
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Internal Strength

Ash woke up very early and did some Exercises. In the last thirty days, he did not exercise because he always started his training to expand his spirit sea so today he started doing exercise.

After exercising and taking shower it was time so he went to his teacher to inform him about his willingness to go to the dangerous area.

After Ash reached the faculty office where his teacher was he directly said, " Teacher I wish to go to the dangerous area for the opportunity to enroll in Special Class. " Ash said with unwavering conviction.

His teacher was stupefied. He thought he heard wrong. He thought that none of the students would volunteer on a death trip but here he was seeing one in his class.

" Are you sure you want to go there? the death rate is 90% and actually, no one came back in the first batch of the kids who went to explore the area, and this time the second batch is being arranged by the dean to explore the area. " Teacher said some inside information because he knows that Ash is hardworking and still has the chance to climb up without taking this risk.

Ash was shocked at the inside information, he is not stupid and he only agreed because he saw the hope and now the teacher said something like this which obviously would shock him.

" Then why did the dean said that death is 90% and not 100%? " Ash asked his doubts to the teacher.

" Because from the various analysis done by academy there is the chance to come back but the kids inside could not grasp the way to come back and because of its restrictions none of the adults or powerful espers can go in. " Teacher explained.

Ash thought for a while and still decided to go. Because only after enrolling in Special Class can he change his fate and stand above others.

Ash left the office and the teacher sighed as he watches ash leave the office because he is not optimistic about this trip.

five days passed by very fast and ash was prepared. Soon a beep sound came from his Digi-x which was a massage about going to a place in the district he was in.

Soon he reached the place where a hovercar was waiting for him. The driver looked like a man in his mid-twenties and as Ash arrived at the car he singled ash to sit inside.

" So you are the only student who volunteered to go for the death trip. I really admire your courage. " Said the man as he started driving the car, In reality, he wanted to say he admired his stupidity and not courage.

Ash was startled after hearing he was the only one who decided to explore the area.

" But don't worry you won't be the only one as there will be other normal kids of the same age as you that academy gathered for this operation but those kids are just normal kids with very poor background and no talent, Although it is wrong for the academy to do this we also have no choice because of the restriction and the kids also agreed because academy already provided their family with riches and comfortable lives and promised more if they can come back with more information and some items/resources from that place. " The man continued to talk as he drove the car to the inner part of the academy.

Ash nodded as he knows riches and strength come with risks, knows that and his reason is the same.

" First we will be going to a laboratory to strengthen you to increase your chance of coming back. " The man said this piece as he stopped the car at a big building which was apparently a laboratory.

In the building, there were various labs where different kinds of research were ongoing and soon they reached the top floor of the building.

Inside was the vice dean who was at the monthly test and with him were some middle-aged men in the white coat.

As he spotted ash he came to his side and said with a smile, " little guy don't worry we will do everything to strengthen you to increase your chances and provide various tools for survival. In the first batch, we were not prepared enough. And now no one is willing to take risks except you because no one came back in the first batch and we can't force students for our cause and worry not your family will be under the protection of the academy from now on. " With that, he took out injection and a pill with bright red color and gestured Ash to sleep on the lab bed.

Ash did as told while the vice-dean explains about the use of injection and the pill.

After hearing an explanation from the vice-dean he now knows the use of both injection and pill which made him excited. This injection and pill were very precious for they can unlock the internal strength of the user which is called internal energy and opens the pores of the body.

Originally to unlock internal strength students have to pass in the first-year final tests and after they enter 2nd year of the academy they will be given a set of manuals which is to use spirit energy to unlock internal strength and then use internal energy to unblock pores of the body. And if the 2nd year students fail to unlock internal strength in one year they will drop out of the academy and be assigned to a random job by the academy. The job assigned by the academy is to gather resources by roaming the now big earth and 70 % of resources will be given to the academy until they can repay the things academy used on them because the academy doesn't take any fees and nurture students with their resource but if they can not live up to the expectations they need to repay academy in this form.

" This injection and pill are very hard to make because resources needed to make it are very scarce and currently we only have 3 sets of this injection and pill and now one set is being used on you. " Said the vice dean as he gave the pill to the ash and prepared to use the injection.

" Be prepared as it will feel very painful but you have to endure it and don't faint from the pain or unknown consequences will happen. " Vice-dean pushed the plunger after seeing Ash nod.

As soon as vice dean pushed the plunger, Ash also ate the pill as instructed.

And right after eating the pill, it dissolved into his stomach and hot energy rushed out from the pill and raged his whole body and injection made it worse for it's liquid also seems as potent as the pill and raged his whole body, It was like he was being cooked from inside and the surface of his skin also turned bright red because of injection.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaa...." from his mouth came to a loud scream as it was getting very painful and he could not bear but let out a scream.

he screamed until his voice got hoarse and after five minutes from the surface of his skin came out blood with a mixture of black substances.

Finally, after another five minutes, the process was over and his scream stopped. But his eyes were red and it still felt painful.

After seeing the Ash persisted until the end of the process vice-dean smiled and said, " Now you can close your eyes and sleep, You finished the most important part so its time to take some rest. "

Ash closed his eyes and fell asleep right after hearing that.

Don't hesitate to point out mistakes and write them in Paragraph comments. Thank you

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