
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


Ruby is the new rachel...


They are retarded lmao. They forgot simple issue. He is fucking student of the guy who you so much want help from


Alef and what’s his face definitely aren’t as powerful as jake. His ordeal rating is definitely higher than theirs and i don’t doubt that Jake would be able to kill them even if he has to boost his rank. Plus Jake’s main issues during the ordeal were intrinsic: his lower oracle rank, and not so much as prominent was his inability to handle group fights (1 v many, like before he boarded the phantom sanctuary) but that’s a weakness everyone had. None of these were tied to external factors like the enemy simply being too strong for him, at least when it came to players. Obviously these fellows are walking toward their deaths, but what matters is the follow up to a fight, or whether a fight will even take place. With the Government’s actions, I believe Jake will lose even more trust in established institutions so hopes for reconciliation are low. But the presence of a relatively huge enemy would pressure him to get stronger quickly. He can do all that by soending his time in ordeals, but I also think, from a reader’s perspective, we’ve had enough of ordeals for a while. Will Jake cave in? I assume they’d attempt to get him to sign a servant contract of some type, possibly also attempting to take advantage of him in some other regard. But the thiught that all if this might’ve been a part of Ruby’s plan would push Jake even farther from this decision. What does Jake do if he tells them to f*ck off?


From how Jake’s device basically backstabbed him into saving Ruby and how it seems like she’s able to doctor her recordings/reports, i think she has an oracle skill specifically tailored to alter data


Government Lackey Ruby and selfish earth government story will continue.... This government if it care about its fellow humans then they will never included something like win however is possible by stealing from fellow human who you were saved by. Its more like private military fraction. If govt lackey Ruby was able to alter the reporting data then there no absolute condition about Ruby's behaviour. She just wanted to continue towards 1st position/safe place after stealing and betraying. At last her shameless sorrow after coming out of Red cube but after end of the reporting to general the in cheering happiness, the shameless sorrow also disappeared. AFTER INVESTIGATION OF JACK'S DETAILS: 1) Wildearth Family 2) The famous aethorist's deciple 4) 2nd ordeal highest scorer 5) Maybe future owner of a flying Island


A***. I was hoping we'd get to see what Jake got from the Oracle for the ordeal.


another selfish traitor, ark ur developing a strang fetish for them..


Loved the chapter author. Cant wait to see how strong and fast Jake is now that he has shed a couple of tons of oracle alloy😂


Now my theory is that Ruby doesn't want him to join the government or in any way influence by her to join the government so she betrayed him .. it doesn't justify the betrayal but that could be one scenario..


Arkinslize mentionned that Jake would become the nightmare of all players if I remember correctly.


Do you guys remember those tiger/cats/lions that decided to go to new earth for no apparent reason and haven't left yet? Why did they (or the oracle) decide to follow Jake? Will they save Jake's ass again?


my only wish is he dont join the government and all the human society benifieri crap


thank you for great chapter author. i pray for more


Let me ask in advance ...are you planning to miss or give bonus chapters this week?


As the ordeal is over, I'll stop reading for now to binge read after at least 60 more chapters, that's by the end of February. Happy new year everyone.


Thanks for the chapter! I can't wait for more! Shdhshaiwbr


ah, yes, the government, still as dumb as it has been


Its strange to have people how want a strong earth (when they all might still be enslaved) say that they need to kill strong earthlings. It doesn't ring true for me.


i am hyped for volume 4!


I füçking knew that bïtçh stole from him she deserves death of the highest account and a good rãpimg too