
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Ash Vs Daniel, Lu Zhang & Rahul ( 1v1 )

Martin came right at the time to pick up Ash.

Soon they arrived at the Location of the Special Class. Ash looked there and noticed that not everyone has arrived ye. Only Daniel, Rahul, Rachel, and Lu Zhang had arrived at the place.

' Alright I will start with them ' Ash thought as he came out of the car and walked towards them.

Daniel, Rahul, Rachel, and Lu Zhang watched as he came towards them.

After Arriving in front of them he directly said, " I want to challenge all of you in a 1v1 fight, Right now " he looked like a fool, to be honest.

Daniel raised his eyebrows in a surprised manner.

Lu Zhang's face directly showed that he was startled by the sudden challenge.

Rachel squealed 'ahh'

and Rahul was equally startled.

Seeing no response from them Ash directly faced Daniel and said, " Daniel I challenge you to a duel. "

Daniel replied fast this time, " Sure, Come on ".

After that, both started walking towards the training grounds.

Martin came at this time and said to both of them after they took their positions, " You may fight but you have to instantly stop fighting when I say stop. "

Ash did not speak much and directly made the first move using Explosive spirit steps to boost his speed and charged straight towards Daniel without using any weapons as he is also an Expert Level in hand-to-hand combat.

Ash reached Daniel in a second thanks to the boost he got from his movement skill and threw a punch at daniel at his abdomen.

Daniel didn't have a chance to dodge so he can only guard using both his hands and that was what Ash wanted in the first place.

Just as His punch connected with daniel cross hands guard, Ash used his other hand to tightly grip the guard made by daniels both hands and threw him in the air as hard as he came tho he was only lifted by half a meter but that was enough as Ash had already charged his Right leg using Explosive spirit steps and directly threw a kick at the side abdomen of daniel while was in the air which had disrupted his rhythm and thus had no chance to block let alone dodge.

With this powerful Kick of Ash, daniel was thrown 5-6 meters and Martin already declared his win.

Ash has one advantage over these students and that is his physical power because he is at the 2nd Stage of Body cultivation but the other students of the Special class are on first and after reaching the first stage they focused only on Spirit Cultivation as it is the specialty of SylphySpirit Academy.

Normal Spirit Skills with a weak attack power will also deal way less damage to him because he had advanced to the 2nd stage of Body cultivation.

So in this first match, he used a combat style which was not expected by daniel to beat him. tho it will not work on the next matches.

Daniel was supported by Martin as he left the training ground. And after walking a few steps he turned back and said to Ash with a grim expression, " We'll have a rematch later "

" Sure " Ash happily agreed.

Anyone would feel like coughing blood when you are unexpectedly defeated without even using any skills.

After Daniel left the ground Ash said with a small grin, " Next Lu Zhang. I Challange you "

Lu Zhang entered the training grounds and directly summoned his Lightning bolt spirit and used Lighting snake Skills. He did not get in close range because he knew that Ash's Physical power was higher than him after watching his previous fight.

Ash was also already prepared as he summoned his bow and fired two fire energy arrows one after another in fast speed, One hit the lighting snake and another directly went towards Lu Zhang.

Lu Zhang dodged hurriedly as he wiped the sweat and thought, ' Damn...How is this Ash so powerful? wasn't he just Beginner 4th Level a friggin month ago? '

As he was thinking, He saw another arrow was coming towards him. Lu Zhang hurriedly dodged at the arrow and was prepared to use the new skill he mastered. But when he looked at the front, Ash was nowhere to be seen.

He turned his left but he was not there too so that only means he was at the right side and hurriedly used the new skill he learned towards his right.

" Lightning Whip " This new skill of his is very deadly as once the opponent was caught in it, Lu Zhang can continuously channel Electric energy to Shock the opponent and deal a high amount of damage to them.

But unfortunately for him, Ash was already prepared to receive an attack of any kind as he used his Explosive spirit steps to move extreme right and Released a more powerful Fire Arrow this time and because Ash infused more energies in this attack, It was faster and more powerful than previous Arrows and because Lu Zhang used his Lightning Whip attack towards Ash's previous position he could not move in time to dodge as the arrow came towards him in super fast speed.

But before The Arrow could hit him, Martin already arrived before Lu Zhang's side and diffused the arrow before it could hit Lu Zhang.

" Ash you've won this match," Martin said with a grin. After that, He turned towards Lu Zhang and said, " Looks like you have much to learn. "

Lu Zhang did not raise his head and left the training ground without saying anything because he lost fair and square.

At this time Rahul came up and said with a faint smile, " Do you want to Fight now or Rest first to recover your Spirit Energy? "

" Yep I will recover my energy first, You seem to be harder to deal with than the previous two. " Ash naturally wants to rest because he thinks that Rahul is much more skilled and he still doesn't know about Rahul's spirit.

