
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Martin The Teacher & Double Dragon Fist

Ash Woke up at 5 AM because he slept early yesterday.

<Ding! Cube of Chaos has successfully devoured Bow of Maverick and gained its properties and functions>

Ash was startled hearing the notification right after waking up and checked his spirit.

<Spirit: Cube of Chaos>

<1st Form>

<Attribute: All elements in the Chaos>

<Currently infused Elements: Fire>


<Devoured Tools>

-The Bow of the Maverick

<Empty Slots : 2>

After that, he summoned his spirit which reverted into the cube shape in front of him.

He grabbed the cube and transformed it into the Bow. He just needs to will it and the cube will transform into it because every person's spirit is deeply connected with themselves so it's very easy to use and control spirit, even easier than walking and eating because of the mental link in between.

' hmm, I should keep my spirit in Bow form from now on and fool everyone into thinking that my spirit is bow-shaped. ' Ash made this decision because a spirit which has several forms just when it was awakened was unheard of.

After that Ash contacted Martin because he also needs to get general spirit skills to use and can't always use spirit he got through the system because it might easily arouse suspicion.

" Well...What's the matter early in the morning Ash? " Martin Asked sleepily when Ash's call was connected.

"I want some Spirit Skills, Profound Arts, and also Martial arts, How do I get them?"

Ash asked Martin directly skipping the pleasantries.

" Why do you want martial arts? they are harder to practice and if you practice wrongly you might even get hurt " Martin Asked confusedly.

" Specifically I want some armed Martial Arts like sword arts, spear arts, etc " Ash explained to Martin.

' system did not give me any Profound Martial Arts but they are important because if a person exhausts his spirit energy he might have to fight using Martial Arts. '

Ash thought and he also heard from Delano that Martial Arts becomes extremely powerful when used by a Warlord Powerhouse and what differs Warlord level powerhouse to others is that they have unlocked Sea of consciousness and since his Sea of Consciousness was unlocked by the system he just might be able to bring out more power from Martial Arts like warlords too.

" Alright give me around an hour and I will be there, " Said martin as he hanged up the call.

After that Ash asked System, ' Do you not have any Profound Martial Arts? '

<System has all kinds of Profound Martial Arts too and Host will have the chance to get them from Profound Art Box and Profound Art Section of Lucky Spin.>

' i see...System surely will have more powerful and profound Martial Arts then found in the earth, hope I get some in future '

' Btw System how do I increase my body cultivation, It doesn't seem to increase with level-ups ' Ash asked the system because he noticed that when he leveled up yesterday his body cultivation did not increase like spirit cultivation.

<Host needs to use Additional EXP to increase body cultivation>

' How much EXP to increase it to the next level? ' Ash asked system as he has yet to spend the 2000 EXP he got from Lucky Spin.

<To Reach Next Stage System Needs 1000 EXP>

' Should I level it up right now? ' Ash pondered because if someone noticed that he had already reached 2nd Stage of Body cultivation when he just unlocked his internal Strength recently might arouse suspicion.

' never mind I will wait for now and save the exp and level it up after a month, That way it will not arouse much suspicion ' Ash decided.

Ash started Looking at various information about the Academy and other news in the Earth Union from his Digi-x while waiting for Martin.

After nearly an hour.


Ash looked into his Digi-x and there was a message from Martin that he is waiting outside his dorm.

Ash was already prepared so he went out right after seeing the massage.

Martin was already waiting in the car so ash hopped on directly.

By now they were both familiar with each other but Ash still doesn't know if Martin is a teacher of the Academy or not, He looks young for a teacher but old for a student, and he thinks that Martin is not as simple to figure as he was very carefree even in presence of vice-dean.

So he asked, "Hey Big Bro Martin what do you do in the Academy? I mean are you a teacher or... ? ".

" Me? " Martin Laughed and said, " Yep I am a Teacher in the academy and I have one more identity which I will keep a secret for now. "

Ash was surprised to know that Martin is a teacher when he looks like he is only 25 years old.

