
A little pain, comes a little love

Aizawa adopted Izuku after his parents died. Izuku had a tough life being quirkless, when Izuku made it into UA, things started looking up for him, before he got forced into a relationship with Bakugou. Bakugou was very abusive, before Bakugou broke up with him. Bakugou disabled Izuku. Bakugou told a rumors about him, making lots of people hate him. Hawks became Aizawa's assistant and Hawks started to develop a crush on Izuku.

Xayli · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

A little help goes a long way.

The next morning, Izuku woke up with Aizawa in his sleep bag in the classroom. Izuku giggled a little waking Aizawa up.

"How are you feeling?" Aizawa asked with one eye open. "My ankle hurts a little, but that's it. Is my bandages on my face still covered?" Izuku asked, Aizawa nodded. "Can I keep them there? I don't want to hear too much sympathy." Izuku groaned, Aizawa smiled at that. "Yeah, your cane is outside the sleeping bag. The class is here by the way." Aizawa said, making Izuku sigh.

Aizawa slithered out of the sleeping bag. Izuku took a couple seconds to slither out of it, people freaked out, because of that.

Izuku stood up with the help of his dad. "Thanks..." Izuku said, smiling a little. Aizawa gave Izuku his black cane and Izuku waddled over to his desk.

People had questioning looks. "You good?" Bakugou asked, "Fine." Izuku said, smiling a bit. "Anyways, today I have an assistant who is going to be with you guys throughout out school. It's the pro hero hawks. He should be here shortly, while waiting, talk amunst yourselves." Aizawa said, slithering into the sleeping bag.

People started to surround Izuku, "Izuku what happened this time?" Jiro asked, sighing. "Is it serious, bro?" Kirishima asked, looking over his wounds. "What happened to your face?" Mintea asked, worried. "Are you okay?" Uraraka asked, terriyied. "Why weren't we told about this?" Iida asked, all the questions came flying at Izuku.

"Oi shut up!" Izuku yelled, silencing everyone. "I just got in an accident. I damaged my ankle badly. Now I'll be needing a cane forever. As for my face there is a bad scar that I don't feel like showing. I'm fine, please question 1 at a time next time." Izuku said, everyone was really surprised at what happened, all they did was blink.

"You know, you don't need to cover your face. You won't make fun of you here, Midobro." Kirishima said, "Deku, just take off that stupid bandages." Bakugou said, yanking at the bandages. "Okay, but let me do it." Izuku squeaked out. Bakugou let go and Izuku unwrapped the bandage.

Everyone gasped with terrified expressions. Izuku had a scar that goes from his chin down the right off his neck. "Jeez, that bloody scary looking scar!" Denki said, getting slapped in the back of the head.

Soon a plop on the floor made everyone aware of the new person in the room. Hawks. When Hawks saw Izuku he blushed a little.

They learned about hero study, then class was over. Izuku walked with Bakugou back to the dorm, it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter anyways.

When they made it to his dorm room, Bakugou slammed Izuku into the wall. "Jeez, you got even uglier. I'm leaving your sorry ass. I'm telling everyone that you cheated, so I can have the pleasure of torchering you more and making people hate you. You better quit the hero course soon, you worthless piece of shit." Bakugou said, punching Izuku in the face. Before throwing him out of his room with his cane.

Izuku felt a tear threatening to fall down his face. Izuku limped to the roof of the building and sat down, Izuku felt the tears fall down his face.

After a couple of minutes somebody ploped beside him, making him flinch. "What happened, kid?" Hawks asked, softly. "I hate my life. They are going to hate me. That rumor is going to spread like wildfire. They're going to think I cheated, I wish I died with my mother." Izuku said without thinking as more tears fell.

Hawks was shocked at what he heard. He was confused, but worried. "Hey, don't worry kiddo. You dad and I will believe you. Why don't you tell me everything is going on, huh?" Hawks said, trying to calm Izuku down.

Izuku looked beside him and his teary eyes widened. Hawks blushed a little, but something caught his attention. The huge bruise forming on his face. "Kid, what happened?! Who punched you?!" Hawks yelled, Izuku felt more tears fall.

Hawks froze and did the only thing he could think of, which was, hug the smaller boy. Izuku shook from the sudden touch, but calmed down a bit. "Can you tell me?" Hawks asked, "I can't say or I'll get killed or nobody will believe me." Izuku said, shocking Hawks.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. I promise not to tell, unless I have to in a certain situation." Hawks said, Izuku nodded a little. "I was in a relationship with this boy, who just broke up with me. He is going to tell everyone I cheated on him. People are going to believe him. They always do." Izuku said, as more tears slipped out of his eyes.

"Whos the boy?" Hawks asked, "B-b-bakugou-u." Izuku said, stuttering."The explosion boy. So, you having those scars and bruise wasn't from accidents, huh?" Hawks said, feeling angry swelling up in him. "The ones on my arms and legs were from me. Well most. B-bakugou loses his anger quickly. S-so their sort of an accident." Izuku said, shocking a bit. Hawks felt more anger flow out of him.

"That doesn't mean he can hurt you. You will stay with me tonight. I don't want you going back in there. I'll fly us to school tomorrow. You can stay at my place for now on. I don't want you living in the dorms. I won't tell anyone, but you should think about telling this to your father." Hawks said, standing up with Izuku in his arms. Hawks smiled, picking up Izuku cane.

"Hold on, my lil bird." Hawks said, before shooting up into the sky. Hawks flew peacefully in the sky, through the sun set. Izuku felt his tears stop somewhat and it made hawks smile.