
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 35: Talk with All Might (2)

Just then, a hush fell over the chaotic scene as a group of individuals made a grand entrance onto the stage where the escaped slave had just met his tragic end. Leading the procession was an imposing dog, followed closely by a man and a woman, flanked by a retinue of slaves and a small contingent of guards.

The sudden arrival of these individuals commanded immediate attention. The once-fleeing crowd, filled with fear and desperation, now bowed their heads in deference and submission to these newfound figures of authority.

The man and woman, walking alongside the dog, radiated an aura of authority and control. Their expressions, although composed, betrayed a subtle sense of superiority, as if they were accustomed to commanding both fear and respect. The slaves in their entourage, dressed in tattered clothing and bearing the physical marks of hardship, followed obediently, their eyes downcast, revealing a deep-rooted resignation to their fate.

The dog, adorned in a peculiar space suit-like device, made its way toward the body of the man who had tragically met his demise. With an audacious display of disregard, it lifted its leg and relieved itself upon the individual, that could be seen to be despite just having had an explosion next to his neck to be still barely breathing.

A woman, donning an equally peculiar space suit, stepped forward, her elegant voice laced with a hint of disapproval. "Oh my, Saruu, how unladylike," she chastised the dog, addressing it by name. As she neared the barely living man, her eyes narrowed, and she spoke with a mix of resignation and familiarity. "Father it looks like another one got broken."

The man walking alongside her, his tone devoid of any empathy, responded with a chilling detachment. "Did you give it tranquilizer everyday?" His use of the word "it" to refer to the escaped slave revealed his dehumanizing perspective, treating the individual as nothing more than an object.

The woman sighed in frustration, her voice tinged with disappointment. "I did, but it appears this fool proved resistant to its effects." Her words painted a grim picture of their twisted reality, where the lives of others held little value. And then, without a shred of remorse, she made a chilling request. "Won't you buy me a new one."

Such callousness sent shivers down the spine of All Might, his expressions a mixture of disbelief and horror. 'How could these individuals view fellow humans with such disdain, treating them as disposable commodities? They are nothing but villains.'

"You're just terrible at training these things," the man coldly retorted. His words revealed a callous disregard for the lives of the common people.

Undeterred by his harsh criticism, the woman's voice resonated with a chilling nonchalance. "Well this one is no good anymore…," she remarked, her voice laced with a disturbing indifference. With a swift and brutal kick, she heartlessly assaulted the still living body of the man who had just exploded moments ago. The act sent shockwaves of revulsion through the onlookers, especially All Might, witnessing firsthand the depths of their depravity.

"You're just a filthy human..." The woman's words dripped with venomous contempt, her voice laced with an intense disgust that seemed to permeate the air. With a swift motion, she retrieved a gun.

Her finger tightened around the trigger, her eyes filled with an unsettling mix of rage and satisfaction. She aimed the weapon directly at the man, her intentions clear and unyielding.

A single gunshot shattered the silence, reverberating through the streets of Sabaody Archipelago like an echoing cry of violence., hitting the body of the already near dead man.

Seeing the brutal scene unfold before their eyes, Yuki and All Might stood defiantly. All Might's fists clenched tightly, his muscles tensing in preparation to unleash his righteous fury upon the woman who had just committed such a heinous act. But once again, Yuki intervened, holding All Might back, his grip firm and unyielding.

"Calm down, All Might," Yuki urged. "As much as you want to deliver justice, you must be patient. Look around you, you're not alone in your anger."

"Look over there," Yuki urged, directing All Might's attention towards a figure clad in a distinctive straw hat. Like All Might, this individual radiated an aura of fury, stopped only by the hand of another restraining him. The shared desire to confront the woman was evident in their determined gazes.

"In this world, they are revered as gods," Yuki explained, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation. "But make no mistake, there are many who are repulsed by their actions."

All Might's gaze shifted from the restrained figure to the multitude of onlookers, their faces twisted with a complex blend of fear, awe, and disdain.

"But... How can I stand idle as a Hero?" All Might's voice quivered with a mix of determination and frustration, his desire to protect overwhelming his better judgment.

As All Might voiced his internal struggle, the man, whom the woman had referred to as her father, fixated his gaze on Yuki and All Might. Their refusal to kneel, their defiance against the gods of this world, struck a chord of indignation within him. In a swift and merciless motion, he withdrew a gun, aiming it directly at the two figures who dared to challenge their authority. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet hurtling towards them.

However, before the bullet could hit its target, Yuki activated the most common magic of the Flügel race. With a single word, "Shift," he invoked a teleportation spell, moving himself and All Might away to safety.

Yuki had deliberately waited, allowing the dangerous situation to unfold before intervening. He wanted to reveal to All Might the gravity of their adversaries, to demonstrate the threat they were facing. The mission they had been tasked with by the system required more than just avoiding danger, it demanded to kill one of these so-called gods.

Meanwhile, the man who had fired the gun seethed with fury at their audacious escape from the judgment of the gods. In a fit of anger and desperation, he issued orders to his guards, commanding them to spread the word and raise a sky-high bounty on Yuki and All Might's heads.

"Do you now understand why I have no problem in killing this human garbage?" Yuki's words cut through the air, as they once again made their way through the bustling streets of the Sabaody Archipelago.

All Might, though shaken by the brutal display they had witnessed, remained steadfast in his belief that killing was not the solution. "I still think it's not right to kill them," he stated firmly, his voice resolute. "We should just capture them and send them to court. Justice can be served through the proper channels."

