
A mad universe (DC/MARVEL)

I'm not great at writing summaries, so I'll skip that part and focus on highlighting the key themes instead: The world I've created combines elements from both DC and Marvel, with significant changes to ensure a balanced scale of power. I'm still researching both universes to ensure I do justice to their original concepts. Romance will play a role in the story, but I don't plan on introducing a large cast of female characters. For now, the main relationships are with Kara and possibly Rogue, due to how the draft has unfolded. My primary goal with this story is to attract readers and experiment with different writing styles that I can apply to my main story. This project isn't my top priority, so I won't be publishing daily updates. I'll aim for every other day, but if necessary, I'll adjust to at least two chapters per week. I promise to see the story through to completion, even if I encounter any obstacles.

Christian_210 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

7 years later: A single impulse that transforms a life.. - Part3

3rd person POV:


When Eduard left with a bang the place that had been silent was filled with life again, the journalists who were live simply started doing their best to turn this footage into sensationalist headlines, which wasn't too difficult, and since they were live even Shield couldn't do anything to hide the appearance of this "hero".

- My name is Oliver I work at the Daily Bugle; we are now on a scene where a group of possible terrorists have been stopped by a mutant who appears to be friendly! Look at the images and...

- Direct from New York, we've just captured footage of a possible metahuman who...

- We've got exclusive footage of someone who looks like an aspiring hero saving a school!

-Mutants doing police work?


News continued to flow indiscriminately, whether through blogs, reports or even the popular "word of mouth"; the spread of information was such that by the time Eduard arrived at school his sister would already be a big fan of his without even knowing it.




Nick Fury, who had just dismissed Agent Hill, was lost in thought, in front of him a recording of the arrival and departure of a teenager wearing a superhero costume kept playing over and over again; he had asked them to find the young man via satellites, but so far it hadn't been possible thanks to his ridiculous speed, the young man had simply disappeared. Fury looked at all the news reports and noted the young man's anger at what the mutants were doing at the school and remembered an old initiative of his, looking at the young man in the footage he couldn't help but consider it seriously.

- Coulson in my office now! - Sending a message to one of his best agents, Fury continued to wait, watching the reports that were spreading more and more around the globe.

- Toc! Toc! - Hearing the knock on the door, Fury looked away from the computer. - Come in.

- Sir! - Coulson entered, closed the door and waited for Nick to speak.

- Agent Coulson, I have a mission for you. Leave everything you've been assigned frozen and start looking for information on our new friend.

- The flying boy in blue? - Coulson asked with a smile, even though the answer was obvious from looking at the monitors.

- That's right, the flying boy in blue. - a small, almost imperceptible smile formed on Nick Fury's face, before a frown took over. - We need to locate him as quickly as possible; we need to understand his limits and prepare ourselves in case he changes his mind about the hero thing; and I'd also like to invite him...

- Understood, sir! - Coulson nodded and turned to leave.

- Coulson, this mission has top priority, I'm sure we won't be the only ones after him, so do whatever it takes. - Coulson looked into his superior's one visible eye for a few moments before nodding and leaving the room.


It wasn't just Fury and SHIELD who started going after Eduard; as had happened in countless Superman stories the world began to change when he appeared, and this even more chaotic world the change was even more ridiculous, not only did the military, Shield, and other government entities start looking for him, but companies like LexCorp, Osborn and even Stark also started their "hunt"; and this ignoring people like Batman, the league of assassins and others. This world was destined to change in the future, but someone like Eduard greatly accelerated this process, after all, seeing live that there is someone who can take shots and explosions to the body as if it were nothing, was too fast to be seen even in slow motion, was strong enough to crack the concrete under his feet without genuine effort and could fly far above the best current plane would make people change their worldview and care no matter how heroic he looked, not to mention that he didn't look that heroic at the moment.


Eduard POV: A week later.


Looking at my sister at the moment I didn't know how to react, honestly, it's weird when your sister starts comparing you to yourself and saying that you're prettier than yourself or things like that, I really don't know how to react that, but deciding so that my mental state doesn't collapse I would ignore that shit until she forgets. The problem is that it's been over a week and Kara has even moved in and started interacting with me on a daily basis, but even after all this time my sister won't stop talking about the guy who is me... At least she doesn't seem to have any romantic feelings, which would be too strange for me to deal with.

- Ed! Kara said you'd arranged to go to the movies. - Barbara appeared in my room while holding a cell phone that was making speculations about me again.

- I'm leaving now! - I said as I put on white sneakers that matched my shorts of the same color; I looked in the mirror and seeing how well the blue denim shirt matched I just nodded and looked at my sister. - How do I look?

- If I didn't know you and how boring you are, I'd ask you out. - She said with a mischievous smile, and I knew that was definitely the best compliment I'd get.

- Oh, that would be an honor. - I replied with the same smile and a wink that made her smile a little more before I picked up a random watch from my small collection that I had explained with the value of various scientific awards I had received so far. - See you later Barbara!

- Bye~~


Leaving the apartment, I find Kara waiting for me, and looking at her I have to say that maybe it's because of the sun, but she doesn't look anything like someone who's about to turn fifteen, in fact I don't either? Whatever let's keep her identity at this age even if they don't believe it; ignoring my thoughts that always wander off to find possible problems I focused only on her appearance now, and when I did, I ended up letting it slip. - You look beautiful... - Kara was wearing just jeans and a white T-shirt with a black jacket, but even such a simple outfit didn't stop her from standing out, not just for her body which was undeniably attractive, but for her face which, like Eduard's, was unfairly attractive; after looking at Kara for a few more moments he noticed the necklace he had given her and a smile appeared on his face, and even though this necklace looked simple and she could have got something more sophisticated with her "allowance" she always wore only it, even though she didn't know that this was the first and only artifact he had made so far.

