
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 42: The War Begins

As the days slipped away, the world found itself engulfed in a relentless maelstrom of chaos. Reporters and cameramen gathered from every corner of the globe, drawn by the ominous anticipation of Ace's impending execution. A palpable weight that pressed upon the very soul of the marines stationed at the headquarters.

Among the ranks of the marines, an undercurrent of nervousness coursed through their collective consciousness. They stood as sentinels, vigilant and resolute, but the impending arrival of Whitebeard loomed like a tempest on the horizon. The uncertainty of what awaited them in the coming battle weighed heavily on their minds.

"Don't be nervous," one marine offered in a feeble attempt to dispel the tension surrounding him. It was a simple reassurance, a reminder of their duty and the unwavering resolve that had brought them to this pivotal moment.

In the shadow of Marineford, a staggering force had amassed. Over a hundred thousand marines had converged upon this iconic battleground. They stood as an indomitable wall, resolute in their determination to defend their stronghold.

A formidable armada of fifty battleships, each bristling with armaments, stood anchored around the island, ready to unleash a torrent of destruction. Along the coast, heavy cannons, menacing and unyielding, stood sentinel.

At the very forefront of the assembled troops, a formidable quartet of the Seven Shichibukai took their positions. Among them was Fang Yuan, shrewd and calculating, hidden behind a veneer of loyalty to the marines. Unbeknownst to his supposed allies, he meticulously planned the opportune moment to betray the marines, a move aimed at securing the maximum advantage for himself.

Towards the rear of the sprawling battlefield lay the execution platform, the epicenter of the impending war. At the heart of it all was Ace, the condemned man, standing alongside Vice Admiral Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku, figures of authority who embodied the marines' unwavering resolve.

But amidst this trio of power stood Donquixote Vergil, a dark presence awaiting the perfect moment to seize control. His intentions were clear, as he intended to personally execute Ace once the stars aligned in his favor. His cold, calculating eyes surveyed the unfolding scene, locked onto his prey like a predator awaiting the right moment to strike.

Before the elevated platform, three figures of absolute authority held court. The admirals Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru sat in stoic determination, their unyielding resolve etched onto their faces. Kizaru, though still bearing the physical scars of his clash with Yuki, remained ever vigilant, his powers restrained, but not extinguished.

Behind this esteemed trio, a shadowy figure loomed, a Vice Admiral named Aizen, whose presence seemed to elude the perception of all around him. Silent and unnoticed, he awaited the unfolding of events, his intentions known only to himself.

"Here they come!" The scout's voice pierced the air, a sharp cry that reverberated through the ranks of the marines stationed on Marineford's perimeter. All eyes turned toward the horizon, where a colossal fleet of pirates appeared on the horizon, a looming storm of defiance and determination. A total of forty-three pirate ships had gathered beneath a common banner, their united purpose clear, to save Ace from his impending execution. Yet conspicuously absent were Whitebeard's main vessels, a fact that did not go unnoticed.

Tension gripped the marine forces as they braced for the impending confrontation. The pirates advanced like a relentless tide, each ship a menacing silhouette against the backdrop of the sea.

Then, a chilling revelation shook the marines to their core. "There's a shadow in the bay!" another marine cried out, his voice tinged with panic. His words echoed through the ranks, igniting alarm among his comrades. All eyes turned to the bay area of Marineford, where a massive presence materialized before them.

It was none other than Whitebeard's flagship, the legendary Moby Dick, an awe-inspiring behemoth that seemed to dwarf the very sea itself. Accompanying it were three formidable vessels, each bearing the Jolly Roger of the Whitebeard Pirates. 

"The 14 Division Commanders and Whitebeard are all here," one of the vigilant foot soldiers exclaimed, his voice tinged with both awe and trepidation. His words rippled through the ranks, igniting a ripple of hushed murmurs among the marines. The sheer presence of these legendary figures bore down upon them like a weighty omen.

