
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Sparring & Fooling Martin

Ash thought his ears were ringing because Martin said he was an Elite Spirit master but the reason for his shock was different.

He was almost at Peak Level in Elite Spirit Master and going to advance into Spirit Grand Master in at most 1 year and a minimum of 6 months.

" You are....not joking, right? " Ash asked if he was joking or not because this is unbelievable. He is now 26 years old and he will reach Spirit Grand Master in at most a year so that means A 27 years old Spirit Grand Master.

' Holy sh*t. He would be the Youngest Spirit Grand Master '

Anyway, Ash was confident that he can break Martin's record so he did not feel inferior to Martin.

Martin was starring at Ash after saying as if want to see his reaction and he was shocked seeing Ash excluding the same confidence as before.

' Generally, when students hear about my achievements they would feel inferior to me and receive a low blow but he is still excluding that self-confidence of his. '

Martin smiled and thought, ' Looks like I guessed right. Ash might have gotten more than just a Fruit that can increase his cultivation talent. '

" Alright Ash, Let's start. " Martin said as he beckoned for Ash to attack him.

Ash directly went melee against Martin as he knew that his current bow mastery will be of no use against Martin who is at peak Elite Spirit Master.

He chose a pole to spar against Martin as he found a few tricks of Explosive spirit steps which can be used with a pole.

Ash dashed towards Martin and directly attacked head-on against Martin.

Martin easily dodged the pole but did not counter-attack as he wanted to see the fighting style of Ash.

They both fought for a while but Martin did not attack even once and only dodged and blocked Ash's attacks.

Ash attacked more and more using his expert pole mastery but in the middle of the fight, he suddenly noticed that Martin did not even move a step and was just dodging and blocking all of his attacks with ease.

" Alright. Let's start the 2nd type of match. We are allowed to use spirit energy but you can not use more than 500 spirit energy. " Ash said as he once again dashed towards Martin.

Ash finally decided to use the new chain attack he created that involves Explosive Spirit Steps. First He moved to attack Martin as usual while holding the pole.

Just as he got in the range to attack with his pole he directly slashed using the pole from top to bottom at the left side like a sword while turning the pole's point towards the ground so that when this slashed completes the point of the pole will be at the ground to his left side, Ash didn't want to use this move to hurt Martin as this was just the first move ( feint ) of his chain attack.

While he was turning the point of his pole towards the ground Ash had already activated Explosive Spirit Steps on this right leg.

Just as pole's point hit into the ground, Ash did a 180-degree back kick with his right leg using the force of the Explosive spirit steps towards Martin's head but Martin blocked this kick by taking a defensive stance using his hands.

But Ash's attack was not over yet. While the force of Explosive Spirit Steps was still in his right leg he lifted his left leg from the ground and attacked one more time using Explosive spirit steps. Only 1 second passed since Ash first attacked with his pole but his chain attack is not over yet.

If we pause the current scene we can see how Ash looks a bit weird as his right leg was blocked by Martin using hands and his left leg was blocked by Martin's Leg and his pole was grabbed by his hands while still stuck in the ground.

When his left leg was going to be blocked by martin's leg, His 3rd attack came. Ash attacked using his pole while his legs were still in the air blocked by Martin. But because of the force of the explosive spirit steps in his legs, in addition, both his legs were blocked by martin which further supported him as he was able to lift himself up from the ground to attack using his pole and this time his attack was aimed at the only leg of Martin which support him to stand.

Martin can't dodge or block because he had just defended Ash's both leg attacks using his hands and one leg.

Ash took 0.5 sec to launch this attack using his pole when his left leg was blocked by Martin's leg.

Ash named this Chain Attack as One Side Crush because All of his attacks are supposed to aim at One side of the opponent before finally hitting at the opponent's leg, Ash can choose to direct this chain attack towards the left side or the right side of the opponent depending on the situation.

This attack has a 100% chance of damaging the opponent's leg and tripping the opponent if his opponent chooses to block his first kick.