- Thank you... - Kara mumbled, but we both knew I could hear it perfectly.

- We can go? - I offered my hand to Kara, who seemed to think for a few moments before accepting, and then we left for our meeting, which had already been scheduled for a week.

We spent the whole day just walking around the city and doing whatever we felt like, from going to the movies to playing instruments with a street performer; the day passed pleasantly enough and when Kara lost some of her nervousness it made the day really enjoyable for both of us, and if it hadn't been for us being watched by some Shield agents we might even have flown around a bit to do some fun, and unfortunately we can't do that, at least not on our date; I was planning to take her into space tonight, since finally after a week Maria wouldn't be spending the night at home and so he only needed to lock the door and his sister wouldn't bother him without an emergency, which with Cortana watching while I'm gone shouldn't happen.

At the end of the meeting, while we were waiting for the elevator, I realized that no one was listening and decided to tell Kara not to sleep tonight instead of asking Cortana to tell her later. - Kara.

- Huh?

- Today I'm going to show you where I go whenever I have time, so don't sleep and wait for me, okay? - I watched as Kara's cheeks turned slightly pink as she nodded, I was really confused since I don't think I left much room for her imagination to run wild in my explanation, but I decided to put that aside since the elevator had arrived and there would surely be eavesdropping in addition to the elevator's own camera.

3rd person POV:


- How was your meeting? - Entering his apartment Eduard saw his sister lying on the sofa while she seemed to be writing a report? 'This idiot girl can't stop being Batgirl to become a reporter because of me, right?' Looking at Barbara he couldn't help wondering if he do done the right thing by changing her life, of course this doubt lasted less than a second imagined her living in that filthy place that was Gotham or fighting madmen like the Joker.

- It was incredible! - A genuine smile adorned my lips when I replied, but as I knew she really had no genuine interest in knowing what it was like, I just changed the subject. - What did you do while I was having fun?

- I started a blog! - Noticing Barbara's excitement when I replied, I got interested and went to check out her blog, but unfortunately I felt like I'd been kicked in the balls when I saw her blog full of photos of me dressed as Superman, the only thing that eased my worries were the other "heroes" who also appeared like Captain America, Batman and someone she speculated was my mother and will probably want to kill me when she reads about it, since somehow my little sister managed to find a photo of Diana being hit by a few shots and dismissing them as nothing; after looking at her blog which had a few more "heroes" I looked at her and seeing her expectant look I just sighed and smiled. - I think you could improve the design of your page, besides isn't it better to use someone like Batman who has more appearances than a teenager who has only appeared once?

- I think he'll be a better "advertisement" than someone like Batman... - I couldn't help but agree with her on this point since Batman really isn't the best advertisement for heroism, I mean, he rarely saves anyone, it's more like he punishes criminals repeatedly until they give up...

- All right, I guess he's not the best image for your blog in the end... - I had to agree with her, which annoyed me as I saw her typical smile that makes you want to pinch her.

- Of course, if he had been a good symbol I would have used it! - She said proudly before continuing. - And as for the design, I was hoping my genius brother could help me.

- ... - Looking at her using the most adorable expression she could manage, I just sighed and nodded before teasing her. - You know you're growing up; this trick won't work forever little sister.

- We'll see! - She replied with such conviction that she drew a laugh from Eduard before he sat down next to Barbara and started organizing her blog, a really simple task for one of the most intelligent beings on the planet today, not that he's going to brag about it.


- What am I wearing for the night? - A flushed Kara looked at various outfits while indecisive about what to wear, after all, Eduard had forgotten to warn her that their outing would be into the sun and that only Kryptonian clothes would really do any good, if not it would be better to just go without clothes as Eduard had been doing until recently.

[Kara, as funny as it is to watch you like this, I think I'd better warn you]

While Kara was in doubt, Cortana's voice came from her cell phone on the bed, making her stop and look at the phone in confusion.

[Eduard is going to leave the planet with you, so you'd better wear a Kryptonian suit].

Kara, who listened to the message, was confused for a few moments before embarrassment took over, after all, as a Kryptonian leaving the planet, could count as a romantic date, right?

Shaking her head Kara put her thoughts aside and began to think about what outfit to wear today; after much thought she chose to go to the fortress and pick up a combat suit just like Eduard's, but completely black where the EL house symbol would be silver, after dressing she returned to the apartment and waited for Eduard.

[You're really careless Kara... Do you know how many cameras I've had to hack just now?]

- I'm only careless because I have you and Ed~


Cortana sighed, imitating Eduard even in tone, but she was still happy with Kara's current behavior; Cortana still remembers how closed off she was in the first few weeks and avoided Eduard in every possible way, she only started to open up a little when she saw some of Eduard's data on Kryptonians and realized that he was also a Kryptonian like her, and even after that she only trusted him after months together and over time she ended up becoming a little dependent on him, not in an extreme way, but she who at first was extremely careful doesn't seem to mind flying around the world since she believes that Eduard and I will cover her, and in the end we really will...


- What is it, Cortana? - Kara, who was distracted, was surprised that Cortana sighed again and looked at her own cell phone.

[It's nothing... You can go, Eduard is waiting for you at the top of the building.]

- Okay~

Note: I probably won't post anything tomorrow about this story, but I believe I'll be able to share a chapter on Sunday; I think two more chapters remain, so I will conclude this chapter and head to school.

In my other story I had a problem with the final paragraphs so as a precaution I will post this at the end of all the chapters.

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