As his gaze swept across the formidable assembly, the soldier's eyes widened even further. He pointed an accusatory finger at two figures standing beside Whitebeard, his voice quaking with a mixture of confusion and alarm. "Are that Yuki and All Might? What are they doing with Whitebeard?"

With a resolute expression, Whitebeard invoked the fearsome power of his Devil Fruit, causing the very fabric of the air to tremble and crack around him. The atmosphere itself seemed to fracture, heralding the impending cataclysm.

Suddenly, the fractures in the air gave birth to a seismic upheaval. The sea itself roared in response, convulsing with a violent seaquake that sent shockwaves through the water. Within moments, a colossal tsunami surged forth, an unstoppable force of nature hurtling toward Marineford with terrifying speed.

"It's a tsunami!" a marine soldier cried out in sheer terror, his voice carrying the weight of dread as he witnessed the sea level rising to unprecedented and menacing heights. Panic rippled through the ranks of the marines as the reality of the impending disaster began to sink in. They were about to face not only the wrath of pirates but also the uncontrollable fury of the ocean itself.

As the colossal tsunami bore down upon Marineford, its menacing maw poised to engulf the stronghold, Aokiji rose from his seat with a sense of unwavering resolve. In one fluid motion, he leaped into the air, his mastery over the Hie Hie no Mi coming to life with an icy brilliance.

"Ice Age," he intoned. From his outstretched hands, two colossal shards of ice extended, reaching out with a frigid embrace toward the oncoming disaster. With a chilling efficiency, he froze the entire front of the tsunami in its tracks, encapsulating it in an icy prison.

Then, with a graceful descent, Aokiji landed upon the surface of the ocean, his hand making contact with the sea. Instantaneously, the waters within the bay responded to his mastery over ice. The once tempestuous bay underwent a breathtaking transformation. The entirety of the bay's waters, from the surface to its very depths, turned into an expanse of solid ice.

"My move! Eternal Thunderstorm!" Yuki's voice rang out with resolute determination as he ascended into the skies above Marineford. His quirk surged to life with breathtaking power.

In the wake of his activation, a profound transformation unfolded across the heavens. The once-clear sky darkened with eerie swiftness as colossal thunderclouds manifested, their brooding forms overlapping to create an ominous canopy. The first droplets of rain fell with a soft pattering, quickly escalating into a torrential downpour that drenched the island.

Amidst the relentless deluge, the skies crackled with the wrath of nature itself. Thunderbolts, colossal and untamed, continuously hammered the defenses of Marineford with unyielding fury.

A guttural cry of agony filled the air as one of the formidable Giants defending the island bore the full brunt of a lightning strike. With a deafening crash, the massive figure was reduced to a lifeless husk, crumpling to the ground in a display of the storm's merciless power.

Meanwhile, another bolt of lightning descended from the heavens, its target none other than Admiral Akainu. With unwavering resolve, the magma-wielding admiral stood his ground, making no attempt to evade. The lightning arced toward him, but to the astonishment of onlookers, it proved futile in the face of his indomitable might. Unscathed, Akainu remained a resolute figure amidst the tempest, a testament to his formidable prowess.

Apart from the relentless onslaught on the marines, the torrential lightning strikes unleashed by Yuki wreaked havoc upon the very landscape of Marineford. The thunderous bolts of electricity did more than merely claim the lives of numerous marines, they inflicted widespread devastation upon the island.

The marauding lightning played no favorites, indiscriminately targeting everything in its path. The once-sturdy headquarters building of the marines groaned under the merciless assault, its structural integrity pushed to the brink of collapse. Around the island, defense cannons, once poised to repel invaders, now lay incapacitated, their intricate machinery rendered useless by the sheer ferocity of the storm.

In stark contrast to the earlier calamity brought forth by Whitebeard's tsunami, which had been quelled by Aokiji's intervention, there was no quick and convenient remedy for the relentless fury of Yuki's lightning clouds. It was a force of nature that knew no bounds, ravaging through every corner of Marineford with an unrelenting, indiscriminate wrath.