It's generally hard for a person to block more attacks at his one side from one enemy as the person wouldn't expect to receive many attacks at his one side from a single enemy and because of the Explosive spirit steps, The opponent can feel the forces in his leg thus using up his both hands to block the first kick as legs are more powerful than hands and Ash's kick was further enhanced by the skill so they packed more power than usual.

Now facing Ash's 2nd kick the opponent would have no choice but to block using his/her leg and then came his 3rd attack which is simply not possible to block resulting in injuring the opponent's leg and tripping him/her. This whole chain attack took a total of 1.5 seconds for Ash to complete.

But just as Ash's pole was going to hit at Martin's leg, Martin directly flew up in the air resulting in Ash falling on his butt while staring dumbfoundedly at Martin who was in the air.

" Hey, That's unfair... " Ash finally said this after starring at martin for a few seconds.

Martin came down as he cheekily said, " Nah. I only used 500 spirit energy to float in the air. " Martin walked towards Ash as he said in surprise, " But I didn't expect that you would choose Explosive Spirit Steps from the library. This movement is very hard to master compared to other movement skills. "

" Yeah but it's useless if the opponent can fly " Ash pouted and said.

" Hey only Spirit Grand Master can fly and the reason I could fly has to do with some skills I practice, " Martin said.

Martin Explained Ash about Explosive Spirit Steps," You don't have to worry as you will be able to use the full extent of the Explosive spirit steps skill when you learn to fly because it's a very versatile skill that can also be used while fighting in the sky. "

Ash started imagining where he was using Explosive spirit steps to fight like crazy while flying.

Martin smiled seeing Ash pondering and said, " Alright stop daydreaming and tell me how did you advance into Beginner 5th stage? if I'm not wrong you were at the 4th stage yesterday morning. "

Ash had already made a full proof plan to explain his fast cultivating speed. Anyway, after reaching level 10 he can hide his cultivation.

After sorting out his thoughts for a second he said, " It happened yesterday as just when I started cultivating using a mid-grade spirit stone I noticed that there was a different kind of energy inside me that was triggered by the spirit stone which resulted in me breaking through to Beginner 5th Stage.

Martin wore a thoughtful look as he heard the words of Ash.

Finally, after thinking for a bit Martin said, " Maybe you did not fully absorb the spiritual energy inside the fruit and it was hiding in your body but after you injected spirit stone's energy it was triggered which resulted in your breakthrough. "

' Yes....you are so smart big bro Martin ' Ash thought happily as his first goal was achieved in which He wanted Martin to guess himself about the origin of the energy because it would not be as convincing if he said to Martin about it from the start.

On outside Ash said, " Maybe you are right Big bro Martin. ".

Ash acted like he was thinking something and said after a while, " Why don't we check if there is still the energy of fruit in my body? ".

Martin asked as he was confused, " How do we check about it? "

" Simple, I just need to cultivate here using a mid-grade spirit stone and if there is still energy then I will make a breakthrough again. " Ash said with an innocent smile.

Martin thought for a bit and said, " Alright you can start. Let's check if you can breakthrough one more time in such a short period "

Ash said with some embarrassment, " that...Big bro martin....i did not bring spirit stones with me. "

Martin was speechless but still took out one mid-grade spirit stone and handed him to Ash.

Ash said to the system mentally while holding the stone, ' System can you extract some energy from this spirit stone? because if I level up without spending energy from the spirit stone then Martin will definitely be suspicious towards me. '

<Yes System can do that>

' Alright, then I am relieved. You can start absorbing spirit energy now and absorb a quarter of it gradually over 10 minutes ' Ash said to the system.

In outside Ash was holding the spirit stones as Martin noticed the spirit energy being absorbed by Ash from the spirit stone.

10 minutes passed by and a quarter of spirit stone's energy was absorbed.

' Now is the time. System, Level me up by one. ' Ash told the system.

Martin's full attention was on Ash as he saw Ash aura getting stronger and his energy expanding.

' he made an advancement just like that? ' Martin thought blankly.

< Congratulation to Host for Reaching level 6 >

Ash walked towards Martin to give him back his spirit stone, " Looks like there is still some of the energy of that fruit inside my body. "

Martin blanky nodded as he received the spirit stone from Ash.

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DeathSingercreators' thoughts