
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Hard Work and Disappointment

Days went by as Ash only focused on Training, William and Kevin did not disturb him much as they knew he was working hard to reach beginner rank in the first month.

Twenty Eight days went by as Ash continued to attending class and cultivate. He slept only 4 hours daily and spent the remaining time cultivating. He has really worn himself out in these twenty-eight days.

<Spirit Ability>

Spirit Sea: 100

Spiritual motes: 0

Spirit Skills: none

Spirit: Not awakened

Spirit talent: not awakened.

Only two days left until the test and he still needs to fill his spirit sea with 100 spiritual motes and then trigger the awakening of his spirit.

If he fails in the first try then every spiritual mote in his spirit sea will disperse and he needs to rest for at least one day before he can start cultivating again. And He needs to spend 14 hours to cultivate 100 spiritual motes. So it means if he fails on his first try then he won't be able to try again before the test and he will lose his chance of getting into 1st Grade Class.

Kevin succeeded in awakening his spirit after 3 tries. He awakened weapon spirit shaped like a spiky mental ball and he also awakened Elementary Body Hardening spirit talent which allows him to harden a part of his body like steel and if he can upgrade this spirit talent to max then he can fully harden his body. And William also awakened his spirit which was shaped like a pistol, But sadly he did not awaken any Spirit talent, Maybe he can awaken a spirit talent in his next evolution.

After sorting out his thoughts he was prepared to get up and freshen up. He only has two days and one try so he might as well ask Kevin and William some questions regarding the awakening of the spirit and prepare as much as he can.

After 1 hour both Kevin and William arrived at the dorm.

Ash could not wait as he asked, " Kevin, William can you please tell me about your experience regarding the awakening of your spirit? I only have one chance so I want to awaken my spirit in the first try. "

Kevin and William looked at each other in astonishment. Although they both knew that Ash only slept for a few hours and cultivated all day, they thought it would not possible for him to reach that step but he really made it.

Kevin wore a thoughtful look as he said, " after you finish filling up your spirit sea with 100 spiritual motes it will automatically trigger the awakening of your spirit and while the awakening is in the process your thoughts should be empty, if you keep thinking about what kind of spirit you will get or imagine others things then the awakening might fail. Your state of mind should be as blank as it could get and your body extremely relaxed. But even if you do all this it still might fail. Because there is no solid explanation of how is spirit actually awakening. "

William nodded as he agreed with Kevin, " Yep Kevin is right, Although some people are even believing that spirit is the blessing from the gods as there is still not a full proof explanation on how is spirit actually awakening. "

Ash nodded in understanding but he disagreed with the part about Spirit being a blessing from god.

" Thank you both of you, Now I can't wait to try it but I still need to cultivate 100 spiritual motes to trigger the evolution. " Ash said as he thanked them.

" Don't sweat it and start preparing we both hope that you can awaken your spirit " Kevin said while laughing.

Ash thanked them again before he went to the Training Hall to use today's 2-hour quota of training.

After spending two hours in the training hall he returned then he started cultivating his spiritual motes at the dorm.

Finally, it was the last day and Ash already cultivated 99 spiritual motes.

Ash, Kevin, and William departed from the dorm as they went to training hall together, But this time Ash was not going to the spirit energy cultivation room but the Fire Energy cultivation room. Since Ash has Grade A Fire affinity He can go to the Fire energy cultivation room where Fire attributed spirit energy is abundant. Kevin and William also went to their respective attribute Energy cultivation room to awaken their spirit.

After arriving at the hall Ash entered the fire energy cultivation room which had a temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius but Ash did not feel that uncomfortable he only felt that it was just a little bit hot than outside.

After sitting down on an empty mat he took out his last spirit stone which he had saved for this and started cultivating his last spiritual mote.

After about 6-7 minutes he finally created his last spiritual mote and as soon as it was finished Ash noticed that nothing happened.

He was doubtful as they said that awakening of spirit will right after you finished creating your 100th spiritual mote and filled your spirit sea to the brim.

Just when he was wondering what should he do, something happened in his spirit sea, He saw that all of his spiritual motes were seething and dissolving on their own and they started rotating and created a vortex of pure spirit energy.

Ash hurriedly entered meditation with his thoughts empty and body relaxed as he dare not dilly dally about his awakening of spirit since this is his only chance of getting into 1st Grade Class right now.

Meanwhile, the vortex in his spirit sea was getting faster and at first, the vortex was big as it occupied most of the space in the spirit sea but as it was getting faster it was also getting smaller. After it became the half size of the spirit sea, The vortex slowed down and finally stopped, The extremely pure spiritual energy dispersed from the vortex turned into an egg-shaped membrane.

Just as Ash felt the things settled down in his spirit sea, The egg-shaped membrane burst, and all spiritual energy was dispersed from his spirit sea.

When Ash felt the burst in his Spirit sea he knew he was done for. All the hard work he pulled in this month was for naught as his chance of getting into 1st Grade Class dashed away.

" fuck..." He let out a curse as he could not help it.

Depressed as he was he still has to move on and not be downcast by this matter. He has promised himself to be powerful and make his parents proud so if he was held back by this setback it would not do justice to his parents who worked day and night to meet his needs.

Ash tried his best to not show his emotion and stat as he exited the room.

As soon as Kevin and William spotted Ash they knew what happened to him.

Ash was just 15 years old so how can he hide his stat and emotions?

" i...I failed to awaken the spirit, I'm sorry to waste your efforts " Ash said as he choked a bit.

Kevin and William were also feeling downcast because in this month all three became good friends and now that ash failed to awaken his spirit he would not be able to stay and study together with them.

Of course, the majority of students did not awaken in the first month like Ash but it was a coincidence that both his dorm mates were from a rich family who came prepared and both awakened their spirit in the first month.

All three walked to their dorms with heavy feelings.

After arriving at the dorm Ash directly went to bed because first, he was depressed, and second, he was feeling weary and tired because of the burst in his spirit sea.

Tomorrow morning would be the day they would test the progress of students and promote those who awakened their spirit to the 1st Grade Class.

Don't hesitate to point out mistakes and write them in Paragraph comments. Thank you

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