While the relentless thunderstorm continued to lash Marineford, the Whitebeard Pirates, along with a cadre of their allied captains, set foot onto the frozen battlefield. 

Simultaneously, the marine foot soldiers surged forward in a valiant attempt to halt the advance of the invaders. The bay of Marineford became a chaotic battleground, where the clash of swords and the roar of combat echoed in a cacophonous symphony of warfare.

The air resounded with the clamor of battle as swords clashed with a deafening "Clang, Clang." Amidst this tumultuous maelstrom of violence, lives were lost in quick succession, and the wounded began to mount. Each clash, each strike, marked a life altered or extinguished, and the battlefield bore witness to a staggering toll of carnage and suffering.

As the skirmish between the Whitebeard Pirates and the marines intensified, a pivotal moment unfolded. Kizaru launched a swift attack at Whitebeard, seeking to tip the scales in their favor. However, his assault was met with an immediate response from Marco, the Phoenix, who intercepted Kizaru's onslaught with grace and finesse.

In a stark departure from the events depicted in the anime, this alternate timeline bore witness to a battle of true equals. Kizaru, still nursing the injuries from prior encounters, found himself unable to unleash the full extent of his formidable powers. Consequently, the battle raged on with neither side gaining a decisive advantage, each combatant pushing their limits in a test of strength and resolve.

Meanwhile, the relentless might of Admiral Akainu made itself known. With a ruthless display of power, he summoned torrents of searing magma from the heavens, directing them toward the assembled pirate ships. The magma rained down upon the vessels with unyielding fury, engulfing them in fiery devastation. Countless ships were reduced to charred ruins in a matter of moments.

However, the indiscriminate nature of Akainu's attack proved to be a double-edged sword. While it annihilated a significant number of pirate vessels, the molten torrents that missed their intended targets wreaked havoc among the ranks of both pirates and marines alike. The destructive force of the magma claimed the lives of not only the enemy but also some of their own comrades.

 The colossal figure of Little Oars Jr. emerged, casting a shadow that eclipsed even the most towering Giants. His gargantuan stature dwarfed entire ships and made giants appear diminutive in comparison. His hulking frame was virtually impervious to harm, rendering cannonballs ineffectual against his formidable defenses.

"Ace is nice, I won't let him die!" With a resolute declaration, Little Oars Jr. moved into action. His massive hands, capable of seizing entire battleships with ease, gripped one such vessel and proceeded to exert his strength. With an earth-shaking force, he crushed the unfortunate ship, reducing it to splinters.

"Ace! I'll be right there," he bellowed. In a display of sheer might, he hurled the shattered remnants of the battleship toward the imposing defensive wall erected by the marines. The vessel crashed into the barrier with a deafening impact, creating a breach that offered a passage through which the pirate forces could advance.

However, Little Oars Jr.'s colossal size, while formidable, also rendered him a conspicuous target amidst the battlefield. His sheer mass made evasion nearly impossible, making him vulnerable to the devastating power of attacks aimed squarely at him. It was in this moment that Bartholomew Kuma seized the opportunity to unleash a assault.

With a voice that resonated like thunder, Kuma called upon his devastating technique, "Ursus Shock." The sheer force of the attack rippled through the battlefield, homing in on the colossal figure of Little Oars Jr. With ease, Kuma's assault inflicted substantial harm upon the giant, causing him to reel from the overwhelming impact.

Despite his resilience, the relentless onslaught from Kuma and other assailants took its toll. Little Oars Jr. staggered under the relentless barrage, his colossal frame succumbing to the relentless punishment inflicted upon him.

In a final, awe-inspiring act of defiance, Little Oars Jr. plummeted to the earth, his monumental descent shaking the very foundations of Marineford. His colossal body crashed through the once-impregnable defensive wall, shattering it into fragments. In that moment, his sacrifice cleared a path for the pirate forces to surge forward, stepping onto his fallen form as they stormed into the heart of Marineford.