
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 43: All Might vs Aokiji

At this critical juncture, All Might made a resolute decision to depart from Whitebeard's ship, driven by an unwavering commitment to minimize casualties on both sides and swiftly bring an end to the harrowing conflict. 

As his boots touched the ice, All Might's gaze locked onto the countenance of Admiral Aokiji. There, amidst the chaos of battle, their eyes met, sparking a moment of intense confrontation.

"Let me through, I need to end this war!" All Might's voice resounded with thunderous urgency as he sprinted toward the formidable admiral. Aokiji, however, remained unyielding, a steadfast sentinel determined to block All Might's path. His demeanor conveyed a silent resolve that echoed, 'You shall not pass as long as I stand here.'

All Might, perceptive of the unyielding determination mirrored in the eyes of his formidable adversary, used the power of Armament Haki, encasing his muscular arm in its potent aura. With swift precision, he unleashed a thunderous punch aimed squarely at Aokiji, his Armament Haki-infused fist poised for impact.

Simultaneously, Admiral Aokiji, equally resolute and well-versed in the arts of Haki, encased his own arm in Armament Haki. He lunged forward with intensity, determination etched across his features.

"Texas Smash!" All Might's resounding battle cry echoed across the battlefield as their fists converged in a cataclysmic clash. The sheer force of their collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, and for a fleeting moment, the very fabric of reality seemed to quiver under the immense pressure.

In this awe-inspiring moment, it was All Might who yielded a single step backward, the sheer power of Aokiji's counterforce compelling him to momentarily retreat. As he regrouped, a brief pause in their relentless combat ensued, each combatant contemplating their next move in this confrontation.

Without delay, All Might surged forward once more, closing the distance with the Admiral in an explosive rush. As he lunged towards his opponent, he ignited not only the impenetrable hardness of Armament Haki but also unveiled a sophisticated and advanced technique of the same Haki, known as Internal Destruction.

In this moment, the Symbol of Peace revealed his intention, a relentless assault aimed at dismantling Aokiji from the inside out. The strategy was clear, to inflict devastating damage upon the admiral's internal organs, an audacious gambit that demonstrated the depths of All Might's resolve.

Yet, Admiral Aokiji's tenure as one of the marines' highest-ranking officers was no mere coincidence. He was a seasoned veteran, unyielding in the face of adversity, and a master of his own Haki. Such a formidable adversary could not be vanquished so easily.

Utilizing the prescient capabilities granted by Observation Haki, Admiral Aokiji exhibited impeccable timing as he gracefully sidestepped All Might's ferocious assault. With an almost preternatural sense of impending danger, he effortlessly shifted to the right, narrowly evading the Symbol of Peace's powerful blow. All that remained in the wake of All Might's missed strike was the empty space where Aokiji had stood just moments ago.

Seizing the moment, Admiral Aokiji responded swiftly, unleashing the chilling might of his Devil Fruit powers. In an instant, his icy grasp enveloped All Might, ensnaring him in a frigid embrace that threatened to encase him in solid ice.

"Ice Time," Aokiji intoned, invoking the name of his formidable technique. The cold's icy tendrils tightened around All Might, threatening to crystallize him into a statue of frost. Yet, the Symbol of Peace, ever resilient, refused to succumb without a fight.

In the fleeting moments before the chilling embrace could fully ensnare him, All Might summoned his indomitable will and prepared for a counterattack. With a surge of his strength, he unleashed a formidable response, a desperate bid to break free from Aokiji's icy grip and thwart the complete encasement that threatened him.

Despite his valiant efforts to resist the encroaching ice, All Might found himself partially frozen, an icy shroud gripping his once-mighty form. The frosty grip wreaked havoc on his mobility, each movement hampered by a frigid numbness that sent sharp tendrils of pain coursing through his partially frozen body. Yet, for the Symbol of Peace, this pain was a mere whisper compared to the cacophony of injuries he had endured throughout his career.

With unwavering determination, All Might steeled himself for the task at hand. His priority was clear, to quell this cataclysmic war that threatened to consume all in its path. In this moment, he shifted from the role of aggressor to defender, readying himself for the impending onslaught.

As he grappled with the numbing effects of the ice, a determined thought resonated within All Might's indomitable spirit. 'I must bring an end to this conflict,' he resolved, his unwavering commitment to peace igniting a fierce determination. Ready to transition to a defensive stance, he braced himself for the impending clash, knowing that this time, he must weather the storm unleashed by Admiral Aokiji.

True to his expectations, the admiral's formidable strike followed swiftly, the impact sending All Might hurtling through the air. Despite the odds stacked against him, his unwavering spirit refused to waver. With a resolute yell, he twisted his body mid-flight, regaining some semblance of control.

"Detroit Smash!" he bellowed, his fists smashing into the air, creating shockwaves that rippled outward. However, Aokiji remained unwavering.

As All Might descended, he reeled from the impact, pain coursing through his body. The chilling grip of the partially frozen limb still clung to him, impeding his movements. In that moment, a sense of desperation threatened to engulf him.

'Come on, Toshinori,' he chided himself mentally. 'You've faced worse. You've got to keep going.'

Summoning the remnants of his strength, All Might lunged forward once more, determined to find a way to halt Aokiji. His vision blurred as he continued to fight, every blow exchanged a testament to his unwavering resolve.

"California Smash!" he cried, unleashing his most powerful attack, the air vibrating with the sheer force of it. But even this was not enough to subdue the indomitable admiral.

In the midst of battle, All Might's thoughts raced. 'I can't give up,' he reflected. 'The world is depending on us, on me. I must stop this conflict, no matter the cost.'

