
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Exception & Preparation

'After he saw Martin taking back the spirit stone blankly, Ash said rather sheepishly," Big Bro Martin, I have a small request I hope you can help me with it. "

Martin snapped out of his reverie and said, " What is it? If it's possible for me to do it than I will help you "

" That....you already saw that I can advance rather quickly and with the spirit stone I have I will most certainly reach Spirit Student Stage before this month ends right? " Ash said with a smile. He wanted to build up some momentum before asking for this request as it is extremely important for him.

" Alright, Don't dilly dally I will definitely help you if it's something I can do. " Martin said as he saw through Ash's ploy instantly.

Ash became embarrassed so he said directly, " I don't want to attend classes including Sparring sessions each weekend, and want to only focus on training so I can catch up with other classmates. So I hope you can allow me to do that "

Martin was a bit startled hearing the request and then wore a thoughtful look.

Ash nervously waited for a minute before Martin replied to him, " Hmmm it's not impossible but I have to inform Dean about it first. She will most likely leave the decision to me but I still have to ask her first. "

Ash was relieved because it means there is a high chance that his request will be granted.

After that, They continued to practice until 10 PM, and then Martin dropped Ash at his dorm.

Ash was tired after practicing so much today. First, he spent 5 hours in the Training Space and after that, he trained with Martin so he directly went to sleep after taking a bath.

After nearly sleeping for 1 million years he finally woke up ( Author: Just kidding lmao )

Ash woke at 7 AM and directly entered the training space after eating breakfast.

He continued to practice his Explosive Spirit Steps and Explosive Fire Darts by telling the system to create various situations for him so that he can use Explosive Spirit steps proficiently.

He had not shown Martin his Explosive Fire Darts Spirit Skill and his Earth Energy as well as Earth Prison Spirit Skill as they are supposed to be his trump cards for now even if a little low level.

[ Author Note:- If you want some imagination on how Explosive spirit steps works please Watch some fights of Shinra ( Fire Force ) and Bakugo ( Boku No hero Academia ) The Upgraded version of the Explosive Spirit Step Which is Explosive Spirit Art will allow MC to use it through his various body parts which will look like Combination Shinra and Bakugo's Powers and fighting style. ]

When Ash finished his 5 hours of practice in training space he saw that there was a massage of Martin in his Digi-x.

Ash looked into it and was instantly overjoyed as his request was accepted but there was a condition that if he did not perform well in the last training session then he will not be allowed to go on The Field Training Which will be the first day of the next month.

Anyway, Ash was not worried about performing badly.

' System use all of my EXP and level me up to 10 '

< Congratulations to Host for Reaching level 7 >

< Congratulations... >

< Congratulations to Host for Reaching level 10 >

After leveling up He added attributes accordingly to remove decimal points.

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: human>

<Level 10>

<Exp 0/1100> <Exp: 0>

<Cultivation-Stage: Beginner-10th>

<Body Cultivation: Vitality Tempering>


Strength: 4

Constitution: 3 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 3

Perception: 2

Charm: 2

Unassigned Stat points: 2.4

<Sea of consciousness>

-Psychic Energy: 101/101

-Fire intent: 0.10%

<Elemental Ability>

Fire Energy: 1000/1000

Earth Energy: 600/600

<Spirit Ability>

Spirit Energy: 1000/1000

Spirit: Cube of Chaos.

Spirit Talent: Chaos Field.

Spirit Skills: Explosive Fire Darts, Earth Prison

<Martial Ability>

-Weapons Mastery ( Expert ):-[ Sword, Bow, Spear, Pole, Dagger ]

-Martial Skills: Explosive Spirit Steps, Double Dragon Fist ( Unusable )

Just as Ash was going to assign the remaining Stat points he heard.

< Congratulations to Host for Unlocking The Shop Function >

< Congratulations to Host for Unlocking Daily Quests >

' What!! Daily Quests? Does that mean I will be able to earn rewards daily from now on? ' Ash was excited after hearing from the system that he unlocked Daily Quests.

He hurriedly opened the daily Quest Tab and saw that there was a mission there.

<Daily Quest>

[~Train In Training Space for 6 hours~](5/6)

[~Rewards:- 50 Coins, 100 EXP~]

' So today's 5 hours were counted and now I need to practice one more hour in training space. '

' And those coins are most likely the currency for Shop '

Ash opened the Shop and saw various kinds of Profound Spirit Arts and Spirit skills, There were also all kinds of weapons but The lowest cost thing in the shop was Energy Disguise Art which was at 1000 coins and It had (-50%) written beside it which made Ash speechless for a while.

' Why are you not selling Basic Profound Spirit Arts which lets me cultivate various Elements '

< Such Simple Cultivations Profound Arts are too low level to be even considering added to the System, Everyone is ant below Warlord level, so hurry up and reach Warlord level because that's where real cultivation starts. >

Ash was again speechless.

