Aizawa adopted Izuku after his parents died. Izuku had a tough life being quirkless, when Izuku made it into UA, things started looking up for him, before he got forced into a relationship with Bakugou. Bakugou was very abusive, before Bakugou broke up with him. Bakugou disabled Izuku. Bakugou told a rumors about him, making lots of people hate him. Hawks became Aizawa's assistant and Hawks started to develop a crush on Izuku.
Life isn't fair. Love isn't fair. Life is brutal. Loving someone hurts. Loving comes with death or abuse. Those are the things, Izuku has learned, from a young age.
Izuku's mother died when he turned 4, leaving him with his abusive father that killed himself by doing drugs, when Izuku was 7.
Izuku's childhood friend turned against him for being quirkless. Izuku only got into the hero course because he was using an axe.
He soon got one for all from. All might, because he saw something in Izuku that no one else had.
When he got into UA, things were turning somewhat up, until he got into a fourced relationship with Bakugou. Bakugou was very abusive to Izuku. Nobody thought anything of it, because he always gets hurt.
The only brightness in his life is his adopted father Aizawa. That is what is keeping Izuku loving at the moment.
"Oi nerd, hurry up." Bakugou said in a pissed off tone of voice. "K-kacchan, please. I-I'm sorry." Izuku said, sodding. Bakugou slammed Izuku into his room. "You bitch, you had to be get 1st place on the stupid exam." Bakugou said, slamming an explosion on Izuku's stomach, making Izuku gasp as more tears streamed down his face.
Bakugou then blew an explosion on Izuku's neck, making Izuku spit up blood. Bakugou landed another on Izuku's ankle, making his foot almost blow off. That horrified Izuku, Bakugou punched Izuku in the face.
"Clean yourself up, you little fucker." Izuku stood up on one foot almost falling. Izuku made it out of the room. Down the hall to the elevator. Izuku made sure he was quiet so no one would hear, because if they did they would either not believe me or bakugou get's kicked out and he will keep coming at me until he or I dies.
When the elevator rang, Izuku struggled out of there. Izuku walked out and made it to the kitchen.
He grabbed the medical kit. Izuku sat on the floor whimpering.
Izuku grabbed out medical spray. He took off his shirt and started spraying his wounds,he had to bite his lips so he won't scream. He put a bandage around his stomach.
Then he went to his neck, he wrapped his whole neck up to his under his mouth. He made it a little loose at the mouth part so he could talk.
He glimpsed at his ankle and flinched, he could see his bone and some of his bone gone. It was gushing with blood, getting it everywhere. He wrapped up his ankle and put his stuff away.
He walked out of the limping almost falling down a couple times. He called a taxi, he waited at the gate, until the taxi arrived.
When the taxi came, he limped up to it and got in. "Where to, sir?" The taxi driver asked, "The hospital." Izuku said, the driver drove off. Izuku paid the driver and limped into the hospital.
When he got in he went to the front desk. "I need an emergency. For my ankle or my ankle will fall off." Izuku said, before fainting. The bells went off and people came running to Izuku and they put him in the medical bay.
Aizawa was called to the hospital, when he got there he rushed to the operating room. A doctor came out. "Your son will not be able to walk right again, he will have terrible scarring on his neck and to his mouth, and really bad scarring on his stomach. With the other scars scattering his body His ankle is in a very serious condition. I will have to ask what happened to him in his past and recent day and have to tell the police." The doctor said, surprising Aizawa, Aizawa had a couple tears fall.
"In the past my son's birth father abused him. I have no idea about the injuries now." Aizawa said, the doctor put a hand on Aizawa's shoulder.
"Your son will be in crutches until healed on his foot, then he will need a cane. If you could find a recovering girl, he could skip crutches and move to a cane. Recovery can heal the bad burn marks on him, but the damage on him will leave horrible scars on his skin." The doctor said, with sympathy. Aizawa took a shaky breath.
"I know recovery girls personally. I'll just help him back too, UA. Thank you." Aizawa said, wiping his tear stains away. "He's asleep right now, but he will wake up soon." The doctor said, before leaving. Aizawa sighed, he felt himself breaking in, the inside.
'When I find the person who did this, I'm going to kill them.' Aizawa thought, his quirk activated on its own, from his pure rage. When the door opened. Aizawa's rage crumbled to pure sadness.
Aizawa stood beside the sleeping Izuku. He put his hand on Izuku's and Izuku woke up a bit and squeezed whomever hands they were. Aizawa smiled feeling his son squeeze back.
Aizawa then saw, recovery girl walking to them in an angry storm. "Geez kid, you got banged up again. Let me guess burns, you got to tell us who is doing this to you at some point. You need to come to me not this stupid hospital! Why did you go to the hospital this time and not to me?" Recovery girl mumbled, angrily.
"Huh, how many times has he come to you with bad burn marks?" Aizawa asked, angrily. "Since the beginning of the year. They are usually places where you can't see them though. This is the first time, have one that you can see out in the open." Recovery girl said, worriedly. Aizawa sighed.
"Can you kiss him all better for me?" Aizawa asked, making recovery chuckle. Recovery girl kissed all his wounds. But what worried her is his ankle. "Oh my, the ankle is quite serious." Recovery girl said, making Aizawa look down.
Aizawa picked his son up from the stretcher. "I'll take him to the school." Aizawa said, the recovery girl smiled sadly.