
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A Surprise in Spirit Awakening

***Author's Note:- Sorry for writing here but i want to clarify something about profoundness of various elements: 1%-33% = Low Grade, 34%-66% = Middle Grade, 67%-100% = High Grade.***


< Congratulation for Winning The Spirit Skill Selector box ( Low Grade ) >

Ash hurriedly opened the Storage and selected The Spirit Skill Selector box.

<Please Select one spirit skill from these 4 spirit skills>

|| Spatial Blade ||

Requirements (At least):- Middle-Grade Space intent, 250 Psychic Energy, 5000 Spatial Energy, 10000 Spirit Energy.

Effects:- Rip apart a small segment of space near the target which creates a spatial blade and guides the blade using the space concept to attack the target.

Note:- User with Space intent can only guide the spatial blade but if the user has attained space concept then the user can control the spatial blade.


|| Explosive Fire Darts ||

Requirements (At least):- 100 Fire Energy, 100 Spirit Energy

Effects:- Conjures one or many compact flaming darts with fire and spirit energy which explodes upon contacting any physical object.

Note:- If the user infuses more fire and spirit energy the attack of the skill will increase accordingly.


|| Icy Bullets ||

Requirements (At least):- 500 Ice Energy, 1000 Spirit Energy.

Effects:- Attack the target with icy bullets and freeze the part of the target where ice bullets hit and create frostbites which further hurts the target.

Note:- The freezing effects will increase if the user has any attainments in the Profoundness of the ice element.


|| Healing Touch || ( Low Grade )

Requirements:- High-Grade Wood intent, Middle-Grade Water Intent, 800 Wood Energy, 500 Water Energy, 1000 Spirit Energy.

Effects:- Instantly stops the bleeding and heals the wounded area. ( This skill can not purge hostile energies from the wound. )

Note:- The Effects of healing will remain the same regardless of the user's attainments in wood or water element. But the speed of healing will increase if the user infuses more energy.


' All skills are good especially Spatial Blade which seems very powerful. ' Ash thought.

' But I need something practical right now and the only available option is the explosive fire darts. '.

Thinking for a while he finally selected Explosive Fire Darts.

After that, he took out the Spirit Awakening pill from the storage.

The pill looked like a black marble with grey swirls in it.

<Spirit Awakening pill>

Effects:- After eating this pill, the User can awaken his spirit and mold it with his own imagination instead of letting it take shape randomly.

' Holy...The system, Can I really control my spirit awakening like this? ' Ash asked system excitedly.

< Yes >

Ash popped the pill into his mouth and closed his eyes.

After a while, the pill dissolved a large amount of some kind of energy and his spirit energy also depleted a bit but his fire energy remained the same.

' Now I just need to imagine the shape in my mind and spirit will resemble it right? ' Ash asked the system.

< Yes, Although Your awakened spirit might not have 100% similarities between your imagination and the result it will resemble at least 70% to your imagination >

' I see... ' Ash thought for a while.

' YES...I know what do I need to imagine. ' Ash thought of a wonderful idea hurriedly focused.

Ash started imaging all types of weapons and tools he could think of.

His idea is simple if he imagines all kinds of weapons and tools and then his spirit will not have a fixed form and he can transform his spirit into any type anywhere, anytime.

After a while, the vortex in his spirit sea slowed down and the shape of an egg appeared in his spirit sea.

This time he waited for a while but he did not hear a burst from his spirit sea like the previous time when he triggered the awakening of his spirit.

After a while, the egg-like shape slowly dissolved and he could see a grayish-black square cube.

< Congratulation Host for successfully awakening spirit >

Ash could feel the joy of the system after hearing this massage but he was a bit confused and a bit disappointed because he imagined all kinds of weapons and tools but did not imagine anything that resembles a square cube.

' System you said it will resemble at least 70% to my imagination but it doesn't even resemble 10% of my imagination. ' Ash complained to the system.

Actually, after entering his dorm, He dare not talk out loud with the system and always communicated mentally because there might be a camera and voice recorder so it's better to be safe from the start than feel sorry later.

<The Spirit Awakening was slightly affected because the host now has the Chaotic Constitution but Rest Assured that you will be extremely satisfied with your awakened spirit.>

After hearing this from the system there was the status screen in front of him but surprisingly the status screen did not display his information BUT the information about his spirit.

