I rated the translation low only because there is a far superior English translation online although it ends at Vol 2 Ch 19. This other translation is EPIC and does not exclude parts of dialogue and action as this one does.
This [trackfest's] translation is so beautiful. In some places, the beauty of the language and the translator's gift of poetry, knowledge of Chinese literature, language, and culture makes for a most profound, emotional, and unforgettable read. She included footnotes that demystified the Chinese language. She explained references re words, phrases, the vernacular, and even common cliches/analogies used by the original author. Trackfest is/was in med school and I suppose the translation project became overwhelming. I DO HOPE that one day that she will return.
This translation is like instant hot chocolate made w/water that can satisfy a craving. Trackfest's translation is like instant hot chocolate made w/cream. Rich, memorable and almost indigestable. Such a confident and moving translation speaks to her superb fluency in English AND Chinese.
Poetry, poetry, more poetry. I did contact Trackfest about her translation b/c I could not believe what I was reading. She said that most Chinese books in this genre were written in this image-rich, colorful way.
My resolution since then is to become fluent in Chinese so I can unlock 5,000 years of literature.