With every punch he threw, he could feel himself weakening, the pain intensifying. Aokiji's mastery over ice seemed insurmountable, and yet All Might pressed on, the embodiment of hope and determination.

"Texas Smash! Oklahoma Smash!" He continued to name his attacks, each one more fervent than the last. But as he pushed himself further, his own strength began to wane, and his once unbreakable spirit felt the weight of impending defeat.

Then, as if an inexorable fate had decided their struggle, Aokiji unleashed a devastating counterattack. The admiral's ice-cold fist met All Might's already battered form, and in that instant, the Symbol of Peace knew he had been overpowered.

Blood spurted from his mouth, staining the ice below as he was sent hurtling through the frozen air once more. His vision blurred, and his body ached with the punishing toll of battle.

But even in the face of defeat, All Might clung to his unwavering conviction. He would not relent, he would not surrender. With every ounce of his remaining strength, he vowed to rise once more, determined to see the conflict through to its end, no matter the cost.

As All Might was still soaring through the air, he couldn't help but feel a pang of desperation. Aokiji's relentless assault seemed unyielding, and it was clear that he had to dig deep into his arsenal to turn the tide of this battle.

'Looks like I need to use the power granted to me by the chat group if I want to win this battle!' All Might's resolve surged within him as he flipped midair, landing firmly on his two feet. The weight of the world rested on his broad shoulders, and he couldn't afford to hold back any longer. 

Until this moment, he had hesitated to unleash this power, haunted by the cryptic warning from Yuki. But now, with Aokiji's relentless onslaught, he saw no other way forward.

"Blood Break!" All Might roared, his voice echoing across the frozen battlefield. In an instant, a transformation overcame him. His eyes and hair stained a deep crimson, and intricate red patterns adorned his forehead, arms, and legs. It was as if the very essence of his power had ignited into an inferno.

As the Blood Break coursed through his veins, All Might felt an overwhelming surge of strength and speed. His senses sharpened to an almost unexplainable level, every detail of the battlefield etched into his mind. It was a fleeting burst of power, but it was exactly what he needed in this critical moment.

With newfound vigor, All Might charged forward, his crimson aura blazing like a beacon of hope. He moved faster than he ever thought possible, closing the distance between himself and Aokiji in the blink of an eye.

For those few precious seconds, he was unstoppable. Every punch he threw was a devastating torrent of power, each impact shaking the very ground beneath them. He could feel Aokiji's defenses crumbling before him, the admiral unable to match the sheer force of All Might's assault.

But as the seconds ticked away, All Might knew he couldn't maintain this level of power for long. The Blood Break was taking its toll, sapping his energy and vitality with each passing moment.

All Might's determination surged as he lunged toward Aokiji, a relentless torrent of punches raining down upon the admiral. Each blow was a manifestation of his willpower, each strike infused with the spirit of heroism, and with every punch, he screamed the name of an American city.

Aokiji found himself trapped in a storm of blows, his icy defenses hastily erected to protect him from the ferocious onslaught. He had little time to react, forced to bear the brunt of All Might's relentless assault, his armor shattering under the sheer force of the punches.

But All Might knew that time was running out, the fleeting moments of the Blood Break slipping away. With every punch, he pushed himself closer to his limit, knowing that he had to make this surge of power count.

Sensing the impending end of his enhanced state, All Might gathered every ounce of strength within him for one final, earth-shattering punch. With a deafening cry, he unleashed the "United States of Smash."

The punch struck Aokiji with explosive force, driving deep into the admiral's abdomen. Blood erupted from Aokiji's mouth as he was sent hurtling across the battlefield, crashing into the ground in the center of Marineford. The impact was earth-shaking, leaving a deep crater where the admiral had landed.

For a moment, Aokiji lay still, bloodied and battered. But then, to All Might's astonishment, the admiral began to stir. He pushed himself upright, his body trembling but unbroken.

All Might's chest heaved with exhaustion, and he could feel the effects of the Blood Break taking their toll, even the simple act of standing seemed like an insurmountable task. He had given it his all, but Aokiji's resilience was nothing short of extraordinary.

His injuries from the earlier exchange with Aokiji added to his misery, and he found himself unable to rise. The relentless chill of the admiral's presence grew closer, and All Might knew that if he couldn't stand, he would be at the mercy of Aokiji's freezing abilities.

But All Might was not one to give in to despair. The burning spirit of a hero surged within him, and he resolved, with every fiber of his being, that this could not be how it ended. He had to stand, had to keep fighting, for the sake of everyone counting on him. 'This can not end this way!' He thought.

As Aokiji drew nearer, the frosty aura of impending doom looming over him, All Might's determination reached its zenith. His thoughts were a resounding battle cry, a declaration of his unwavering will.

With a voice filled with the last vestiges of his strength, he roared into the battlefield. "This world needs a Symbol! A Symbol of Freedom!"

In that very instant, something extraordinary happened. All Might's resolve and determination reached such a pinnacle that it awakened a latent power within him. Conqueror's Haki, a manifestation of his indomitable will, surged forth like a tidal wave.

His thunderous scream reverberated through the battlefield, and marine soldiers all around him crumpled to the ground, unconscious, unable to withstand the sheer force of his presence. 

But even as he unleashed this incredible power, he knew that he had pushed himself to the absolute limit. The strain on his body was too much to bear, and as the last echoes of his heroic cry faded, he felt his own consciousness slipping away.

In that moment, All Might had given everything he had, all for the sake of being the symbol this world so desperately needed.