
A Blind Man In Twilight

Tyreec Johnson, a young man died during his sleep but was given the opportunity to be reborn in a world of fiction along with some boons, but there’s a price for everything and that included the opportunity he received, the price was his sight, he would be blind in his second life. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

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"Well, my butler was driving me to your place then one thing led to another and I was impaled by a few things then the car exploded causing me to think I died since most people would have but as soon as that thought entered my mind I felt something weird happen to me." I said before continuing.

"I don't know how to describe it, I just sorta knew how to do things I couldn't before, like this." I said before causing the room to fall below freezing temperature for a few seconds before going back to regular.

Here's the situation, I'm currently at the Cullens residence and it has been around two hours since the crash and during that hour a few things happened. First, the whole crash situation was handled by the Cullens, and what I mean by that they took care of the situation which I doubt was easy, I mean there was a crashed 18-wheeler, a completely shattered ice car, and two dead people whose bodies were completely unrecognizable.

What I found funny was the fact that the Cullens told me they would speak with the police when I know damn well they wouldn't before they sent me away, that was their attempt at getting me to accept the two deaths without going into shock or something like that but honestly I wasn't in need of anything like that.

Honestly, most would've actually called the police and let them handle things and I probably would've done the same myself if the situation didn't raise so many brows, a shattered ice car, a crashed 18-wheeler, two dead bodies, and a person who should've died like the other two but was somehow alive when they definitely shouldn't be was far to weird to be reported to the police regularly.

The second thing that happened was the current situation, I was sat down so that I could talk with the Cullens about everything that occurred. We started the conversation with introductions since I hadn't met some of these Cullens which went as regularly as introductions go, then after that, Carlisle asked me what happened in a tone that told me he was asking and not demanding so I went on and told everyone a mix of the truth and a lie.

I told the Cullens the truth about the first part of the crash, I was stabbed by something then I lied and said that as I thought I died I felt something unlock within me and surprise! Now I had superpowers and although some people might be suspicious if the situation was different, what I went through was considered a life-and-death experience so in a world full of 'gifts' where regular humans can have powers awakening a gift in a life-and-death experience isn't odd.

"I see..." Carlisle said with a thoughtful expression before continuing.

"I'm sure you're confused about your new abilities Keanu so allow me to fill you in on a few details." Carlisle said with a soft tone, I could tell he was trying to be polite and ease any of my worries although I had none.

"What you've awakened is called a gift, it's very rare but some people do have them. Gifts could range from anything like seeing the future, being very strong, controlling the weather, or anything else you could imagine, and you appear to have awakened your gift." Carlisle said with a smile.

"Like superpowers?" I questioned with raised eyebrows feigning surprise and curiosity.

"Haha, yes, superpowers." Carlisle said as he and the rest of the Cullens chuckled some.

"That's pretty cool..." I said as I pretended to think some before continuing.

"Superpowers are cool and all but I think it's my turn to ask some questions right?" I said with a smile as I felt Alice's grip around me tighten, she hadn't let go of me since grabbing onto me earlier.

"...Yeah, go ahead." Carlisle said as he gained a serious tone.

"Why were you guys there when everything happened?" I asked my first question.

Now I knew the answer to every question I planned on asking but for everything to proceed smoothly I needed to take this step.

"We ran after Alice received a vision." Carlisle replied truthfully.

"Visions?" I said feigning curiosity and surprise again, if it wasn't for Deadpool's ability to annul any psychic abilities perhaps Edward and Jasper would've caught on to my act already but luckily for me, they hadn't.

Something great I inherited from Deadpool was his immunity to psychic abilities which was because our healing factor causes our brains to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering us immune to any and all psychics but I guess that didn't cover Alice's future visions.

"Yes, visions, Alice is one of the people who possess and gift." Carlisle said.

"You can see the future?" I said to the lady who was wrapped around me.

"Mhm..." Alice hummed in response.

"That's pretty cool." I said before moving on, I wanted to tease her but I knew now wasn't the time.

"So Alice had a vision of the crash which prompted all of you to run towards the crash scene." I said before getting a confirmation from everyone.

"Then I can assume you all are gifted with superspeed or something? My driver told me the house was a few minutes away from where we were before we crashed. " I said questioningly, the butler hadn't said that but they didn't need to know.

"Something like that." Carlisle lied as I felt Alice's grip around me tighten, she knew Carlisle was lying to me and didn't like it but nonetheless, she didn't speak up, I hadn't known the Cullens long enough for them to reveal that they were vampires and not humans.

"Hmm..." I hummed in response as I sat with my arm around Alice.

"So what gifts does everyone have?" I said as I guided the conversation away from the crash and the possible revelation of Vampires, it wasn't time to press on that matter for now, in the canon Twilight it took Edward around a month to tell Bella he was a vampire so I doubted it would be super long until Alice or any of the Cullens told me.

"Everyone here is gifted with speed as well as their own unique things." Carlisle said happy that he had successfully avoided the topic he didn't want to speak about.

"I've got super strength." Emmett said.

"I've got telepathy." Edward said.

"I've got pathokinesis." Jasper said.

"I can speak to animals." Lynda said.

"I've got enhanced beauty." Rosalie said.

"I've got a mental shield." Bella said.

"Esme and I only have our speed gifts." Carlisle said.

"So Emmett can lift stuff, Edward can get into people's minds, Jasper can control emotions, Lynda talks to dogs, Rosalie looks better than others, Bella doesn't let others into her mind, and Alice can see the future." I said as I nodded my head before continuing.

"Feels like some shit out of a fiction." I said causing everyone to chuckle except for the ever so quiet Alice who was as passive as always but definitely more hands-on than usual.

"We can answer more of your questions about gifts later on but for now I have one more thing I'll go over with you." Carlisle said before continuing.

"You see outside of gifts there is one other phenomenon in the world that can be considered supernatural, it's called the mate bond." Carlisle said.

"A mate bond is something that connects two people together, two soul mates, two people who were created for each other and only each other." Carlisle said with a calm voice.

"Oh, so the concept of soul mates does exist." I said with an interested smile.

"It does and all of us here are mated." Carlisle said before continuing.

"Me and Esme, Emmett and Edward, Jasper and Lynda, and finally Rosalie and Bella." Carlisle said.

"Well, I bet it's weird for you to be around so many couples alone." I said as I patted Alice's shoulder, to be honest, I really didn't like to think of her with someone else but I had no claims over her as of now so my feelings about it didn't matter.

"It is... but now I have you." Alice replied with an almost undetectable smile but I caught it.

"You mean?" I said as a smile appeared on my face.

"I'm sure you felt something within you happen when you first met Alice, that was the mate bond forming Keanu." Esme said with a smile on her face.

"You and Alice are mates." Carlisle said with a pleased tone, I could tell he was feeling happy for Alice to have finally united with me, her mate.

'Heh, well ain't that some shit.' I said inwardly happy with this revelation, I now knew that the intense feelings that I held for Alice weren't just a one way train.

To be continued...