
Chapter - 49 Cho Sings Good



Hearing about the Room of Requirement, Cedric's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

William picked up on Cedric's reaction and asked, "What's up, Cedric? Do you know something about it?"

Cedric nodded, "You see, our common room isn't too far from the Hogwarts kitchen. I often chat with the house-elves when I go there for a late-night snack. Once, they mentioned a unique chamber called the 'Room of Requirement' or the 'Come and Go Room'!"

"Why's that?" Cho inquired curiously.

"Because this room seems to only materialize when someone truly needs it," Charlie explained seriously. "It comes and goes, but whenever it shows up, it's perfectly suited to fulfill the seeker's desires."

"I remember once, when I was coming back from visiting Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest at night, I ran into Filch. I needed a place to hide, and that room suddenly appeared out of thin air."

"I tried many times before I figured out there was a pattern to that room," Charlie added.

"How many people know about it?" Hagrid asked eagerly.

"Very few or none, I'd say. It's probably the most secretive spot in Hogwarts; even George and Fred aren't in on it!" Charlie chuckled.

"That's fantastic," Hagrid exclaimed, his excitement mounting. "We could keep Fluffy there, right?"

Hagrid, once again, suggested the idea of housing Fluffy for an extended period.

William shook his head and explained, "It's not possible, Hagrid.

If Charlie can find that room, so can the others. At most, we can only shelter Fluffy until next summer, and then Charlie will take him away.

Fluffy will be fully grown by then, and it could be very risky if other students accidentally enter the room."

"You're right, William," saddened Hagrid replied, "Fluffy needs to go in the end, it seems."

Now that the decision has been made, looks like the group of four are gonna be out wandering in the night .

This wasn't William's first night adventure, and it surely wouldn't be his last. He has roamed around with the twins a couple of times before.

At Hogwarts, there were countless rules, but the most important one was simple: don't get caught. You can Break all the rules you like until someone catches you.

If you were spotted, your best move is to accept that you have dog shit luck. There were numerous corridors and rooms, and only a handful of teachers and Filch on the lookout for those who roam at night for making out and roaming.

Watch your house lose points, and if you're a Gryffindor, maybe cry in a corner.

Luckily, with the help of the Marauder's Map, William and the Weasley brothers have never been caught not even close.

When it hit half-past eleven, with his roommates fast asleep, William slipped into his robe, grasped his wand, and quietly navigated the rooms above the castle, descending the spiral staircase.

Boba trailed behind him, like a ghost.

Boba was definitely coming with William tonight. He hadn't contacted the Weasley brothers for this trip, and the Marauder's Map was currently in their possession.

With his sharp hearing and an acute sense of smell, Boba could quickly detect Filch, making it easier to avoid him.

Most importantly, with Boba around, Mrs. Norris will definitely overlook William's presence, sparing him from Filch's attention.

Entering the Ravenclaw's common room, fading fires still cast glimmers in the fireplace, while the armchairs appeared as vague silhouettes in the dimness.

Boba focused on a dark corner and let out a soft meow.

Upon closer inspection, William noticed someone was already seated there, half asleep.

Cho stirred awake at the noise. Letting out a yawn, she complained, "I've been waiting here since half-past ten, William. Why did you take so long?"

William furrowed his brow, surprised. "Cho, what are you doing here? I thought Cedric didn't allow you to come along?"

Shaking her head and growing more alert, Cho responded irritably, "Why should I let Cedric stop me?"

Cho gracefully stepped down from her chair, draped in a long robe and clutching her wand, "I can be of help! Back in primary school, I was a champion in long-distance running for several years.

I was known for my speed. If we're caught, I can easily outrun everyone, especially Filch."

William blinked in surprise, then nodded thoughtfully, "Alright, maybe you could help us carry Fluffy's box. He's quite heavy."

Cho - "..."

At the staircase's entrance, the trio converged. Along the way, Cedric complained about William's decision to bring Cho, like she was some princess forced to do labours work.

Looking at Cedric ' if things go south or if we are caught I will definitely outrun you, I swear otherwise I will add filch as my middle name.'

Charlie, already waiting for them in the first-floor lobby, wasted no time. "We need to hurry. Filch just passed by here; I led him toward the medal showroom."

Concerned, Cho inquired, "Are we going like this?"

"Of course not, miss!" Charlie pulled out his worn out wand, tapping it a few times while making sure to include Boba.

A cool sensation spread from the wand's point, covering their entire bodies like a liquid.

William glanced down at his altered appearance—his body seemed different, almost as if it were part of the floor itself,

not entirely invisible, but its color and texture now matched the hallway's flooring perfectly. He felt like a humanoid chameleon.

Excited, Cedric chimed in, "Illusory body spell, so cool!"

Leading the way, Charlie whispered, "It's a very practical magic. The spell is called phantasma gradus.' It took me a while to master it."

Curiously examining herself, Cho exclaimed, "Learning this magic, could we move around at night without being noticed?"

William shook his head, clarifying, "No way. Wizards with strong magical powers can easily see through this spell."

Charlie nodded, adding, "Absolutely. I once tried it at home, and Mad-Eye saw right through it.

He's got a peculiar magical eye, but I'm sure even Dumbledore could see through it. As for the professors, I'm not sure, but it should be enough to fool Filch."

Filch was just a squib. Ever since Professor Tywin accidentally dpilled this secret, it has long been rumored all over the campus.

As they approached Hagrid's cabin, they spotted Fang, the Great Hound, sleeping outside the door, his tail was wrapped in a bandage. They knocked on the door.

Hagrid, panting heavily, opened the window to talk to them. "Can't let ya in," he gasped, clearly distressed. "Fluffy's been real fussy lately, hard to make him feel asleep... I just can't get him settled."

Charlie made his way through the window and inside. Despite their efforts, they struggled to put Fluffy to sleep.

Hagrid's singing, was once perfect lullaby for fluffy, had lost its charm. Ever since Cho tried singing for him, Fluffy knew what sweetness is and grew a distaste for Hagrid's tunes and refused to sleep with such a disaster.

However, when Cho sang at the window, Fluffy, the unruly child, peacefully drifted off to sleep.

As they put Fluffy into the wooden crate, Hagrid's eyes teared up, possibly also because Fluffy had bitten his leg. "Ha! No worries, just nibbled my boot, playing around - still a little pup, after all."

"I've got loads of old bacon for him and a few plump, round chickens, enough for his breakfast tomorrow,"

Hagrid said with a heavy heart. "I've even tucked in his favorite toy in there, so he won't feel lonely at night."

William tried to comfort him, "It's okay, you'll see him by noon tomorrow."

Hagrid choked up, "Poor little thing, it's never been apart from me. Hope it doesn't kick up a fuss at night!"

He placed a blanket in the crate, though William suspected it might end up in shreds by morning.

William raised his wand and casted Wingardium Leviosa a floating spell to make the box levitate.

The four of them each grabbed a corner and began their walk back to the castle,

'Merlin please there should be no problems tonight.'