' Can't you give me the Energy disguise Art now and I will pay you gradually? How about it? just this once please ' Ash pleaded as he really needed Energy Disguise Art.

< Alright. The system will be generous this once and grant Energy Disguise Art to Host but Host will have to pay in one month and Every week There will be an interest of 50 coins >

' Alright no problem ' Ash calculated and if he can earn 50 coins daily then he can easily pay to the system with interest.

< Congratulations to Host for obtaining Energy Disguise Art >

' How do I use it? ' Ash asked as this time there was no information sent into his brain about this Profound Art.

< System will handle this profound Art. The host just needs to tell me which level to show and System will show it. >

Ash strongly feels that there is no Energy Disguise Art but one of the functions of the system and system wanted to earn coins which is why it Put this profound Art in the shop. Even tho he wanted to ask about it he refrained from doing so as he could earn that much amount of Coins easily.

< Also The System Advice Host to Add 2 Stat points to Consitution which in turn will trigger the Special Bonus that comes with your Constitution being Chaotic which will increase all your attributes by 1 point. >

' Wow! Chaotic Constitution is such a good thing ' Ash marveled at the Chaotic Consitution and added two points to the Constitution.

He thought that he would not be able to use Double Dragon Fist because the stat points were not enough to make both his Str and Const 5 but if he Constitution can increase all of these Attributes by 1 then he will be able to use it and practice daily to increase its proficiency.

After he added the points he could feel his whole body getting stronger including his perception.

After doing this he entered the Training Space to train for 1 more hour to finish the Daily Quest.

After an Hour.

< Congratulations to Host for getting 50 coins and 100 EXP >

Ash continued to spend his time doing Training and occasionally sparring with Martin as 22 days passed by, in these 22 days he did not comprehend elements nor did he practice cultivation but all he did was sparring peak expert opponents using various weapons of his mastery, which resulted in him reaching peak expert grade in all five weapons.

Ash woke up today at 5 AM as usual but did not enter the Training Space like he always does and opened his status screen to make improvements as today is the day he fights all of his classmates and Tomorrow will be the Field Training.

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: human>

<Level 10>

<Exp 0/1100> <Exp: 2200>

<Cultivation-Stage: Beginner-10th>

<Body Cultivation: Vitality Tempering>


Strength: 5

Constitution: 5 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 4

Perception: 3

Charm: 3

Unassigned Stat points: 0.4

<Sea of consciousness>↓

<Elemental Ability>↓

<Spirit Ability>↓

<Martial Ability>

-Weapons Mastery ( Peak-Expert ):-[ Sword, Bow, Spear, Pole, Dagger ]

-Martial Skills: Explosive Spirit Steps, Double Dragon Fist.

First He decided to level up by one and when he saw that the next Level needs 1200 Exp he told System to Level up his Body Cultivation by one as he can't level up to 12 with the remaining Exp.

< Congratulations to Host for reaching Level 11 >

< Congratulations to Host for Reaching Skin Tempering in Body Cultivation >

Ash started to feel itchy and when he saw his body he was shocked. His skin was peeling off along with the impurity in it.

He directly went to the bathroom and washed his body. When he looked into the mirror there was not much change in the appearance of his skin but he could feel the power in his body, It was a lot more than before.

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: human>

<Level 11>

<Exp 0/1200> <Exp: 100>

<Cultivation-Stage: Spirit Student-1st>

<Body Cultivation: Skin Tempering>


Strength: 5

Constitution: 5 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 4

Perception: 3

Charm: 3

Unassigned Stat points: 3.4

<Sea of consciousness>↓

<Elemental Ability>↓

<Spirit Ability>↓

<Martial Ability>

-Weapons Mastery ( Peak-Expert ):-[ Sword, Bow, Spear, Pole, Dagger ]

-Martial Skills: Explosive Spirit Steps, Double Dragon Fist.

There was not much change except that he received 1 more Stat point than he expected.

' System, Why did I get 3 stat points when I only leveled up twice? ' Ash asked as he wanted to know the reason.

< Increasing by a level in body cultivation gives 2 Stat points >

Ash assigned all three attributes points to his Agility because he will be using Explosive Spirit Steps mostly in the fights today as increasing Agility helps the performance of his Explosive Spirit steps which require him to change direction and move quickly whilst keeping balance, strength, speed, and body control.

Just then a beep sound came from his Digi-x, Ash looked and saw that it was a message from martin saying that he will come to pick him at 7 AM.

Ash grinned and wrote a simple reply [ Got it !]

this week I will only publish 4-5 chapters But it will continue regularly After this weekend.

So i might not release a chapter tomorrow. depends on the situation. But i will speed up after this weekend so don't worry.

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DeathSingercreators' thoughts