hire a nanny for an apartment that Fury would assign and everything would be fine, or at least she thought it would be that way, unfortunately she ended up really getting attached to the children, even to the boy who seems to always be on guard around her or anyone she introduces since she snuck cameras into the house when he was younger, she wasn't actually angry with him since it was normal for him to feel offended by this, but it was impossible for her or her boss to agree to remove the cameras so she ended up paying the price for him distancing himself from her despite the fact that without even realizing it he helped her with little things like heating her dinner or washing her dishes the few times she came home during the week, these little things that they both did as if it were the most natural thing ended up making her very attached to them even with their past; remembering the scowling and somewhat adorable behavior, at least in her eyes, of her ill-tempered and genial "son", she smiled slightly before returning to her indifferent expression and entering Nick Fury's office.

- Agent Hill. - Nick Fury greeted her before picking up the folder she had brought which detailed recent Stark arms smuggling around the world.

- Did you check this information?

- Yes Sir, but unfortunately, I didn't find anything that could lead to the distributor; all we've confirmed is that Stark isn't involved and apparently has no idea what's going on... - Looking at Fury's expression it was really hard to know what he was thinking, but she still continued voicing the report on the arms trafficking intercept for the next few minutes.

- ... - After I presented my report, Fury just went on reading the documents while I was still in the room waiting for his new instructions.

[Vrum!... Vrum!... Vrum!... Vrum!... Vrum!...]

She ignored her cell phone at first, but after several seconds she decided to look at it even though Fury might be annoyed, after all, only a few specific numbers would connect while she was at work. After picking up my cell phone I saw several messages about a bombing at my Barbara's gymnastics school and my world seemed to fall apart, I didn't even answer Fury's call and it took me a few seconds to pull myself together and the first thing I did was grab my gun ready to go to her school, I was about to leave the room when I heard Fury's exclamation and I looked at him on instinct and saw his monitor displaying a live feed showing the same school as my daughter which made me watch with curiosity, and what I saw made my body freeze, those who were attacking Barbara's school were mutants.

- Hill, I need you to calm down, I've already sent a team and your priority will be to ensure Barbara's safety. - Listening to Fury's words, I just nodded mechanically and collapsed into an armchair in the office and continued to watch the live broadcast, unaware that both she and Fury were seeing the birth of a hero who would only become one thanks to the rush to save his sister.


Eduard POV:


While I was defining some factors for the company I intended to open in my name after a night working on other things I heard an exclamation from Cortana that caught my attention, without thinking too much I saved my notes and turned my gaze to Cortana and seeing the expression her hologram was making I was sure I wouldn't like what I was about to hear.

[Ed, you need to see this!]

Before I could say anything information was thrown into my brain after I allowed Cortana to do that and thanks to that the hand that was running through Kara's hair after she lay down on his leg stopped, at the moment he simply froze and it took a few moments and repeated calls from Cortana out loud over the speakers for him to come back to his senses, and that even woke Kara up who looked at him confused.

- Kara, I have to go. - I said this and without asking I put my hand on his head and pushed it lightly before getting up. He was about to leave, but then he remembered that due to practicing magic for the most part and only being naked when practicing in space he had never built a suit that could withstand his powers, this forced him to stop as he remembered that Kara was not only carrying his clothes, but also Kal-El's future clothes. - Kara, can I borrow some Kryptonian combat gear? I know it might be strange for me to ask, but I promise Cortana will explain it to you later.

- ...Of course... - Kara nodded and there was obvious confusion in her expression, but she still ran to her room and picked up one of the two costumes she had brought from the fortress, which was a costume identical to the one in the movie Man of Steel, and according to Kara the costume would fit you.

Looking at the costume he just sighed to himself and accepted it, even if he didn't want to be Superman or a heroic symbol he could think about how he felt about this costume or the impact of someone like him appearing later. - Thank you. - I was so worried that I ended up touching myself right there, which wasn't so bad since he just took off his pants before getting dressed in a few milliseconds, of course this caused his pants to be destroyed, but he didn't care; when he looked up he saw Kara staring at him with a flushed face, she seemed to be trying to imprint his image in her mind, he honestly didn't know if it looked good on him or not, but he didn't have time to worry about that right now and all he did thanks to Cortana reminding him was use magic to change his blond hair to black, which he realized displeased Kara a little, but the last thing he needed right now were people demanding his blood for research or things like that.

