
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Deadly Lucky Spin & Training Space

< 1 Mid Grade spirit stone can be converted into 500 EXP >

' anyway even if I don't reach higher cultivation I can still defeat these students but for that, I need to use my most powerful attacks at the start and defeat them before my spirit sea gets empty because if the fight drags long enough then they can beat me because they have a higher amount of spirit energy then me. ' Ash thought.

Of course, if he can reach at least the 5th stage of Spirit Student using his EXP then he won't have to overdraw his energy.

' let's see. currently, I have 2000 Exp plus I will get another 2500 Exp after I let the system convert mid-grade spirit stones into EXP so the total is 4500 '

He can only hope that 4500 exp is enough to reach at least Spirit student 5th stage.

Just then he saw Martin coming back with his spirit stones.

" Here are your spirit stones, And you seem to have changed after returning from the trial space because at that time when you entered your spirit was not awakened but now you are already Beginner 4th Stage which is quite unbelievable," Martin said as he handed over spirit stones to Ash.

Ash has already thought of a reason to explain his cultivation speed because he knows that from now on his cultivation progress will become very fast just like a rocket thanks to the system.

" Yep, I got a mysterious fruit as a reward after I passed the 2nd stage in Trial space. and right after eating that fruit my spirit was successfully awakened and my cultivation increased to the Beginner 3rd stage and after a day of training, I reached the Beginner 4th stage. " Ash said with a cheeky grin.

Martin looked envious as he said, " Yeah you're really lucky to receive such a fruit, At least I don't know about a fruit that can successfully awaken the spirit in the first try and even increase the cultivation base like that. "

Ash was feeling embarrassed inside because he had made up this false story but he did not show it on his face.

" Even I was surprised because the energy inside fruit was very mild so everything went smoothly " Ash continued to talk about the process and how it felt like after eating the fruit to make his story more believable.

After they talked for a while Martin dropped him at his dorm.

Ash first told the system to convert his Spirit stones.

< Spirit Stones Successfully converted. Gained 2500 Exp >

Although he can have powerful Spirit Arts and Profound arts from the system he does not have fighting experience so first, he has to train his basics because it will be difficult to even use his spirit that is in the form of a bow right now as he had no prior experience of using a bow.

' System do you know any method that will help me increase my mastery of bow in a short time? '

< No >

' How short and simple, humph! '

< But Host can exchange this month's Fatal Recovery to get one Lucky Spin as Host might be able to find something helpful from the Lucky Spin >

' Hmm... ' Ash asked, ' If I don't use Fatal Recovery this month then will I get 2nd Fatal Recover next month? '

< Fatal Recovery will not increase by 1 next month even if the host did not use it this month >

' Alright, Then Exchange this month's fatal recovery into a Lucky Spin chance ' Ash told the system after thinking for a while.

< 1x Lucky spin Received >

After hearing the notification Ash opened The Lucky Spin Roulette.

Ash rubbed his hands and prayed to the goddess of luck so that he will receive some kind of memory inheritance just like in some novel he read and directly master the use of various weapons.

The Roulette started spinning.

After spinning for a while It started to slow down and finally stopped at The Random Section.

Anticipation was rising in his heart because precisely in the Random Section he might get things like Memory inheritance as this Section is so special that he might even receive items outside of the system's knowledge.

< Congratulations to Host for winning ??? >

< Danger! Danger! Activating Emergency Time & Space Protocol >

After hearing the notification Ash blanked out.

After who knows how long He woke up with a headache.

' what the hell happened system? I did not even know what I got from the lucky spin but it almost killed him ' He thought fearfully as he recalled that even the system had to use something like Time and Space Protocol.

< if Host did not find the Energy Source in the Trial Space then Host would have definitely died along with the destruction of this whole planet. >

Ash was instantly frightened by what the system said.

' So what was it in the end? and about your energy source, do you need more things like that Blue Cube found in Trial Space? ' Ash asked the system.

< Energy sources come in all kinds of forms. Generally, anything that can gather spirit power or any elemental power itself and store the respective energy into itself is considered an Energy Source >

< The thing Host got in Lucky Spin was one such energy source and it was so powerful that even System could not measure its Capacity but The System instantly detected that because of the weak Space Dimension Capacity of this place. The Energy Source became extremely Unstable and it was directly going to explode upon arriving. >

' But you saved the day by activating the so-called TIme and Space Protocol right? ' Ash asked.