"Court?" Yuki's laughter echoed through the air, an unsettling blend of cynicism and amusement. His voice carried a tinge of disbelief as he continued, "They are literally the highest judges of the government. Do you think they would willingly pass judgment upon themselves and willingly imprison their own kind?"

All Might's brows furrowed in deep thought as he pondered Yuki's words. A flicker of doubt danced across his face, questioning the efficacy of the judicial system in this unfamiliar world. Yuki's next question snapped him out of his reverie, forcing him to confront his own lack of knowledge.

"In the first place," Yuki's voice turned serious, his eyes piercing into All Might's, "do you even know what a prison in this world looks like?"

All Might's confidence wavered for a moment, his mind racing to find an answer. "A prison is a prison," he finally replied, albeit with a hint of uncertainty. "What should be so strange about them?"

"Hahaha, just as I thought," Yuki's voice carried a touch of satisfaction, his eyes gleaming with a mix of intrigue and mischief. "Based on your disgust with the world government, I guess Issho showed you some of their corruption. But did he not mention what happens to criminals or those who dare to oppose the government?"

All Might's brows furrowed as he strained to recall the conversations with his sensei, the memories of Issho's disdain for the world government resurfacing. "They get sent to Impel Down," he muttered, his voice laced with a hint of revulsion. "But isn't that just a prison?"

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Yuki's lips as he fixed his gaze upon All Might. There was an air of anticipation, as if he was eager to witness the dawning realization on his companion's face. "So, you truly did not know. Then let me enlighten you."

"Impel Down is divided into six levels," Yuki's voice carried a tone of ominous knowledge, each word spoken with a deliberate weight. "Of them, the sixth level is the most 'normal' one, comparable to Tartarus in our world."

All Might couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise at Yuki's knowledge of the conditions in Tartarus, a highly classified prison in their own world. The realization that Yuki was privy to such sensitive information about the prison, known for its grave human rights violations, raised further intrigue and questions in All Might's mind.

"As for the other five levels, they are just made for torturing the inmates," Yuki's voice took on a chilling tone. "And who do you think sponsored building this prison?"

All Might's mind raced, connecting the dots with a sharp clarity. "People like the guys from before?" His voice held a tinge of bitterness, his disappointment in the world's powerful figures evident.

"Yes," Yuki confirmed, a hint of a sardonic smile tugging at his lips. "Now, let me enlighten you about the conditions there. The first level, known as the Crimson Hell, is an inferno of sharp objects and treacherous traps. Inmates are hunted through this sadistic environment by poisonous spiders. It's a relentless game of survival where pain and suffering become constant companions."

All Might's visage contorted with a mix of horror and disgust, his eyes widening in disbelief. The image painted by Yuki's words cut through his heroic ideals, exposing the depths of depravity that existed within the world he had sworn to protect.

Yuki's voice continued. "And the second level may appear deceptively ordinary, but its horrors lurk beneath the surface. Inmates are relentlessly pursued and devoured by monstrous beasts, their desperate pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears."

Yuki continued. "The third level, known as Starvation Hell, is a desolate wasteland where inmates are subjected to unimaginable hunger and thirst. The torment of prolonged starvation becomes their constant companion, slowly eroding their bodies and spirits."

"And as for the fourth level…"

Before Yuki could delve into the horrors of the fourth level, All Might abruptly interjected, his voice laced with a combination of despair and determination. "Stop!" He said with a loud voice. "I don't even want to know what happens to the prisoners there," he pleaded.

The loud interruption caught the attention of those passing by, their gazes momentarily drawn to the two figures engaged in an intense conversation.

"Weren't those the guys that suddenly disappeared earlier?" a voice called out, drawing their attention. All Might and Yuki turned to see a man wearing a straw hat, this naturally was none other than Monkey D. Luffy. His finger pointed directly at them, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of recognition.

All Might's gaze locked with Luffy's for a moment, a glimmer of familiarity sparking within him. He remembered Yuki mentioning this man earlier, the one who had also shown the desire to protect the escaping slave. It had left a positive impression on All Might.

After walking for a bit more, the straw hat-wearing guy remained close behind them, seemingly in no hurry to part ways. All Might was puzzled by his presence, wondering why he continued to follow them. Yuki, on the other hand, understood the reason all too well. They shared the same destination, after all.

"You're heading to Shakki's Rip-off Bar too, aren't you?" Yuki posed the question, even though he already knew the answer. While his initial intention was to visit the bar and have an opportunity to interact with the Straw Hat Pirates, there was another motive at play. Yuki sought information about Trafalgar Law, and he knew Shakki's Rip-off Bar would be the perfect place to gather such intelligence.

"Shakki's Rip-Off Bar," both Luffy and All Might exclaimed, their voices filled with different emotions. Luffy's curiosity was piqued, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he pondered what kind of adventure awaited him at this peculiar-sounding place. Meanwhile, All Might's expression turned skeptical, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. He began to question Yuki's true intentions, wondering if he was genuinely committed to helping him or simply playing mind games.

Hatchan, the octopus fish-man, chimed in, confirming Yuki's guess with a nod. His surprise at their destination was evident.

"Then let's go together," Yuki suggested with a twinkle in his eyes. While his primary objective remained to have some interactions with the Straw Hats, he couldn't deny that another motive was at play, to show All Might that not all pirates were tainted by villainy.