
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A Chance

As usual, Ash and the other two woke up at 7:00 in the morning but today instead of going for the lessons, They quietly made their way towards the Testing Hall of first-year students.

Kevin and William were sad and happy at the same time. Sad because Ash could not awaken his spirit in the first month thus losing his chance of getting into 1st Grade Class with them and happy because they can go to 1st Grade Class and get better treatment and resources.

Testing Hall

Many students already arrived and more students keep coming every second.

After half an hour all first-year students gathered. Now it is time for the main event which is the Monthly test.

By now All teachers also arrived and divided the students, On the big stage, seven figures were sitting. They were heads of various departments responsible for first-year students, And sitting in the middle of them was the vice dean of the academy. Vice-dean looks in his 40's and looks quite robust with his short brown hair and big build.

The department heads and vice dean came here to check if there were any exceptional students with high potential.

Every spirit has a different potential value which determines its capabilities as a whole. There are ways to increase the potential of the spirit but it's very hard as you need Rare spirit treasures for that.

First to test were 1st Grade class students, There were only 150 students from 1st Grade class while there were at least a thousand students of 2nd Grade class in the hall.

Every 1st Grade Class students had awakened their spirit. Teachers and heads mainly focused on the potential of their spirit.

Some student's spirits had C grade potential while some had D grade potential and only 2 student's spirits so far had shown the potential of grade B.

The higher the potential of the spirit the faster they progress when learning new skills and the chance of awakening better spirit talent in the next advancement.

Finally, the Testing of 1st Grade Class students was over and 2nd Grade Class students were being tested.

Most of the students could not awaken their spirit so only their progress of spirit sea was tested.

Finally, it was the turn of Ash and others, Teacher called out their names one by one for the test.

After 5 minutes Teacher called out Kevin's name and he excitedly went on stage and showed his spirit. Fifteen other students before him also awakened their spirit so it was not that surprising.

To check the potential of the spirited student have to summon their spirit from the spirit sea and put it in a transparent container and after a while, a container would show some values and from those values, the grade of spirit was determined, Kevin's spirit had the potential of Grade C.

After a while, William was also tested and the potential of his spirit was also Grade C. Ash was also tested and his progress was noted. The teacher was surprised and felt pity as he could tell from ash's test result that he worked really hard and failed at the last juncture.

Soon every student in the hall was tested.

Seeing everything concluded, The vice dean stood up which attracted the attention of everyone.

He encouraged all original 1st Grade Class students to work hard so they can promote to Special Class which is even harder to promote from 2nd Grade class to 1st Grade class and then Congratulated those from 2nd Grade Class who managed to get into 1st Grade Class.

" Now finally the main point, I know Many of you 2nd Grade Class students are disappointed and frustrated because you failed to awaken your spirit. But don't worry there is one more chance. " Vice-dean paused for a bit after saying this.

2nd Grade Class students were very excited after hearing what the dean said which also ignited their hope to move into 1st Grade class once again.

but most of the student's hope dashed away after the dean continued.

" The chance I am talking about is not a simple one. You have to Explore a certain area and get as many spirit resources and information you get from there to us. All those who bring resources and information will be promoted directly to Special Class and given the highest resources, BUT..." Vice-dean uttered BUT with a deep voice as he paused for a sec before dropping a bomb, " The area is very dangerous and only those who have not awakened their spirit and are under the age of 18 are able to enter the area and death rate is around 90% it means that if ten people go then only one might return or none may return at all. You have to consider very carefully if you want to go there, you have 5 days to decide if you want to go or not, if you decided to go there then report to your teacher about it and after 5 days we will depart. " Vice-dean and other heads left the hall after that.

At first, Ash was Excited but after hearing the later part he wore a thoughtful expression.

If it was a normal boy then he would hesitate very much and struggle with the decision but Ash was not the same.

Because he knows the secret of his family. He was only fifteen years old but his parents were in 40's he always wondered that and one day he accidentally saw a picture of his sister in the closet of his parent's bedroom and after he asked his parents about her they said that she had an unfortunate accident while she was studying.

They had a very sad expression on their faces and mom was trying hard to not cry, Now that Ash thought about it again he was certain that besides their sadness there was also anger in his parents' expression so something else must have happened to his sister instead of an unfortunate accident.

Ash was also unwilling to be a weakling like others and he aspires to become strong for his family and to solve the mystery about his sister.

To do this he has to take this risk of exploring this dangerous area which is his ticket to directly enroll in a special class.

It was already 2 PM when the monthly test was over and the teacher dismissed the students telling them to return to their dorm.

Ash, Kevin, and William returned together to their dorm. Kevin and William would move out of this dorm and live in the dorm of District of 1st Grade Class so they came to pack their luggage.

In the dorm, Kevin and William packaged their luggage and were preparing to move out.

" Ash doesn't be depressed there might be another chance to promote and we believe you can do it because you were so close to awakening your spirit this time. " Kevin said as he encouraged Ash.

William also nodded as he said, " Kevin is right you were very close to awakening your spirit and I am sure there will be more chance to show your value to the academy."

Ash had a faint smile as he said, " don't worry I am not depressed and more determined than ever before, I believe we can hang out again together soon. " Since Ash decided to explore the dangerous area his mindset was free was depression.

Kevin and William were shocked by his words.

Kevin had a bad feeling as he asked, " Don't tell me you are going to explore the dangerous area that vice-dean talked about ?. " As soon as he saw ash nod he shouted, " Are you mad !? Didn't you listen in the hall about the death rate? You might die there! "

William also said, " yea don't be an idiot, There were will more chances to get promoted to 1st Grade Class even if we did not awaken we certainly would not accept this condition. "

Ash was not swayed by their persuasion, Both William and Kevin were Helpless.

In this month of their stay with Ash they at least knew one thing that he was very stubborn and determined.

" Since we can't persuade you we can only say good luck, be sure to come back. " Kevin said.

After William also wished him luck both he and Kevin departed for their new dorm in District of 1st Grade class. Every student of 1st Grade Class has their personal dorm although a bit smaller than 2nd-grade class dorms but more luxurious.

After they both left, Ash went to the training hall to spend his 2-hour quota in the training room.

Ash returned to the dorm after that and decided to sleep early. Tomorrow he has decided to report to his teacher that he is going to explore the dangerous area vice-dean talked about.

Don't hesitate to point out mistakes and write them in Paragraph comments. Thank you

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