
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Special Class Students

Ash was surprised because he spotted two familiar faces in the group of young people coming in his direction.

The Two familiar faces were precisely the two extremely beautiful girls he saw in the Airship in the past.

The group consisted of 4 girls and 5 boys

After the group came he heard one boy from the group saying, " Teacher Martin, Is this the stupid boy you mentioned a few days ago? " He looked in his direction and continued with sarcasm dripping from this every word, " The boy who was very courageous and fearless even in face of death? "

" Hahahaha " The other boys laughed out loud.

But Those Two girls had their faces laced with indifference, It's like nothing here aroused even the slightest interest in them.

Ash felt anger rising in him hearing the mocking laughers but stayed silent as he calmed down and said with an indifferent expression on his face, " Teacher Martin can you stop these dogs from barking? it's very disturbing in this peaceful environment. "

All the laughers died down and the boys ferociously glared at Ash.

If glares could kill then he would have died right now nevertheless he did not care about them.

" Alright Alright, Calm down everyone, and take your seats! " Martin said in a commanding tone.

After a while, Martin announced the start of the class as everyone sat down in their wooden chairs.

" Ok. First, Ash introduces yourself " Said Martin to Ash.

Ash stood up and said with an indifferent face, " Hello Everyone. My name is Ash Alvin and I am from SilverPhenoix City. " after saying this he sat down. He will have to fight and defeat everyone in this class and some might even form deep grudges with him over it so he didn't bother to get chummy through the introduction and kept it short and simple.

Martin thought internally ' That's it? '

* cough * Martin faked a cough and said to Ash, " Alright, First let me tell you about how Special Class works. Studying in Special Class is fundamentally different. We will have more practical Lessons, for example, going to explore some places on earth to find various spiritual plants, hunt spirit beasts, etc. And you will find me if you want to ask about anything as you already have my contact info. "

Seeing Ash nod, Martin continued, " You will get 5 Mid Grade Spirit Stones Each Month for your training and Each week we will have a small sparring session in the class so that I can note down your overall progress. "

Ash was surprised because The difference in treatment and allocation of resources between 1st Grade Class and Special Class is too huge.

1 mid-grade spirit stone is equivalent to 100 low-grade spirit stones so you can just imagine the vast difference of treatment between 1st Grade Class and Special Class.

Martin then said to Ash with a smile, " Coincidently today is the day we hold sparring sessions each week which means that today everyone will spar with each other. But you will have to skip this sparring session and only watch others fight today. "

Ash simply nodded on the surface but he sighed a relief in his heart because he was really not prepared for this unexpected sparring session.

" Alright Everyone has 5 minutes to get ready. After that, you will enter the training ground as per my instructions. "

After 5 minutes Marting said, " The 1st Match: Daniel Gates vs Airi Hudson "

A guy with short brown hair and a girl that resembled a person born in Japan which was one of the developed countries before the Earth union formed entered the training ground.

After entering the Training ground Martin singled them to start fighting.

Daniel directly summoned his spirit which looked like a hook connected with rope and started swinging the hook around his body while grabbing the rope connected it, Also it appears that he was infusing water attribute energy into his swinging hook.

Airi also summoned her spirit which was a folding fan used by people in ancient times. And she also started gathering wind attribute energy into her fan.

Danial made the first move as a water blade was shot out from his swinging rope hook but he did not stop swinging his hook around using the rope.

Airi hurriedly dodged the attack and counter attacked by shooting two Air balls from her fan spirit.

But Daniel did not move and kept on swinging the hook around and when the two Air balls came into the range of the swinging hook they exploded and could not manage to hurt Daniel.

Ash was astonished because the skills used by Daniel are really superb. It looks like he combined two skills one offensive and one defensive. Daniel forms the Water and spirit energy barrier using a kind of pattern which he created by swinging his hook around and he can also shoot water blades from the swinging hook.

Ash was in admiration of this innovative style.

As the fight continued Airi tried various types of wind attacks but could not break through the barrier formed by Daniel and Daniel also started dishing out Water blades faster.

Eventually, Daniel won the match.

But he looked even more worn out and tired than Airi.

