
A loners apocalypse

Unusual_prince1 · Urban
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3 Chs

The beginning (II)

I push the door open,my eyes frantically lurking at every corner till i see what seems like a guy straddling another guy, I'm momentarily stunned cause it's seems like it'll be two zombies when the other guy transforms, I'm about to leave when i hear a muffled cry for help and that voice is unmistakenly Luke's,i grab a random bat i see under the props section and swing with all my strength , Luke pushes the infected off him and i keep swinging intensely at the infected,it finally stops twitching i glance at Luke who's breathing heavily, I'm also breathing heavily but not as much as Luke.I give him a hand and he takes it,with a tug i pull him up

"you good?",

'yeah, I'm alright...what the hell was that' Luke replied slightly panting

"I don't know... maybe we should ask him,oh wait, he's dead" i say with a deadpan expression, trying to get his shaken mind off it

'Not funny bro' he says nudging me a bit,i roll my eyes at him and say "let's go"

' let's go get Eva' he says and i give a brief nod in agreement. I quickly toss him a prop bat to protect himself but him being Luke,he goes

'yo,this is a real a** bat, you think it'd hurt if i swung it at you?'

I release a deep breath wondering why i know such a dumbass "yes Luke it'd hurt ",i say already feeling tired of talking so much but i have to bear it to get his mind off what's going on cause a scared Luke won't do anyone good.

We start jogging towards the exit to get into Luke's truck so we can pick Eva up,we hear a random girlish scream coming from a random class beside us,Luke turns to me pleading with his eyes to go check it out i take a deep breath and nod.

He gently pushes the door open while i give Luke a shushing sign before taking the lead


The old ass door let's out a sound like it's about to collapse at any moment and every infected in the class turns at us

I hear a silent 'sh**' from Luke and i just get my bat ready and as soon as the first infected gets in close range i swing my bat knocking him off his feet before bashing his head three more times to make sure he's not getting back up i turn around to see the other infected in a head lock from Luke i just yank Luke off him before bashing it's head in too

There are three more coming from the hallway and four inside the class with three girls one laying on the ground passed out probably due to fear or shock,one of the remaining two girls is struggling with a female infected crying while she yells what i assume is the infected's name and the last girl is surprising bashing an infected's head in with a chair, She's all covered in blood i believe isn't her's,she finishs bashing it's head in and turns to the next ots really not hard since the infected are usually slow i signal Luke to get the two from the hallway while i face the three in the class (excluding the other infected the girl's bashing)

With a swift approach i swing my bat at the closest infected while it's down i side step it as i approach the next one with a second swing the next one's down however i hear a crack from my bat seems like it won't hold for longer i move to the third infected and with a heavy swing it's down but so is my bat but that doesn't matter to me as i use the sharp edges of my broken bat to stab all the fallen infecteds .

Taking a deep breath i take a quick look around to see the crying girl staring at me in a daze, taking my eyes off her i see the girl still bashing a seemingly dead infected then i glance at Luke who's trying to talk one of the paralyzed infected out of biting him

I approach silently from behind and stab the paralyzed infected effectively killing it, i take a look at Luke and say "if you don't kill, you'll be killed. You have a family they don't" and walk towards a chair and sit on it trying to regain some energy to keep moving. I hear Luke talking to one of the girls,from what I've heard the blond crybaby sitting on the floor is jane and the unconscious one with brown hair is amy while the girl who seems to have a personal grudge with the infected is Scarlett ....