- I'll be back soon! - After that I teleported to a nearby forest and shot off towards the school where some mutants or maybe metahumans I don't know were fighting and ended up implicating the school and making some people think it was an attack. While I was thinking of the best way to prevent further damage, I didn't realize how fast I was going, but the fact that in less than three seconds I was already in place should have been an indication, besides there was a cloudless trail in the sky where it came from and the bang was so big that the fight was even interrupted and everyone in the place looked up to see what was going on.

Looking down it was clear that I would be news after today, he would be news, only the dozens of cameras focusing on him instead of the brawlers with powers made that clear; floating slowly downwards my gaze focused only on my targets, I watched them for a few moments before opening my mouth and for some reason, perhaps the desire of every half-childish man is to be a hero at least once, and he always considered himself the exact opposite of that, but now he had to assume, he was childish and that was clear in his desire to play a hero in front of the camera even if it was only once, if he knew what that "one" time would mean and do he might not have said anything, but unfortunately or fortunately he didn't know and actually played the role he felt like.

- Did you have to fight in a school? - He said this in a scolding tone with an annoyed face that he didn't have to fake since his sister was there and remembering that there must have been dozens or hundreds of children inside, he really got angry about it. - Have you thought about the consequences of your actions?! - His voice sounded loud at the moment and some of the braver reporters nearby managed to catch his words. - Do you know how many children must be in that school and could be hurt or worse by you?!! - He didn't even notice when he lost a little control of his strength and the asphalt under his right feet cracked and sank slightly and this was captured on camera and by the mutants who were now pale with fear and ended up choosing the worst way to deal with the situation at the moment, they didn't answer the man's questions, they didn't try to run or even surrender, they just attacked him.

- BOOM!!! BOOM! BOOM!!! - Explosions occurred on the spot while one of the mutants kept throwing fireballs and a girl threw a kind of lightning from her eyes, one of the mutants even fired a Machine Gun for a few seconds before laughing.

- What an arrogant jerk! - I heard his comment from inside the dust, but honestly I didn't care and just waited for them to finish while I stared at the outfit I was wearing in fascination, some of my anger even disappearing thanks to this, as the outfit was simply unharmed; after my surprise at the outfit wore off I realized that there was just another fireball coming towards me and it ended up missing and falling to the ground a few centimeter's in front of me.

- Now that the meddling asshole is gone, we'll sort this out Carly, just hand over the girl and we'll be fine. - I listened to the man with the Machine Gun say this in a condescending and annoying tone as the smoke slowly dispersed, I continued listening to the conversation for a few more moments before hearing a surprised shout from one of the reporters who had seen he was unharmed and hadn't even moved; Observing the mutants' surprised reaction, I'm sure they didn't expect me to be okay, with the exception of the girl who, despite maliciously trying to cut my legs, was still the only one who didn't try to attack me at a direct vital point.

- What the fuck? Is that shit alive? - I hear the same asshole as before again, I honestly didn't care about him, but if I'd known that my most comfortable sofa broke thanks to him pissing Kara off, I might have broken all him bones; ignoring the apparent panic I just walk forward slowly and ask. - Your first reaction to my questions is to try to kill me? Really? What if I acted like you now? - After asking that I just disappeared and appeared in front of the Machine Gun man who panicked and shot me in the stomach for a few seconds before realizing it didn't work, I even let him pull out a Magnum and shoot me in the eye before seeing an even more disturbed look on his face from the rest of them. Observing his reactions and hearing the policemen watching from afar, I decided to end it now, after all, there would be no point in going on with it now, even the urge to play the hero had passed since there were no people nearby to hear anything I said.

- Let's get this over with... - I commented and punched the man in front of me "lightly" causing his feet to come off the ground and him to fall unconscious, and to avoid annoying complications I decided to just speed up and put everyone to sleep in a second; watching them all sleeping and thinking that my display wasn't as abnormal as it could have been I just nodded to myself and turned to look at the policemen, in the next moment I was in front of them and ignoring their fright I pointed at the idiots I had knocked down. - Can you handle this now?

- ... - I just get a nod and decide to float to safety and leave.

- BOMM! - A huge bang comes out thanks to me not holding back too much now that I was upset, after all, even though I'm not a fight maniac or anything, I'd like to be able to let loose a bit now and vent my irritation at them putting my sister in danger; unfortunately, they were simply too weak...

With a scowl on my face, I either go back to the apartment I actually live in and get ready to run to Barbara's school.

In my other story I had a problem with the final paragraphs so as a precaution I will post this at the end of all the chapters.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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