
Novus Mundi

Author: AterArbor
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What is Novus Mundi

Read ‘Novus Mundi’ Online for Free, written by the author AterArbor, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: *READ THE SYNOPSIS IT'S A SHORT INTRODUCTION*At the dawn of a new era, on the verge of the industrial revolution, the wo...


*READ THE SYNOPSIS IT'S A SHORT INTRODUCTION* At the dawn of a new era, on the verge of the industrial revolution, the world was on the brink of great discoveries and changes. But, while scientists and explorers were pushing the boundaries of their countries and the possibilities of technology, one continent remained hidden, shrouded in mystery and legends whispered about it in the dark corners of old taverns. This newly discovered continent, known among adventurers as 'Novus Mundi', became the last refuge for those eager for wealth, power, and discovery. From all corners of the world, people with different skills, hopes, and dreams headed towards Novus Mundi, driven by tales of unexplored riches and wonders. As newcomers arrived with advanced tools and knowledge of machines, led by the early stages of the industrial revolution, they were not prepared for what they found. Novus Mundi was not only home to unexplored natural beauties and resources but also a world of magic and mysteries. The natives of this continent, wise in ancient arts and in harmony with nature, wielded magic in ways that technologically advanced strangers could scarcely imagine. The island was home not only to people who lived in harmony with nature, using magic for everyday life, but also to wondrous creatures that legends depicted as myths. From peaceful enchanted forests hiding fairies and nature spirits to dark caves inhabited by ghouls and monsters from nightmares, Novus Mundi was a world where magic and science collided and intertwined. The conflict and cooperation between colonizers and natives, technology and magic, became the foundation for new stories, legends, and conflicts. While some sought ways to exploit the continent's resources, others sought understanding and harmony between the two worlds. Through this conflict and cooperation, Novus Mundi became a living stage for adventures, discoveries, and, above all, a new chapter in human history.

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Warning[Mature Contents] ‘’Poor girl,you fell on the most dangerous family ever’’ he said with serious expression April thought he was joking but looking at his expression he was not. ‘’You are in the presence of the 7 monsters sons of the king‘’ he said with a cold frightened smile . She looked at them and suddenly the color of their eyes changes. Each of them had different eyes colors. ‘’What’s that?!’’ She thought frightened He approaches her and wanted to touched her . Even though she was frightened she made an attempt to slap him but the man hold her hand brought her near him and said ‘’If you want to slap me then do it with your lips’’ he said with deep mesmerizing voice ,a smirk on his lips. After that her father has been held back by the most influential and cruel man in the village because he owed him a huge amount of money. April want to get her father out of that situation,even if she had to married one of the seven brother princes of the kingdom to have the required money and pay off her father’s debts. But rumors are circulating about the princes of the kingdom saying that they are cursed and possessed. Since she was a sceptic girl she didn’t believe in all those rumors.... Will she put up with her new husband and this new Life ?, will she support the true nature of the Envel family ?,will she succeed in getting her father out of the cruel man of her village . . Note of the author I’m a newbie..this is my first story. Please take note that English is not the first language of your author so don’t mind the mistakes. I will try and correct it. Any positive critic of the book will help me to improve ^^ The cover is not mine.

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The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

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Verheiratet mit dem Sohn des Teufels

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Dragon Heart. Path to the Unknown. LitRPG Wuxia Saga. Book 11

"Dragon Heart" is one of the top-rated Wuxia LitRPG novels in Russia. The author has been writing the story for only one and a half years, however, it already has 1500 chapters spanning 18 books. The whole story is planned out and will have over 2000 chapters and 20 books. The version in Russian has been read over 30,000,000 times.  This story has made Klevanski the  #1 or #2 author on the 4 biggest self-publishing sites in Russia. Right now, "Dragon Heart" is being translated into English and published chapter by chapter on several American sites.  HERE ON RR IS PUBLISHING THE THIRD BOOK OF THE SERIES.  You can buy the 1st books on Amazon or read it for free in Kindle Unlimited. Arc 1: BOOK I: STONE WILL BOOK II: IRON WILL  BOOK III: BLOOD WILL  Arc 2: BOOK IV: SEA OF SAND BOOK V: SEA OF SORROW Arc 3: BOOK VI: LAND OF MAGIC BOOK VII: LAND OF DEMONS BOOK VIII: LAND OF THE ENEMY BOOK IX: LAND OF PAIN BOOK X: LAND OF WAR Arc 4: BOOK XI: PATH TO THE UNKNOWN   Description He was born anew in a world where martial arts were indistinguishable from magic. He’d only received a neuronet and meaningless desires from his past life. What lies ahead? He’d dreamed of adventure and freedom, but those dreams were taken away from him. The same way his mother, father, and sister had been taken away. They took his Kingdom, they even took his destiny. But he is willing to wage a war, against the whole world if need be, to bring everything back. Even if a whole army opposes him, his sword won’t waver. Even if the Emperor sends entire legions against him, his step won’t falter. Even if demons and gods, heroes and villains alike, unite against him, he won’t bend to their will. His own will is iron itself, unstoppable. His name is Hadjar and he heeds the call of the dragon heart within him.  This novel contains uncensored scenes of battle that may or may not include depictions of violence and gore. Read it at your own risk.  

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I am utterly captivated by your book! It's a literary gem that warrants far more attention than it's currently receiving. The characters are intricately crafted, the plot is expertly woven, and the writing is nothing short of exceptional. It's a travesty that more readers haven't had the pleasure of immersing themselves in your work yet. I'm eager to help you devise a strategy to increase its visibility and garner the accolades it so rightly deserves. Let's collaborate to devise a plan that showcases your masterpiece to the world!"


Hi, I'm loving your book - it's a true gem! Are you planning to release an updated edition or explore new ways to share your work with even more readers


This story is soo good and it made me soo curious to know what would happen next 😭release chapter two already 🙏


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