
A loners apocalypse

Unusual_prince1 · Urban
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Grey's pov >>8 years ago<<

I sat down on my favorite bench under an oak tree in the park my dad always brings me drawing my favorite character in my comic the apocalypse, I don't really know why i like it tho maybe..... it's cause i relate so much to it but today the usual busy park is calm as still waters and the only sounds I'm hearing is my scribbles and my dad whispering on the phone probably about work again but I'm used to it, so i just let it go whilst trying to apply the finishing touches to my drawing, suddenly a dark shadow covers my drawing,i looked up and saw a smiling kid around my age staring at me

"what are you doing"he asked still smiling goofily, I don't really see a reason to reply but i still do "drawing obviously "i reply uninterestedly he doesn't seem to care as he starts talking about how cool my drawing would look if it had wings ...."not a bad idea"i thought silently but giving him a nod in agreement i say "ok" .... "I'm luke" he says after a moment of silence..... "Luke brown" he completes while offering a handshake

I stare at it for a few seconds trying to process why i should shake his hand but i do, saying "Grey"....."GREYSON STONE",..... before he could say anything else we both hear our names at the same time, he's was called by a cute young girl who also had blonde hair like him seems like it runs in the family,"time to go Luke,Mom's calling "she says ....he groans in reply but says goodbye to me

That's when she finally noticed my presence and smiles shyly while waving briefly before running off ,i sit there dazed, wondering how strange her eyes were cause her eyes had different colors ....

Luke nudges me with his shoulder still keeping his cheeky smile he tells me " she's Eva my cousin.... she's a year older than me but she's super nice anyways later grey" while he tries to catch up to her ....few seconds later my dad walks towards me with a grim face he says "pack up, we're leaving ",no questions asked i stand up pack up my books and pencils stretch a bit and walk towards him .

Getting into the car, it's the just silence I'm used to ,"who were you talking"to my father asks....no one i reply looking at his eyes ,he matches my gaze ....it turns into a blinking contest somehow and he breaks first saying "alright you win,but be careful ok?, I don't want to lose you like i lost your mother", i stare at him for a few seconds then face my seat widow and give a small nod in agreement,i hear a sigh before i zone out .....

It's my 14th birthday today, I'm in my room staring out my window as rain trickles down softly,a black coloured car pulls up at our drive way and i know who it was immediately, it's mrs Brown .... Luke's mother, she started trying to come close to me few days after luke and i met at the park , apparently Luke told her about a lonely boy he met at the park {me}.... and it's been a year since then she still trys to be nice to me..... I don't get it tho but .... it's a nice feeling.

Walking downstairs , I the door and I'm met with a sudden tight hug which i kind of expected knowing mrs Brown,"happy birthday grey" she whispers softly in my ears while caressing my hair softly....i stay in the position for a few seconds before lightly shaking her off cause knowing her could probably stay for hours while hugging me ...she steps aside slowly before I'm hit with another hug for a more smaller but familiar figure "happy birthday bro" Luke says while beaming at me like I'm his favorite superheroes....i nod in response and i open the door more as an indication for them to come in which they do ,i turn to close the door and i see a slightly taller girl standing in front of the door swaying on her feet while looking anyway but my face ....she finally looks at me and smiles shyly whispering a gentle "happy birthday grey" i glance at her for a few seconds before checking her out and saying a brief thanks to which she responded with a blush .....

We return to the living room were i see a cake with my name on it ....it brings a rare smile on my face and everyone in the room is stunned .

After singing and eating we all talk for a while before they all leave.....few minutes past 10pm my dad walks in .... he's been gone almost through the past year ....not that i mind,was just hoping he'd give me the benefit of doubt bg remembering but i guess that's too much to ask

>>2 years later<<**a random lab somewhere **< p>

" Have you opened it up" a grim deep voice is heard in the bustling lab,"N-no sir"a shaky voice replies

" Useless, you're all useless"....