
HP: The wholesome life

Author: Rakasa_dark
Ongoing · 426.3K Views
  • 51 Chs
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This is a whole some, slice of life, kind of fanfic. It's more about fun and Funny situations then fighting and killing. It's not about Harry and voldemort. It's about how you would live your life, if you were in HP, instead of planning and being a paranoid mess. But rather enjoying your second life, while growing, the mc will be powerful but not like something overpowered. __________________________________________ If you want to read ahead and support me Patreon.com/Rakasa on break till the end of April, I'm very busy with my College entrance exam prep.

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Chapter 1Chapter - 1 William Stark

"The winning number for this year's 10 million dollars jackpot is 4-3-9-6-2-8-0-0!"

Lying in a delpeted room. William, who was wearing a black polo and SpongeBob SquarePants shorts,

jumped up from his bed excitedly after hearing the lottery number announced by the host on the TV.

"I won..... Wohooooo.

I won the lottery!" William rubbed his eyes and repeatedly compared the winning lottery number with his ticket .

But no matter how many times he did it, the numbers always matched.

"Hahahaha, I'm rich now, I'm super rich."

Thinking about his past hardships because of money, He sighed, and with a bright smile he imagined his future.

William was an orphan from a young age, and the family that adopted him treated him as a servant.

Living in poverty all his life, the only way out he saw was through winning the lottery.

So he just kept on buying lottery tickets doesn't matter he never won something substantial or just kept on losing , he kept on buying lottery tickets for himself every time he can . He believed that some day he will definitely win the lottery.

Now, he has finally won it , Dancing like a teenager asked by his crush for the prom night.

He was imagining the things he can do with this money.

He could buy a luxury sea view villa in California ,

He can buy luxury cars and watches,

He can eat in a five star hotel.

Visit some prostitutes.

He just kept on dreaming about the things he would do with the lottery money.

Two days later, William walked into the Welfare Lottery Center, wearing a mask and a pair of black sunglasses.

With greasy hair and erratic eyes, he looked like a thief to anyone.

He looked around...

There was no crowd of onlookers , waiting for the winner.

There were No NGO members holding a pen and waiting for him to donate, for their cause.

Nor did he saw the flock of reporters who wanted to interview him.

There is nothing, like he is in a desolate alley , he can't see anyone not even the money... nothing.

William Stark suddenly sits up awoke from his dazed sleep.

Where am I?

who am I ?

Where's my husband... ugh, where's my money?

William looked around and found out, that it was a dream, so he sighed and laid back on the bed again.

No wonder it' was too good to be true, but it just felt so real.

He shook his head, and showed a dull expression,

His parents died when he was a child, and he was able to finish university with the help of government scholarship and working part-time .

The dream was actually real, well the start was.

He did won the lottery, but when he was celebrating and accepting the reality,

Someone suddenly knocked on his door , when he opened it , he was robbed by the guy on the door.

That's what he gets for not enquiring and asking for who was on the door.

He still remembers the man's appearance: blood red lips, pointed nose and a grin plastered on his face, white horror makeup... exactly the same as the Joker in Batman.

He was knocked down by the other party.

Roped on a chair, with a slight bump on his head , when he opens his eyes all he sees is the kidnapper who tore the lottery ticket in front of his face.

And pushes a knife in his heart when he was in shock, laughing at his misery,about how his dreams were torned up in front of him.

With blood coming out of his mouth he only cried, but no voice came out, and slowly his eyes closed.

He woke up again, and found out that he is in United Kingdom , back in 1990, in the body of an eleven-year-old kid.

After waking up, he also found out that there was an extra memory of an eleven-year-old child in his head.

The boy, formerly known as William Stark, came from a wealthy family. His father was a dentist, his mother a professor at Cambridge University, and he also had a nine-year-old sister named Anne.

William was an orphan in his previous life, and was quite satisfied with his current identity. As for his past and his 10 million dollars, He just forgot about it as a nightmare.

This time, he will never open a door without looking who was on the door and for what buisness .

William sighed, got up from the bed the body was laying down before he took it ,and decided to go out for the morning sun.

But after he stood up, he heard a "thumping" sound from the balcony.

"Is that you Boba ?" He asked softly while wearing his clothes.

Boba was the beautiful oranged furr cat, who was rescued by William when it had an injury, and later adopted as a pet by him.

Although this stray cat is not as common as a Normal black or yellow street cat, It still is quite common in London.

Because of the orange color, William named it Boba.

Boba is extremely docile and we'll behaved, otherwise William's parents would not agree with him on keeping it.

After quickly getting dressed, William slid the curtains and opened the door of the balcony. The warm sunlight met his exposed skin and face giving him a refreshing and pleasant morning.

It seems that today is a good day.

William squinted and saw that Boba was squatting on the marble floor of the balcony, confronting an owl.

The scene was indescribably weird.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Boba shook its orange ears, and a row of sharp teeth were exposed, making a "meow", at the same time, he lowered his body and sat down to prepare for the hunt.

The owl bowed and shook its head, and turned its big eyes toward Boba with scornful expressions.

Boba became furious with the owl's act, and then prepared to attack.

William quickly stepped in front and said, "Boba, don't eat strange birds raw, otherwise you will get sick!"

"It has to be cooked before eating..."


The Owl seemed to understand William's words, tilted his head towards him, looking offended.

It rolled its brown pupils, then spread its wings, and flew up from the balcony fence.

Only then did William saw the envelope tied on its legs.

A letter?

For me?

But by whom?

He felt a little strange, about using an owl for delivering letters?

What age was that person living in?

William held his chin and thought carefully. His thick and bright dark brown hair fluttered gently in the wind.

"Speaking of which... in my memory, this body did experienced some unexplainable things that are not possible to explain with science ."

William doesn't know how to describe it. It's a bit like a superpower, and it's a bit like his emotions talking for him.

The old William also told his parents about it , but as they were just ordinary people. In order to prevent others from knowing it and calling them the family of a witch , he was told to keep it a secret and never do it again.

"Looking at it now... It doesn't look like I am an ordinary person!"

Plus my surname is Stark"

William's dark green eyes lit up, it was as if a blind man had seen light for the first time.

"Could it be, that I'm in Marvel and I'm related to Tony Stark, a distant cousin of his, or like my father is the brother of Harvard stark.

No it's not right, Something as famous as Stark Industries, the old William would have seen it atleast once on TV, so this shouldn't be the Marvel world.


"Could it be Bran Stark, a relative of Westeros, ready to call me over to inherit his Iron Throne?"

But they will send the letter with a crow, not an Owl?

Just as William was thinking, the owl circled the sky a few times, and then smashed the envelope on his head.

William picked up the envelope, he turned it over quickly, and on the back of the envelope, there was a wax seal consisting of a snake, a lion, an eagle, and a badger with a capital "H" in centre.

His eyes widened suddenly, his hands were tightly pressed, he quickly opened the envelope, took out the letter and read:

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:

Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizarding Association, and a first-level wizard of the Merlin Order).

Dear Mr. Stark: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment required by the student. The semester is scheduled to start on September

We will be waiting for your reply from your owl by July 31st.

Yours sincerely

Vice Principal

Minerva McGonagall

Before he could read the letter whole, William's attention was interrupted again by a sound.

He looked up and saw that Boba had already thrown the owl down.

The owl was lying flat on the balcony, and Boba was lying on it.

Well, the posture is a bit scandalous.

This was William's first reaction.

Second reaction...

" No Boba, you can't eat it, bad Boba bad Boba shu shu."


If you want to read 5 chapter ahead

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RaccoonLeague · Book&Literature
152 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1