Ash was curious about which class's teacher Martin is so he asked, " Which Class's Teacher are you? " Ash secretly guessed that Martin should be Teacher of one of the 2nd Grade Classes as he is still young to become a teacher of a 1st Grade Class.

" I am Teacher of The Special Class which you are going to attend today at 7 AM," Martin said with a grin.

Ash was badly startled hearing the answer.

" you...you are not joking, right? " Ash asked nervously.

" Nope, I am absolutely not joking," Martin said with a smile.

Ash was dazed for a while, So he was being escorted around by a teacher of The Special Class.

Ash asked after snapping out of the daze, " So, Big Bro Martin..er... I mean, Teacher Martin, where are we going ?" Ash smile awkwardly.

Martin grinned and Said, " Relax, you can call me Big Bro Martin outside of the Class, and right now, we are going to a Library which contains the things you want so you can pick your choice of Profound Arts and Martial arts. "

Ash was pleasantly surprised, " you mean I can pick more than one profound art?".

" Specifically, you can pick three things, be it Profound Art, Martial Art or Spirit Skill, But let me warn you that our Academy does not have high-Level Martial Arts because it's not the main focus of the Academy. " Martin answered.

" I see..." Ash delighted after hearing the confirmation from Martin.

Ash suddenly thought about something and asked the System, ' System, can you help me identify the best quality Manuals from the library? '

<Rest Assured that system will help pick host the best quality manuals>

After a while, they once again entered the Headquarter of the Academy.

Ash followed Martin as they arrived at the library which was not too big nor too small.

" Ok, here you are, The first Row shelves contain Profound Arts, The Second Row shelves contain Martial Arts, and the Third Row shelves contain Spirit Skills. "

Martin looked at the time and said, " You have 45 minutes to pick three things because it will be almost time for the Class after 45 minutes so if you can't decide in time then we can come after class is over.

" It's Ok. We won't have to come here later. " Ash said as he started walking towards the row which contains Martial Arts.

Martin left the library as he has other things to do while Ash selects his picks.

' System did you scan the whole library yet? hurry up and tell me which Martial Art is the best. ' Ash Urged The System as he picked up a random book from the shelf.

<Yes System scanned the whole library and currently the manual in the hand of the host is the best Martial Art manual among all of the Martial Arts manuals in the library.>

" No way....are you kidding me? " Ash was speechless at the coincidence.

<Do you want System to Absorb the Manual: Double Dragon Fist>

' Yes, Absorb it ' Ash responded in a sec.

<Double Dragon Fist>

Requirement ( Minimum ): 5 Str, 5 Const, 100 Internal Energy, 500 Elemental Energy ( Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning )

Effects:- Gather Internal Energy Through meridians to Shoot Two Powerful Projectile Dragons with power according to infused Internal Strength and Elemental Energy of any Two types.

Note:- Users can infuse any amount of Internal Energy and Elemental Energy to increase the power of Double Dragon Fist as long as the User's body and Meridians can handle the strain.

Note:- There are 5 Realms of this Martial Art: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Flawless, Pinnacle.

Note:- To use Flawless Realm Double Dragon Host needs to expand his psychic energy And After Reaching Flawless Realm Host can combine Two Elemental Energies to Achieve Advance Attributes. For Example :

-> Fire+>Earth = Magma Dragons ( Requirement : Fire Concept, Earth Concept )

-> Earth+>Fire = Obsidian Dragons

-> Water+>Wind= Ice Dragons ( Requirement : Water Concept, Wind Concept )

-> Wind+>Water= Shadow Dragons

-> Lightning+>Water= Storm Dragons ( Req : Lightning Concept, Water Concept )

->Water+>Lightning= Corrosive Dragons

->Earth+>Lightning= Explosive Dragons ( Req : Earth Concept, Lighting Concept )

->Lightning+>Earth= Magnetic Dragons

There are more Combinations that users have to explore themselves.

' Holy sh*t....this looks like a Divine Grade Martial Arts. If This Library has Spirit Skills and Profound Arts of the Same level, Then I hit the jackpot ' Ash Thought Excitedly and wondered, ' But why did Martin say that Academy does not have high-level Martial arts? This is clearly a very high-level manual '.