<Spirit: Cube of Chaos>

<1st Form>

<Attribute : All Elements in the Chaos>

<Currently infused Elements : Fire>


-Cube of Chaos can devour weapons or tools and can take its shape and functions.

<Current Slots: 3>

' System....this is not a joke, right? I am not dreaming right ?' Ash was dumbfounded seeing the information of his spirit and asked system with a beet-red face because of excitement.

< Congratulations host on awakening Spirit Talent: Chaos Field >

<Chaos Field>

<Progress: 1st Stage (2 diameter)>

-Requirements ( At least ):- 1 Psychic Energy per second, 10 Spirit Energy Per Second

-1st Effects: 2-meter area around the user will become chaotic and any elemental spirit skill that enters the range of the chaos field will dissolve and add corresponding elemental energy into the field.

-2nd Effect: A person's flow of energy will be disrupted and mind will be disturbed if He/She enters the Chaos Field.

-3rd Effect: user can add his various elemental energies into the Chaos Field to make it stronger.

-4th Effect: All hostile Energies that enters the Chaos Field will become owner-less and If the host has the ability, he can use those Energies for his use or just simply leave it to make Chaos Field stronger

' This.....is so Freaking Amazing. ' Ash Thought Excitedly.

Ash started to imagine, ' When I use Chaos Field to fight, My opponent will surely cough blood from anger hahaha '

<Host should not let his guard down after using Chaos Field because it will not block long-range weapon attacks and Chaos Field is not invisible, It also has its shortcomings which Host will find after using it against various type of opponent>

' Yes, you are right system...Thanks for reminding me ' Ash thanked the system.

After Ash thought for while he decided to feed the Bow of Maverick to the Cube of Chaos.

Ash summoned his spirit and also the Bow of Maverick after that He controlled his spirit and activated its Devour function.

Ash Watched as the Cube of Chaos wriggled for a moment then attached to the Bow and started dissolving and started devouring the bow.

Ash watched for 5 minutes but Cube only Devoured 1/9th of the bow.

' Looks like it will take some time to finish the process '

After that, he fed the spirit energy to the mysterious egg and opened his status.

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: human>

<Level 4>

<Exp 0/500> <Exp: 2000>

<Cultivation-Stage: Beginner-4th>

<Body Cultivation: Vitality Tempering>


Strength: 3.5

Constitution: 3 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 1.4

Perception: 1.8

Charm: 1.7

Unassigned Stat points: 0

<Sea of consciousness>

Psychic Energy: 40/40

Fire intent: 0.10%

<Elemental Ability>

Fire Energy: 400/400

<Spirit Ability>

Spirit Energy: 400/400

Spirit: Cube of Chaos.

Spirit Talent: Chaos Field.

Spirit Skills: Explosive Fire Darts.

' System can you give me some Quests? ' Ash asked system because he thinks quests are very important if he wants to progress fast.

< Please Check the Quest Panel >

Ash opened the Quest Panel and indeed there are quests available for him to complete.

<Main Quest>

[~ Find out about your sister and solve the mystery related to her~]

[~Rewards:- 10,000 EXP, 2x Lucky Spins, One Profound Art Selector Box, One Profound Skill Selector Box~]

<Minor Quest>

[~Defeat Everyone from the Special Class in 1v1 Combat~]

[~Time Limit:- 1 Month~] ( If Quest is not completed within the given time limit then it will disappear from the Quest panel. )

[~Rewards: 10,000 exp, A Random Profound Art, A Random Weapon or Armour Chest ( Low Grade )~]

' Humph...System how did you know about my sister? you seem to know something about her right? ' Ash asked system.

' Hey...Answer me I don't want to do the main quest and I don't want those rewards just tell me about my sister ' Ash demanded from the system angrily.

< System does not know the exact situation and I found out about the host's sister from the host himself and because you were concerned about her, I made it the main quest for a host. >

Ash calmed down and said, ' I don't ever remember telling you about my sister '

<System found out it from the host's memory because that memory was standing out from the rest since you were very concerned about your sister.>

' i see...Well don't peek at my memories without my consent from now on ' Ash said to the system.

<Please be assured that System's only goal is to support the host with the system's best abilities>

' Good...' Ash said satisfied with the system's attitude. ' This system is not like systems I read in other novels where they always annoy the main character ' Ash thought.

In the future, he would definitely regret praising The System for not annoying him.

' Anyway let's sleep early today as tomorrow will be my first day in the Special Class '

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