
Chapter - 34 Boba was Cheated

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The tabby cat vanished, and Professor McGonagall stood in its place.

Sporting square glasses resembling the patterns around the tabby cat's eyes.

McGonagall maintained her usual expression, hinting that such incidents weren't new to her.

William couldn't help but wonder if

anyone had ever dared to tease her with a mouse or fish or patted her head like a cat.

' is she into animal roleplay or into animals, hah wizards are really wierd.'

Everyone was muted, startled by Professor McGonagall's sudden transformation.

Boba, visibly frightened, ran away in confusion. The cat seemed puzzled about the transformation from the beautiful cat to this stern woman.

With his fur standing, Boba grabbed its dried fish and bolted away from the commotion.

Professor McGonagall didn't stopped him but,

scanned the room, pausing for a moment, focusing her attention on William.

In a stern tone akin to Professor Snape's, Professor McGonagall declared,

"Transfiguration is likely the most complex and risky spell you'll learn at Hogwarts."

"To anyone seeking to cause trouble in my class, consider yourself warned. I'll have you removed and barred from returning."

It was a firm warning from her end.

No one uttered a word, and Boba nestled close to William's legs, visibly trembling.

"Transfiguration, as the name suggests, is about turning one object into another.

It can animate, inanimate things and even convert a living being into an object," Professor McGonagall explained, drawing her wand from her pocket.

"Allow me to demonstrate."

She flicked her wand lightly, and Boba, cowering at William's feet, was lifted into the air.

Professor McGonagall embraced Boba with a faint smile on her lips.

Boba casted a pitiful glance at Professor McGonagall and let out a  "meow~" in an attempt to cute his way through the situation.

Professor McGonagall's wand, tapped on Boba's head.

With a sound of "Shuh", Boba transfigures into a cup.

Professor McGonagall grabbed the orange  tail-shaped cup handle and showed it so that the students below could see it clearly.

Everyone was fascinated by this.

Professor McGonagall again tapped on Boba cup a few times, and a whimpering, pink pig appeared on the desk.

With a pair of wings on Boba's body.

Professor McGonagall again waved her wand, and it flew into the air like a bird.

Everyone started a round of  applause and stared at her with excitement,

Wondering when they would be able to do something like this.

Professor McGonagall changed Boba to its original cat form, patting its  head, she waved her wand, and a cat fish appeared in front of him.

As Boba swiftly devoured the snack and dashed back to William,

Professor McGonagall announced, "Alright, let's delve into the 'A Beginners guide to transfiguration' today.

We'll be exploring the fundamental principles and Gamp's primary Transfiguration guidelines."

The students cracked open their books and saw a barrage of intricate formula derivations and theorems.

Their expressions drowning, the excitement gone, came disappointment as they grappled with the complexity of the formula and theorems.

Professor McGonagall then added, "If all goes well, you might even attempt a transformation today."

Her words generating excitement among the students once more.

Theoretical knowledge might have its dull moments, but as Professor McGonagall emphasized, Transfiguration was complex and challenging.

An hour passed by as Professor McGonagall delved into various theoretical aspects, prompting everyone to diligently jot down all the  notes.

Professor McGonagall sometimes showed transformation using Boba as her cat model to keep the class engaged and interesting.

William was hooked on the lesson.

Even though he'd studied on his own and asked Cedric for help, there was still a huge gap like Hagrid and Boba's height difference,

between Cedric's skills and Professor McGonagall's expertise.

Feeling the students getting a bit bored with all the theory talk, Professor McGonagall closed the book, seeing the class visibly relax,

said, "Okay, let's give the practical part a try."

She distributed matches to the class and instructed, "Your task is to transform the match into a needle. The more detailed, the better."

Cho wielded her wand, staring intensely on the match as if trying to change it just by her glance .

Meanwhile, Marcos poked at his match rather forcefully, causing it to snap in half.

Sneaking a glance at Professor McGonagall, feeling scared of her he asked for another match,

pretending as though nothing went wrong and continued poking his wand on the match.

The other students in the class were in the same boat,

None of them had tried or knew about these spells, simply sitting there looking confused.

"Don't you already know it" Cho abandoning her efforts turned to William.

William glanced over the textbook, appearing to study content beyond their current level.

"I do know, but it's just so - so" he replied, setting the book aside and taking the wand from the table.

He lightly poked the match making it disappeared, with a long needle appearing on its place.

The needle, essentially a small iron rod, was nearly as thick as the matchstick, with one end slightly sharp to indicate a pointed tip.

It was quite impressive, especially considering it was well ahead of the other students' attempts.

"How did you manage that?" Katie Bell, seated at the back, stood up and  inquired with great envy.

She saw that everyone's learning pace varied, and Raven claw's reputation for the smartest wasn't just a rumor.

William shrugged and said, "I spent a lot of time practicing this over the summer.

As Merlin said, as others wasted their time playing , I honed my magic to become the greatest."

Katie Bell's outburst caught the attention of nearby students, who were equally shocked by William's successful Transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall approached William, while Boba hid within his robes, barely peeking out.

Her eyes revealed a hint of surprise as she glanced at the iron bar lying on the table.

Her tightly pressed lips seemed to smiling slightly.

It was a task meant for weeks ahead—transforming matches into needles.

Most students aimed to achieve this in a few weeks or even a month after starting school.

Professor McGonagall had presented this to lighten the mood, not anticipating anyone to accomplish it so soon.

Got it, here's a revised version:

"Nice work, Mr. Stark," Professor McGonagall praised. "One point for Ravenclaw."

Cormac McLaggen let out a disdainful snort. He had noticed earlier that William was a country bumpkin when they first arrived at Hogwarts.

Mclaggen had imagined his magical talent would shine after entering school,

but to his surprise, William seemed to be outpacing her further and further.

With a determined expression, Mclaggen picked up his wand and focused on the match, taking a deep breath before beginning.

But he took a bit too much deep breath in, so much that his body had to push some out,

So with his mouth and eyes closed, his body pushed out the extra air through the other hole.

The Gryffindor students  around McLaggen covered their noses and moved far away saving themselves from this biochemical attack.

McLaggen didn't pay attention,to them because he was feeling very comfortable now,

He picked up his wand waved it, and poked the match lightly a few times,.

And viola the match was ignited instantly, and with the help of his  special gas in the air, the flames rose up.

McLaggen was terrified by the flames, so he hurriedly threw the burning match,

and it landed on Helios Midgen's blond hair.

No one knew, for how long had she not washed her hair, as they were set on fire instantly.

Making her the flaming torch.


Liar liar pants on fire, give me your stones if you don't want your pants to be on fire.

I can only hope little wick will be okay😂 or is it Hulk or Ironman, you get the point.

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