< The Version found in Library was only Uncommon Grade but The System generously upgraded it into Divine Grade >

' oh.....looks like I have to thank you system ' Ash thought with a cheeky grin. If Martin was inside he would have freaked out seeing Ash grinning to himself.

< Does Host want to Select a Spirit Skill or Select Two Basic Attributed Profound Arts? >

' I Want one Spirit Skill and One Profound Art, It would be best if you could find Earth Attributed Profound Art '

<Go to the Shelves Where the Spirit Skills manuals are located and pick the 6th manual on 2nd Shelf's 3rd Row.>

Ash quickly reached the shelf and picked up the 6th manual on the 3rd row.

' Absorb this manual ' Ash told the system to absorb the manual without even looking into it.

<Spirit Skill: Explosive Spirit Steps Absorbed>

<Explosive Spirit Steps (Rare)>

-Requirements ( Minimum ): 3 Str, 2 Constitution, 2 Agility, 200 Spirit Energy, 100 Fire Energy.

-Effects: Allows the user to move explosively by channeling Spirit and Fire energy in the legs.

Note:- Explosive Spirit Steps can be upgraded into Explosive Spirit Movements Art which is a Legendary Grade Movements Art.

' Nice... I can use this Movement Skill very soon too so it's a very practical choice. '

< For the Profound Art, Pick the 4th Manual on 1st Shelf's 2nd Row >

Ash went there told the system to absorb the manual right after picking it.

<Profound Art: Basic Earth Attribute Cultivation Manual>

-Requirement: Energy Sea

-Gathers Earth Elemental Energy from the atmosphere to cultivate Earth Elemental Energy in the energy sea.

' Hey System This Profound art is so basic, isn't there anything more advanced ' Ash asked the system confusedly because the system said previously that it will help him select the best profound arts.

<System Automatically gathers purest of Elemental Energies when Host increases his cultivation through level up to ensure that Host can cultivate complicated Profound arts of different elements in future>

' so....? ' Ash was confused.

<So You only needs to find Profound Cultivation Arts of different elements be it common, uncommon, or even legendary, System can automatically gather purest of any elemental energy when the host levels up>

<For Now host needs to focus on Comprehending the intents of Various elements. The Real Profound Cultivation Arts are those like Nether Void Hell Fire Art, which needs Host to Comprehend Fire Concept and forms a Flame Domain to start cultivating in it.>

' I see... ' Ash finally understood that he is getting a head start by the system. He will have an advantage when he reaches the Warlord Stage and progresses further.

Ash looked at the time and 20 minutes have passed since he entered the library. He sent a message to Martin saying that he had already picked 3 things from the library.


Ash looked at the massage he received from martin: [ So fast? Alright I will be there in 5 minutes ]

Meanwhile, Ash asked the system, ' Do you have anything that can hide my cultivation from others and also prevent them from prying? '

<Host have chance to get Energy Disguise Art from Profound Art box and Profound Art Section in the Lucky Spin, Also Host can buy Energy Disguise Art from the store in the system>

Last time he checked he could not open the store function so he tried again and failed as expected.

' hey, how am I suppose to buy it when I can't even open the store function ' Ash complained.

<Host must reach Level 10 to Open the Store Function>

' Yeah right...How very typical of systems ' Ash grumbled internally.

5 minutes passed in the blink of an eye and martin arrived.

The class will start in 20 minutes so both Ash and Martin Travelled in the car as Martin showed Ash various facilities of the Academy.

After showing Ash around for a while, Martin Took him to the location of the Special Class.

Ash's mouth was wide open when he arrived at the location of the special class.

Martin grinned and said, " Surprised right? "

Ash nodded as he looked around because they were currently in an open natural environment where there is a clear lake filled with flowers at one side and in the center, there are 11 wooden chairs and on the other side, there is a training ground for sparring.

The Spirit Energy density/concentration here is even higher than the training room where he and his dorm mates trained.

As he was admiring the view he heard footsteps behind him and when he turned around to look he was even more surprised because...

Finally, Ash will interact with boys and girls around his age and experience interesting adventures and lots of actions and interactions. xD

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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