

Author: vandl
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What is 快穿之Boss集中攻略

Read ‘快穿之Boss集中攻略’ Online for Free, written by the author vandl, This book is a 言情 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 作为二十一世纪新时代的女大学生,沈翊安只觉得自己倒了八辈子大霉才会碰上这么件荒唐事。考古掉队掉到古墓堆里,还见鬼的和什么劳什子的器灵签订了契约帮它收集进阶经验!自此,沈翊安为了重归人世,不得不马不停蹄的穿梭于三千世界之间攻略男主。神仙河伯,...


作为二十一世纪新时代的女大学生,沈翊安只觉得自己倒了八辈子大霉才会碰上这么件荒唐事。考古掉队掉到古墓堆里,还见鬼的和什么劳什子的器灵签订了契约帮它收集进阶经验!自此,沈翊安为了重归人世,不得不马不停蹄的穿梭于三千世界之间攻略男主。神仙河伯,整容医师,末日翘楚,埃及法老...只是... 某日,晴空万里。自三千世界收集经验而后归来的沈翊安黑着脸瞪着某只尾随已久的终极Boss大吼:“你怎么还跟到这儿来了?” 某位腹黑大佬表示,他轮回几世装模作样让他的小娇妻奔着攻略他拿到经验值才能软香在怀,他容易吗他?! 片段一: “皇上,您知道青蛙和癞蛤蟆得区别在哪嘛?” “聂怀瑶,你又想耍什么把戏?难不成你在指桑骂槐的骂朕,癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉?” “皇上您这可就想错了,臣妾只不过是想让您知道。这青蛙自诩高尚坐井观天最后变成一道菜上桌成了——田鸡,这癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉,因为目有所长,爬上了供台成了——金蟾。所以说人还是要有梦想的,外一实现了呢?唔……臣妾只是没想到皇上连梦想都没有,连那受人供奉的金蟾都不愿意做呢。” “……”所以这是暗骂他不如癞蛤蟆呗?

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Novus Mundi

*READ THE SYNOPSIS IT'S A SHORT INTRODUCTION* //I work in IT so i will put my comments after "//" //I'm not sure if i will stick to the current main character, so this is a just a vague intro to the world //of Novus Mundi as a whole //Pronunciation of “Novus Mundi”: don't worry, if you are not born there you can't pronounce it right, //so whatever you say is equally wrong as everyone else's guess At the dawn of a new era, on the verge of the industrial revolution, the world was on the brink of great discoveries and changes. But, while scientists and explorers were pushing the boundaries of their countries and the possibilities of technology, one continent remained hidden, shrouded in mystery and legends whispered about it in the dark corners of old taverns. This newly discovered continent, known among adventurers as 'Novus Mundi', became the last refuge for those eager for wealth, power, and discovery. From all corners of the world, people with different skills, hopes, and dreams headed towards Novus Mundi, driven by tales of unexplored riches and wonders. As newcomers arrived with advanced tools and knowledge of machines, led by the early stages of the industrial revolution, they were not prepared for what they found. Novus Mundi was not only home to unexplored natural beauties and resources but also a world of magic and mysteries. The natives of this continent, wise in ancient arts and in harmony with nature, wielded magic in ways that technologically advanced strangers could scarcely imagine. The island was home not only to people who lived in harmony with nature, using magic for everyday life, but also to wondrous creatures that legends depicted as myths. From peaceful enchanted forests hiding fairies and nature spirits to dark caves inhabited by ghouls and monsters from nightmares, Novus Mundi was a world where magic and science collided and intertwined. //While translating, I mix a lot of American English and British, I hope no one will find that annoying. //The original text is written in Serbian. The conflict and cooperation between colonizers and natives, technology and magic, became the foundation for new stories, legends, and conflicts. While some sought ways to exploit the continent's resources, others sought understanding and harmony between the two worlds. Through this conflict and cooperation, Novus Mundi became a living stage for adventures, discoveries, and, above all, a new chapter in human history. //Also, North and South America do not exist in this world. At least not above the water. So //Columbo did not discover America, but Novus Mundi.

AterArbor · Fantasy
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3 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :河伯的新娘
Volume 2 :警花法医VS整容医师
Volume 3 :警花法医VS整容医师(下)


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