Martin came over and checked his condition and said with a frown, " you nearly overdrawn yourself. Looks like The Defence and Attack state of yours takes a huge amount of toll on your body and also expands your energies faster. You have to mend this flaw in the future. "

Daniel weakly nodded.

" But Your progress was tremendous...You and Airi both were nearly at the same combat level last week but look at you now, You improved so much in one week. Well done " Said Martin with a smile while patting Daniel's shoulder.

After a while, Martin Called out again two names, " The 2nd Match: Lu Zhang vs Rahul Nair "

This fight was also an exciting one as Lu Zhang cultivated in Lightning Element profound art and his spirit was shaped like a lightning bolt and all his skills and his attacks were all-powerful with fast movement speed.

At first, Rahul was suppressed by Lu Zhang as Lu Zhang kept throwing Lightning Skills like Electric Snake and Shock Blasts at mid-range.

He did not want to give Rahul any chance to counter-attack but he still made one mistake at the end which Rahul grasped accurately and released the spirit skill that he had already prepared towards Lu Zhang which was a powerful Fire Energy Phenoix Projectile with tremendous speed and power. Rahul did not summon his Spirit in this battle for some reason, Maybe he was confident to win without using his spirit.

Actually, Lu Zhang's attacks were really powerful but the reason for his defeat was because Rahul seemed to have trained in some kind of movement profound art and because of it, he was able to avoid critical attacks of Lu Zhang and accurately grasp the chance to counter-attack.

After that Martin continued to call out pairs after pairs and even the Red-haired beautiful girl was called out to fight another girl.

Kiera Shroff was the name of the red-haired girl.

Their Fight was also an exciting one as The other girl whose name was Rachel Fox Cultivated in Earth Element and Kiera Cultivated in Fire Element.

Both Threw Various kinds of Spirit Skills at each other while moving and dodging and finally Kiera won the match but there was not much exhaustion on her face as shown on the face of Rachel.

Ash watched everyone fight except the Black haired girl whose name Ash still does not know.

But he knows the names and some of the abilities of other students in the class.

The Five boys are: Daniel, Rahul, Lu Zhang, Reyli, and the one who mocked him was called Hendrix.

Daniel cultivates Water Element, Lu Zhang Cultivates Lightning Element, Reyli Cultivates Wind Element, Rahul seems to have an affinity with two-elements as guessed by Ash but he has only shown Fire Attribute for now, and Hendrix Cultivates Earth Element.

The 4 girls are Airi, Rachel, Kiera, and the Black haired girl.

Airi Cultivates Wind Element, Rachel Cultivates Earth Element, and Kiera Cultivates the Fire element.

But the most surprising thing is that none of them are at Beginner Stage, They are all at Spirit Student Stage... Among them, the strongest are Rahul and Lu Zhang who are at Spirit Student 7th Stage ( 1700 Spirit Sea Cap/Spirit Energy ), and Kiera who is at Spirit Student 8th Stage ( 1800 Spirit Sea Cap/Spirit Energy ).

After that Martin talked about various spirit plants and spirit beasts because they are going on a Field Trip next month.

Soon the day passed and the class was over at 6 PM.

Ash stayed behind because he did not have his transportation in the academy and Martin was the one who brought him here which is quite far from where his dorm is located.

Ash also needs to get 5 Mid Grade Spirit stones from Martin which are rightfully his since he is now a special class student.

Seeing that everyone has left, Ash asked Martin, "Big Bro Martin when will I get my 5 mid-grade spirit stones ? ".

Ash was also in a hurry because he did not expect his classmates of Special Class to be so powerful, He does not know if 2000 EXP is enough breakthrough into Spirit Student Stage. He also has to ask the system to find a solution to this problem otherwise he won't be able to defeat his classmates in time and fail the Minor-Quest which only had a time limit of 1 month.

" Oh your spirit stones were in my car I forgot to give them to you," Martin said as went to get the spirit stones from his car.

Meanwhile, Ash asked the system, " System is there any other ways to increase my cultivation fast or Get EXP? '

<Host can let System Convert spirit stone into Exp and then use Exp to level up his cultivation>

' How much Exp can a Mid Grade Spirit Stone provide? '

<1 Mid Grade Spirit stone will provide.....

Please comment your thoughts, Critiques, and Compliments both are welcome and Don't Hesitate to Point out my mistakes.

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