< Yes. But worry not as System benefited the most from this incident because The System Absorbed a tiny amount of Origin Energy from that thing and already reached the limit of my current version >

' your current version? You mean you can upgrade yourself after gathering enough Origin Energy? '

( Note: Origin Energy is the source of an Energy Source For Example The Blue Cube is an Energy Source that contains Origin Energy )

< Yes. The system is ready to upgrade but unfortunately can not upgrade because There are two requirements to initiate my first Upgrade: 1st is that System Needs to gather energy sources to absorb enough Origin Energy and 2nd is that the Host needs to Breakthrough to Planet Realm >

' Planet Realm? What's a Realm anyway? ' Ash asked confusedly.

< A person can reach Planet Realm after he/she breaks through from Warlord Stage. The Difference between a Planet Realm Powerhouse and a Warlord Stage Powerhouse is like the difference between an Ant and an Elephant >

' Oh... " Ash did not delve deep into it because he is nowhere near Warlord Stage let alone Planet Realm.

Anyway, Ash was a bit disappointed because he received absolutely nothing and even almost died.

' Hey System. Now that your pockets are full can you at least give me something so that I can learn some basics of fighting? ' Ash just asked jokingly but did not expect that system would give him something.

< Basic Weapons Mastery received >

- Beginner Level Sword Mastery

- Beginner Level Dagger Mastery

- Beginner Level Bow Mastery

- Beginner Level Hammer Mastery

- Beginner Level Spear Mastery

- Beginner Level Pole Mastery

< System has unlocked a new function: Training Space >

Ash's mouth was wide open seeing the details of the Basic Weapons Mastery and after that came a splitting headache when he was already having one.

Much information regarding the basics of Sword, Dagger, Bow, Hammer, Spear, and Pole rushed into his head.

After like 10 minutes, Ash breathed a sigh of comfort as the splitting headache finally stopped.

He feels like now he can use a Bow with ease, Although he will not be able to perform like a professional. But at least he will not embarrass himself when he uses his Bow spirit form.

After that, he focused his attention on the 2nd Notification, ' System what is this trial space? ' Ash asked Curiously.

< Host's Consciousness will enter the training space and host can increase his combat experience and techniques there. >

' I see. That's an absolutely awesome function, Thanks a lot System ' Ash happily laughed as he doesn't have anything to worry about now.

' Alrighty, Let's Enter into the Trial Space ' Ash commanded system as he could not wait to check out the trial space.

< Please select a theme >

' A theme? what do you mean syst.... ' Ash cut off his thought as he could see several images in front of him.

Ash understood after seeing the images and select the image where his Special Class was located because Ash liked that place a lot.

Right as he selected the theme everything turned dark for a second and the next second when saw the light he was laying down on the ground where his class was located. The reason he was laying down on the ground was that before he entered the Training space he was laying down on his bed.

' this looks so real it's like I am physically in this place ' Ash thought as he stood up.

* Clang clang... *

Ash heard several clangs sounds as he saw weapons falling from the sky. Swords, Spears, etc. All kinds of weapons were there be it a heavy sword or a light sword and all kinds of spears, hammers, daggers, etc.

< If the host wants to fight with someone then the system can arrange a spar too and here the host does not have to worry about dying but Host will feel pain when getting hurt. >

' Why you did not summon some bows? ' Ash asked confusedly because there were all other weapons here except bow type weapons.

< Host can summon his spirit if the host wants to use bow >

' Ah...You're right, silly me '

' Alrighty Let's get started ' Ash thought as he summoned his bow spirit form and said to the system, " I want some live targets and make them run around as I hit them with the bow and check the Beginner mastery I received from you. "

< Alright >

After a second two boys with the same appearance were summoned and started to run around.

" Hahaha System you sure know how to make even my training interesting " Ash laughed out loud seeing the two targets because the two boys had the appearance of the guy called Hendrix who mocked him today right after arriving at the class.

" Alright Let's start the training, "

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