Ash took out some low-Grade spirit stones and started recovering his energies.

After a while when Ash recovered his energy he said to Rahul, " let's go "

Both entered the training ground as Ash decided to use a spear in this match.

After taking his position, Ash did not make a move first and waited for Rahul to make a move.

Rahul made the first move as he saw Ash not moving. This time he summoned his spirit that was in form of a sword made up of Fire attribute.

Rahul dashed towards Ash apparently unafraid to clash with Ash in melee. Ash was also prepared as his spear clashed with Rahul.

Right After Clashing against Rahul, Ash knew that Rahul also reached the 2nd Stage in Body Cultivation.

Soon they exchanged a few dozens of moves against each other and skill-wise Ash seemed to have the upper hand as Ash could already counter-attack Rahul in exchange for attacks and Rahul could barely dodge.

Soon everyone watching found a problem. Ash's Spear was damaged by repeated clashing with the fire Spirit sword of Rahul and was soon going to break.

But Ash did not stop and still kept his rhythm of attacks and did not give any chance to Rahul for a counter-attack.

Just as Ash's spear was going to break in a few hits, He did something unexpected.

Ash instead increase his striking power in one attack and broke the spear ahead of time and grabbed the broken part of the spear before stabbing it towards Rahul.

Rahul seemed to be expecting some changes as he dodged the attack, Albeit barely.

After that exchange both separated.

Rahul said with a smile, " you're good, Looks like those who underestimate you are going to suffer a lot. "

Ash also smiled and said, " You are not bad yourself. I thought I could hit you with that unexpected attack. "

" It was not unexpected when I noticed that you put more strength into that last blow of spear and because of that I was prepared for any unexpected attacks and looks like I was right. " Rahul explained how he could dodge that.

Ash was startled that Rahul noticed such a small thing, ' Looks like this Rahul guy will be a bit hard to beat unless I show some of my trump cards like Earth Prison, Explosive Fire Darts, or Double Dragon Fist. '

Ash thought for a while and decided to use Explosive Fire Darts at the right moment to defeat Rahul.

" Do you want a new weapon? " Rahul asked.

" Nope. Let's continue " Ash said with a grin.

This time Ash dashed towards Rahul with bare hands.

From everyone's perspective, it's extremely dangerous to fight against Rahul's Fire Sword with bare hands.

But Ash still dashed forward because he had a plan ready.

Ash dashed towards Rahul and just as Rahul was going to swing his sword in his direction, Ash used Explosive spirit steps to turn Extreme Right before once again using Explosive spirit steps on his right leg which allowed him to spin and aimed a kick at Rahul.

Because Rahul just swung his sword in the direction where Ash was coming previous he wouldn't be able to swing his sword toward's Ash's kick so he dodged before attacking with fast speed.

But Ash already anticipated that attack so he had already moved to the right side and directly used Explosive fire darts and created distance.

He threw a total of Three Fire Darts, Two Darts hit the path of the sword when it going to swing at him to slow it down, and one directly hit at the left shoulder of Rahul.

So because of the small explosion of fire energy, Rahul could not see for a moment and Ash took this chance to create distance before summoning his Spirit Bow and Fired two arrows.

Ash used a trick skill when firing these two arrows. The First Arrow was aimed at the sword of Rahul and 2nd Arrow was fired in a way that would create distance between as it traveled and would hit Rahul at his right shoulder.

And that's what exactly happened. Rahul Saw Two arrows coming and he was prepared to intercept them both with his sword but when he noticed that the trajectory of the 2nd arrow changed after traveling, It was already too late as the arrow hit his right shoulder accurately.

Now Both Shoulders of Rahul were damaged. The right shoulder by the Arrow and Left shoulder was hit by an Explosive fire dart which was even more powerful then arrow so his shoulder was already bleeding even tho he had reached 2nd Level of body Cultivation.

" Alright, this match stops now. The winner is Ash. " Martin said as he went to check towards Rahul as only he had sustained damage and Ash was unscathed.

After checking the wound on Rahul's Left shoulder he asked Ash, " Where did you get this Spirit Skill? It doesn't seem to be from our Academy. "

Ash had prepared an answer already because he knew that as it was the first time he used Explosive Fire Darts Martin might ask about its origin, " I got this skill at the trial space after passing 1st stage. " He only talked about the rewards he got from the 2nd stage because they did not ask about rewards of 1st stage so now Ash could use this excuse.

" I see...Well so do you want to continue? " Martin said.

" Of course not. My spirit Energy and Fire Energy both are drained right now " Ash said. because Ash knew that Explosive Fire Darts infused with only 100 Fire energy and 100 spirits will not work on Rahul so he used 500 Fire energy and 500 Spirit Energy to make it more powerful which hurt Rahul quite badly as it made a wound on Rahul's shoulder.

Ash took out his spirit stone and just as he was going to recover his energies with it. he heard some sounds of car engines.

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