
A little pain, comes a little love

Aizawa adopted Izuku after his parents died. Izuku had a tough life being quirkless, when Izuku made it into UA, things started looking up for him, before he got forced into a relationship with Bakugou. Bakugou was very abusive, before Bakugou broke up with him. Bakugou disabled Izuku. Bakugou told a rumors about him, making lots of people hate him. Hawks became Aizawa's assistant and Hawks started to develop a crush on Izuku.

Xayli · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The exam (Part 1)

They went through the window and Hawks landed smoothly on the floor. Aizawa looked at them in surprise, but a glare at Hawks, making him sweat drop. Izuku looked at his class that had a heated glare directed towards him. Izuku looked to Aizawa, who was glaring at Hawks.

Aizawa then looked too, Izuku with softened eyes. Aizawa then came to shock at the bruise. "What happened?" Aizawa asked, "Izuku was feeling sad, so I let him stay at my place, since he didn't want to see anybody. I think he was going to stay on the rooftop." Hawks said, shocking Aizawa.

"You guys didn't sleep together, right?" Aizawa said, coming out of his shock. "No!" Hawks yelled, "We did fall asleep together on the couch while watching a movie." Izuku said in a matter of fact voice. Aizawa glared at Hawks then sighed.

"Whatever, everyone get your hero suits on and meet me at ground 0." Aizawa said, lazily walking out.

"So, are you going to put me down or hold on to me?" Izuku asked, Hawks smirked. "I'll hold onto you longer." Hawks said, making Izuku pout. Hawks grabbed the last suitcase and put it in Izuku. "Plus, we forgot your cane." Hawks said, making Izuku's face go like 'Oh shit' Hawks laughed. "We'll stop by at recovery girls office and pick one up, you can get changed there." Hawks said, smiling.

"Hurry then or we will be late." Izuku said, Hawks chuckled and ran down the hall. "You're not allowed, running in the hall!" Izuku yelled, but that didn't stop Hawks. People chuckled at the duo.

When Hawks made it too, recovery girls office, he sighed happily. Hawks sat Izuku down and watched Izuku get undressed, then blushed at what he was doing. Hawks searched around to find a cane, when he did he smiled. He picked it up and blushed at Izuku's hero suit.

Izuku pouted, "Someone changed my suit!" Izuku said, blushing. It was a green rabbit sweater that showed his chest and covered the other half of his chest, short sleeved, black belt, the hoodie covered half of his face, it looked creepy, thin white hand gloves, black elbow pads, and he had black pants on.

Hawks blushed, "You look good." Hawks said, making Izuku blush. Hawks handed Izuku his cane and Izuku got up.

Izuku waddled down the hall with hawks by his side. "My dad, doesn't like you very much, huh?" Izuku smiling, Hawks chuckled. "Of course he doesn't, he thinks I'm going to do something to you." Hawks said, chuckling. Izuku blushed, "I see." Izuku said, they kept on talking, on the way out to ground 0.

When they made it, Izuku stood with the other students and Hawks went beside Aizawa. "Today you will have to work as a group and defeat a whole bunch of upgraded 0 pointers. If you don't work as a group you guys will die." Aizawa said, before they walked into the gate. Aizawa and Hawks went into the operation room.

Izuku was standing in the group that was just glaring at him. "If you work with us, don't do anything or we will make sure you get killed out there." Mina threatened, "I can't believe you did that to Bakugou. He loved you." Uraraka said, Izuku froze as he got heated words thrown at him.

"Exam is starting!" Came from the speakers. "You know what, better. Go by yourself and hope to die." Kirishima said, glaring at Izuku with a deadly glare. Huge robots showed up everywhere.