
A loners apocalypse

Unusual_prince1 · Urban
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3 Chs

The beginning

Chapter 1(the beginning)

Planet Earth

Meria country

Black vile city

Distract S

Apartment no.54

35th floor

(Ring ring ring)

   It's finally time huh .... sitting up from my bed i yawn a bit ,mulling about my day that's about to begin i slowly get up and stretch my lazy ass bones walk straight to the small bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, looking at my reflection i see a tall pale dude with slightly dark bags surrounding my dark black eyes ...i look .,... like a vampire with dark hair falling down my eyes i also see my tattoos peeking through my sleeping shirt i yawn again and drag my bored self to the kitchen opening the freezer i take out an apple munching on the i approach the living room pick up the remote and turn the TV on so there can be sounds in the house to make it less gloomy.

I turn to my spare room i use as a personal gym and start my usual exercise while listening to LEAVE ME ALONE BY NF >>>skip to an hour later I'm done i take a shower dress up in my usual dark outfits but feeling casual than usual i pick up a grey sweatpant and a black hoodie cause... why not ....

Finally heading to the hell hole some people call college i get down from my apartment taking the stairs cause I don't want to have any conversation with any nosy neighbor, i see my baby when i get down, by my baby i mean my bike, grabbing my helmet i put it on flicking the visor down i start it up and ride to school

     Finally arriving after 15minutes i slowly stop my bike and park it at a corner, getting down and taking my helmet off i gently scatter my hair with my hands slowly counting down in my head 5...4...3...2...1...

"Grey, buddy what's up" Luke, some annoying dude i know asks (he's definitely not my only friend or anything) as he closes his white truck

which he calls his baby,hey I'm not judging....

"Bored" i say and he laughs and says "nice one bro" i keep walking knowing he'd catch up soon and when he does he starts rambling like he usually does "hey bro so do you think kari is still going to be for u by the door" he asked.

{Some obsessed girl that won't take no for an answer} "don't really care Luke" i say with a deadpan look on my face

"come on man, don't tell me you don't feel sh** for her even after her efforts" ,Luke says

I sighed, and summoned all the energy I'd use to speak for the morning to said"i don't feel anything other than annoyance" after saying so i take a deep breath and keep walking to class ....

  It's now past 11am and I'm lecture free thinking of what to do before i get home,i skip history class cause why not and now I'm walking towards my bike, this random car  keeps swerving left and right finally colliding with a street lamp and the drivers door bust open revealing a matured man been straddled by a lady whilst the man yells for help,not feeling curious i continue walking towards my bike and see my helmet on the floor,

bending to pick it up i coincidentally look towards the yelling man who's now groaning and there's blood trailing down his neck and there's also blood on the ladies mouth and neck,i pause in shock processing everything and it reminded me of a movie Luke forced me to watch ,...what was it again....oh yeah it was world war Z  some zombie apocalypse movie ....

They turn towards me and start running i try to start my bike but it's not starting up not today i yell in my mind but quickly run back to campus I'm wondering why I'm not hearing anything around me till i remember I'm putting on my airpods i lightly tap it to pause whatever's playing and boom a car blows up right next to me i keep running back to see if the university's in a better situation

I see students running disorderly some tripping over each other some pushing others to use them as scape goat,i keep searching for people i know,i run back to class dodging any living or undead being trying to touch me, it's not a problem seeing how light I am on my feet

"LUKE!! LUKE!! LUKE" I yell as I keep running through the hallways .

    I push the door to the drama class open .....

hi guys, it's my first time writing a book ...any book for that matter and I'ma need y'all to support me

thanks ✌️

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