
A little pain, comes a little love

Aizawa adopted Izuku after his parents died. Izuku had a tough life being quirkless, when Izuku made it into UA, things started looking up for him, before he got forced into a relationship with Bakugou. Bakugou was very abusive, before Bakugou broke up with him. Bakugou disabled Izuku. Bakugou told a rumors about him, making lots of people hate him. Hawks became Aizawa's assistant and Hawks started to develop a crush on Izuku.

Xayli · Anime & Comics
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Hawks place!

They soon landed on a balcony of an apartment. "Do you know how to cook chicken nuggets?" Hawks asked, making Izuku giggle. Hawks blushed at this. "Yeah, do you want me to make us chicken nuggets?" Izuku asked, smiling. "Yes please!!!" Hawks yelled, Hawks put Izuku down.

Izuku limped to the kitchen with his cane. Izuku started making chicken nuggets as Hawks turned on the tv and watched Izuku his excitement. "You really like chicken nuggets, huh?" Izuku said, chuckling. "Ya!!! I love my Chicken!!!" Hawks yelled, like a child. Izuku laughed as he put the chicken nuggets on both of their plates.

After eating and talking they decided to watch a movie. They both fell asleep together. Deku was on top of Hawks and Hawks had one arm around Izuku and the other hanging off the couch.

The next morning, Izuku woke up first and blushed at their position. Izuku tried to get out, but Hawk's grip was too strong. "H-hawks." Izuku squeaked out, Hawks groaned. "Sleep..." it took him a couple of seconds before his eyes shot open and blushed, seeing a flustered green boy on him.

"G-good morning." Izuku said, flustered. "Good morning." Hawks said, letting go of him. Izuku sat up accidently straddled Hawks. They both blush more and Izuku gets off, falling off the coach.

Hawks sat up quickly and chuckled a little. "You okay?" Hawks asked, Izuku smiled shyly. "Yeah, sorry about that." Izuku said, "It's all good. It did no harm." Hawks said, smiling, making Izuku smile.

Hawks then smirked. "You get flustered really easily, huh?" Hawks said, making Izuku blush. "Hah, you're one to talk." Izuku pouted, making Hawks blushed a little. Hawks chuckled.

"What should we do for breakfast?" Hawks said, Izuku looked at the clock and paled. "Let's do toast, we are already late!" Izuku said, grabbing his cane hobbling to the kitchen.

He put the toast in the toaster, then grabbed out butter and a knife. Hawks chuckled at this. 'Cute.' He thought, he got up and sat at the counter watching Izuku impatiently wait. 'Ah, he needs to calm down, we won't get into that much trouble, heh. But, he's cute.' Hawks thought, then blushed a little.

The toast popped and Izuku jumped. Hawks chuckled at Izuku scrambling to put butter on the hot toast, burning his finger a couple times. Izuku walked over and shoved the toast in Hawks mouth, making Hawks laugh.

Izuku ran over and quickly put everything away. Hawks chuckled and lifted Izuku up, bridal style. "Come on, let's go." Hawks said, Hawks went to the balcony and spread his wings. Izuku's eyes glittered a bit at the wings, making Hawks chuckle. Hawks went flying to UA with great speed.