



2019-07-14 JoinedUnited States

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  • Man_Kan5 months ago
    Replied to 1Mad_Hatter1

    you have made a fair point about the timings of the story and how early it is in the games life cycle and how isolated the setting is. I will concede on this point and continue reading.

  • Man_Kan5 months ago
    Replied to Man_Kan

    I'm not saying that people wouldn't keep a secret, but honestly I think half the time they don't and it ends up on a forum or in a yt video. my main issue that I was referring to was that in the beginning of the story he is the only one that shows up for the NPC classes. I think that it is fairly common for people to go around and ask all the NPC for hidden info and lore, and especially larpers and role players would be similarly interested like the mc, and both of those groups are not small. I think this is actually a major problem with a lot of books in this genre and it's not totally directed at you. it's just a really common and jarring plot hole where the author makes side characters all one single type of player when there is a variety of different play styles. not everyone is in the competitive gaming scene, and not all people that enter a game on their first day are competitive. the last MMO launch I played, I found a variety of people that approached having fun in very different ways. not everyone takes the game that seriously, and not everyone that takes the game seriously is competitive. also this isn't a dig on your writing style or anything, and I don't think the premise is necessarily your fault for having what I perceived as a huge plot hole. I will restate that I think the entire genre has that problem to some degree, and usually it's less of a problem later in the book.

  • Man_Kan5 months ago

    Not bad but one main huge problem in my opinion. I think that the stupid trope of mc being some insightful god that intuitively understands the game is bad, but even moreso when the actions the mc takes are completely average. the idea that no one would get the hint that NPCs would teach the players is absurd, and the notion that people only play in a single way and the mc is so special for playing in a slightly different way is infuriating. authors need to stop lowering the average IQ to make the mc look like a genius.

  • Man_Kan5 months ago

    So I'm reviewing this as someone that has caught up basically. I think the world is extremely well written but this is a flaw, I think the scale is not too well established, because most of the conflict stays very stationary, and only in the later chapters does the world's size get explored. cities as a concept, and how many there are, is a bit murkey. in this story the characters are fairly compelling but I think that the first big twist is layed out but not accentuated, so it throws people off. the ground work is there, but when the twist happens, it feels out of character in the moment. the build up subject seemed obvious, but the mc reaction felt very over exaggerated. I thought that mc knew of the betrayal, or at least expected it. there were many hints of it before hand, and it seemed like he knew with the distance created between the two characters. his naivety should have been pronounced around how he doesn't suspect his boss, or he should have had an inner dialogue in the moment. after this the author ran very well with the dark perspective. if you feel shitty after reading the twist, take a step back and come back after powering through the twist.

  • Man_Kan5 months ago

    I say this to myself everyday.

  • Man_Kana year ago
    Replied to aloneinthisworld_

    It looks like you're just not good at finding good books

  • Man_Kana year ago
    Replied to Man_Kan

    Gosh darn webnovel deleting my enter key

  • Man_Kana year ago

    twould beseech of Jake's prowessas they saunter in distressfor Jake himself t'would be duressto save the girl in a state of undress,by the morn should corpses laysome captured, slaughtered in the dayJake consumes and turns them splayfor soon t'would be his time to playCho min ho, his time is naughtnary him a chance had foughtsoon to be very distraughtas he'd be inevitably caughtin the end a crown for Jaketwas foretold as his to takethough many lives are soon at stakeone truth real, the other fake.