
Chapter - 42 Poor Shot Cedric

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Two hours later, Captain Truman whistled several times, A crashed Comet 260, and a few others ended up losing a few teeth.

Eventually, Hufflepuff finalized their team.

Unfortunately, Cedric didn't make the cut for a beater.

His excitement seemed to have caused him more harm than good.

Actually, he was a really terrible shot.

He smashed the quaffle , 30 times and everytime he hit the quaffle with an intensity of blacksmith but with shit accuracy.

In his 30 attempts to score with the Quaffle, he was only able to score one goal.

If it was a official match, Cedric would definitely be thought as an opponent playing from their side. He was that bad as a beater.

However, Cedric was really good at flying, So good that Gabriel Truman decided to gave him another chance but not as a beater but as a Seeker.

The crowd erupted in mocking laughter as Cedric stood, his face resembling that of snape's as pale as it can be, he didn't wanted to be a seeker but a beater.

He shielded his eyes from the sun, arguing that it was the sun because of which he missed his shots.

"Go for it, Cedric!" A sudden voice echoed from the stands.

Cho standing on her seat, cupping her hands near her mouth, she was chearing loudly.

All eyes looked at Cho, But she showed no signs of timidness or shyness, as she still continued her root for Cedric.

An air of jealousy filled the Quidditch training ground, and even Captain Truman didn't wanted to give Cedric another chance after this.

Everyone was jealous of him.

William, George, and Fred weren't sitting still either.

From Sniff's bag of treasures, they produced an old silver sheet with "Cedric, You Can Do It" scribbled in black ink, the letters shimmered as if they were neon lights.

Once again being extorted of his treasure sniff was crying loudly,

and was even punching and kicking Fred's crouch area with his paws.

But the most shocking things was Fred, who didn't even minded the torture like it was nothing.

William was shocked. It seemed that after being bitten last time on his crotch,

He had already learned the secret legendary Iron Crotch Technique.

Or he just liked the feel of his ball being busted, whichever it was William wanted no part in it.

Cedric caught the Snitch in just five minutes, solidifying his position as the youngest Seeker on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Watching the Quidditch selection, William also started anticipating his upcoming flying lessons.

In his previous life, he was a star guard on the basketball team at the orphanage,

earning himself a nickname from the orphans

Three balls buster, because I was great at taking 3 pointers.

Ravenclaw's flying lessons were scheduled for Friday afternoons in the second week, with the Hufflepuff's.

As the house which excelled in academic and focused more on knowledge then strength,

Sports has never been Ravenclaw's strong point.

The eagles are even worse than Gryffindor's, they haven't won a single Quidditch Cup for seven consecutive years.

The Ravenclaw Quidditch team was like a chicken in the snake Slytherin's eyes,

The golden goose in Gryffindor's mouth,

and the BBQ in Hufflepuff's hands.

Professor Flitwick might have felt quite frustrated, wishing he could be there in the game.

After all, being down 30 to 0 in the first minute was really shameful.

Ravenclaw seemed to be struggling due to numerous issues like a lack of competitive spirit, problems in the selection process, player attitudes.

You name it, and you'd find it as a problem in Ravenclaw Academy's Quidditch team.

Former Ravenclaw captain and current Scottish runner-up coach, Jack Fan, once commented,

"What's the deal with Ravenclaw Quidditch these days?

There are only a handful of players, like Roger Davis or whatever, all working as Chasers.

Can they even score goals? There beaters are pathetic and their protectors can't even protect shit.

They're just not cutting it, lacking the skills, you know?"

Jack Fan made quite a statement about the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in an interview with the Daily Prophet.

He said, "Seven losses in a row for Ravenclaw?

How do I even begin to explain that? I don't even have words to describe that pathetic record."

Fan stressed that Ravenclaw needs an exceptional captain to elevate their game,

Someone at a level akin to the likes of the talented Krum from Bulgaria.

Despite Ravenclaw's lackluster performance in Quidditch,

it doesn't seem to affect the spirits of the first-year wizards.

They all feel that they are the one-of-a-kind quidditch prodigy.

Marcos Belby spends a lot of time talking about different brooms on the market,

As if he was the head designer at Nimbus Broom Company.

He always complaints about how first-year students can't join the House Quidditch team.

And boasts about his flying skill with stories.

But every story of his ends with him almost reaching the Earth's atmosphere.

It wasn't only Marcos but Eddie Mitchell who keeps boasting about his broom skills.

He talks as if he's born on a broom and had always spent his time on it.

Eddie even claims he's writing to the Chadley Cannons, and the team owner is seriously considering his proposal.

Even Marina Ackerman has her own tales to tell too.

Like how that one time she was riding her broom and nearly caused a Muggle aviation accident by almost colliding with a helicopter.

Seems like everyone from a wizarding family is all chattering about Quidditch.

"The Origin of Quidditch", a book that was originally sitting in the library to eating dust, suddenly became the best book.

Other similar books with similar titles have also been bought by everyone.

It was like getting this book will give you a booster in the quidditch race.

Marcos Belby even had a big fight with Bradley and Chamber, all of them are his roommates.

They were arguing about who was the Best quidditch player of all time.

Marcos said it was the Scottish Seeker Hector Lamont.

Although in this year's Quidditch World Cup, the Scottish national team lost to the Canadian team by a narrow margin of 30 points and were the runners-up.

But this does not diminish the greatness of Hector Lamont at all.

After all, he did his best, so you can't blame him for losing.

As for Bradley, he claims that Magic Johnson of the Lakers was the greatest. At this point, he has not yet had let anyone score as a protector.

Chamber believed that Maradona was the greatest player.

William also caught Marcos poking his hand on Bradley's Lakers poster, trying to get the players to move.

William was baffled by their stupidity, these idiots were talking about players from different positions, how could they compare a seeker with a beater or with a protector.

William had enough of their stupidity, So to stop them he put up a poster of Madonna from Victoria's Secret collection Magazine, finally ending the nonsense debate.

Marcos felt bad about the quarrel and apologized, and Chambers felt silly and said sorry too. William helped them all be friends again

William couldn't help feeling that these wizards were quite naive.

He remembered his old high school roommates who argued over sports players too.

William hoped a poster of some kind might help everyone be friends again so he put up a gambling Hero movie's poster,

which had a hot babe with bikini on the cover, but instead, some got into gambling.

Every night, his roommates talked about the new online casino.

William didn't want them to ask him for money, so he quickly changed his dorm room.


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