
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 34: Talk With All Might (1)

After their arrival at the Sabaody Archipelago, All Might stood in awe, his eyes scanning the breathtaking sight that unfolded before him. The towering presence of the massive trees and these strange bubbles that were used for anything left him speechless. Doubt and wonder mingled in his mind as he turned to Yuki, his voice filled with amazement.

"Can something as fantastical as this truly exist?" All Might questioned, his gaze fixed on the surreal surroundings. His disbelief was palpable, unsure if he had stumbled into a dream or a parallel reality.

Yuki, wearing a puzzled expression, began to guide All Might through the vibrant streets, their footsteps echoing in the bustling atmosphere. "Haven't you witnessed even more extraordinary islands during your time in this world?" Yuki's confusion was evident, assuming that All Might had already encountered countless strange locations in the New World.

All Might's response was tinged with a sense of humility. "Not really," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "I spent the entire year training under the guidance of Issho."

Hearing All Might's response, Yuki's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Issho, the man that will in the future be known as Admiral Fujitora, was All Might's teacher? It seemed too improbable, too extraordinary to be true. Was it a mere coincidence, or was this some kind of fate?

Yuki wrestled with his thoughts, considering the possibility that it might simply be a case of shared names. But he quickly dismissed that notion. All Might possessed a strength that couldn't be ignored, and he wouldn't acknowledge just anyone as his teacher.

As for what All Might was training, Yuki's mind raced to the inevitable conclusion. It had to be Haki. After all, what else would it be, a devil fruit? Not possible, before arriving at the Archipelago, he let All Might swim for a bit and it did not seem to be a problem for him. In the first place, why would he train a devil fruit under a future admiral, it had to be Haki.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Yuki couldn't help but inquire, "Wasn't it difficult to train Haki with your body in its current state?"

A faint smile formed on All Might's lips as he recalled the arduous journey he had undertaken. "It certainly was," he admitted, his tone resolute. "Especially Armament Haki. The strain it put on my body was immense. It truly pushed me to my limits, making me cough up blood every day, but I refused to give up. I knew that to protect the innocent and uphold justice as a Hero in the future, I have to endure."

"So, how does your strength compare to your prime?" Yuki's voice carried a mix of curiosity as he turned to face All Might.

All Might's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting a hint of nostalgia tinged with a touch of regret. "I never fought seriously," he said. "My injured body could no longer withstand the strain of exerting my full strength. Every exertion would lead to me immediately spitting blood."

"But you can certainly estimate how powerful you would be with a fully recovered body," Yuki persisted, his curiosity unabated.

All Might paused for a moment, his mind swirling with possibilities. "If I were to venture a guess," he began, his voice carrying a tinge of excitement, "physically, I would say I would regain the strength I once possessed in my prime," he admitted. "However, when it comes to Observation Haki, I am not sure. Without any references or prior experience, it's challenging to gauge just how much it enhances my abilities compared to my prime."

"What about Conqueror's Haki?" Yuki's curiosity remained insatiable as he pressed All Might for more information.

All Might's eyes glistened with a mix of contemplation and nostalgia as he recalled his mentor's words. "Issho-sensei believed that I likely possess Conqueror's Haki," he revealed. "However, it has yet to awaken, as I have never encountered a truly life-threatening situation that would ignite the fiery will necessary to unlock its power, well at least I have not in this world."

Yuki listened intently, his mind spinning with possibilities. He couldn't help but smirk as his thoughts drifted towards the upcoming war at Marineford. 'That surely can be changed during the Marineford war,' he thought, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

All Might sensed an eerie shift in Yuki's demeanor. His Observation Haki sent subtle ripples through his consciousness, warning him that Yuki was plotting something. Yet, the exact purpose of Yuki's plans remained elusive to him.

As they walked through the colorful crowds of Sabaody Archipelago, All Might couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. The burning question that had lingered in his mind finally found its voice.

"Anyway, how exactly do you plan on helping me heal my body on this island?" All Might inquired, his gaze fixed on Yuki, eager for an answer that held the key to his long-awaited restoration.

Yuki paused for a moment, contemplating his response. He took a deep breath, and said. "Didn't I mention to you when we first arrived in this world that there exists a Devil Fruit that can heal you? Well, the owner of that very fruit is currently here on Sabaody Archipelago."

Ignoring the perplexing mystery of how Yuki possessed such extensive knowledge of this world, All Might's impatience bubbled to the surface. With a hint of frustration tainting his thoughts, he silently pleaded, 'Come on, Yuki, just give me the answer I'm longing for.' The anticipation gnawed at him, amplified by the mischievous glint in Yuki's eyes. It was a look that betrayed a hint of amusement, as if Yuki relished the opportunity to toy with him.

Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, All Might voiced his query. "You mind telling me who this person is?" His voice carried a tinge of urgency.

Yuki's lips curled into a knowing smile, savoring the moment. And then, with a calm demeanor, he delivered the long-awaited revelation. "Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates."

"A pirate? Are you sure we can trust him?" All Might's thoughts echoed with hesitation, his mind replaying the memories of his initial encounter with pirates aboard the ship that carried him to paradise. The pirates he encountered then had left a sour taste in his mouth, painting a grim picture of their nature and intentions. The first impression they had made on him had forged a lasting prejudice, causing him to doubt the reliability of any pirate.

That and that they are literally named 'pirate', something that he as a hero naturally stands against made him ask this question. Furthermore he knew that with a corrupt World Government like this, certainly other kinds of people would be hunted down as pirates. If he learned one thing in the past year from Issho aside from Haki, then that would be to question the government.

Yuki's response stirred a flicker of curiosity within All Might. "Trust? I would say no," Yuki admitted. "There exist multiple ways to get him to cooperate," Yuki continued.

"And that would be?" All Might's eyes fixated on Yuki's face, searching for any hint of the strategy that lay hidden beneath his mischievous expression, but the only thing he could uncover with certainty is that Yuki truly enjoyed irritating him.

Yuki's lips curled into a sly grin, knowing full well the reaction he was about to elicit from the Symbol of Peace. He relished in the playful torment, savoring the opportunity to push All Might's buttons. "Beat them up and force them to do it!" Yuki declared. Deep down, he was well aware that this proposal would meet with resistance, perhaps even provoke All Might's ire.

"Not very heroic, even if they are pirates, heroes should not force them," All Might retorted, his voice firm and unwavering. His belief in the principles of justice and compassion ran deep within him.

A mischievous smirk played upon Yuki's lips once again as he faced the Symbol of Peace. His words cut through the air with a daring confidence, challenging All Might's steadfast conviction. "I am no hero in the first place," Yuki declared boldly, his gaze meeting All Might's unwaveringly. "The only hero here is you, and you can just close your eyes and look away."

"But you are a student of U.A.," All Might argued, his disappointment evident in his voice. Thoughts raced through his mind, his gaze drifting momentarily to the bustling streets of Sabaody Archipelago.

'If this is the quality of the next generation of heroes, I must never resign. Young Midoriya, I have high hopes for you. Don't get corrupted by this classmate of yours,' he silently lamented, his thoughts drifting to his dedicated disciple.

"I just joined there for fun," Yuki stated matter-of-factly, his tone devoid of any true conviction. "I do not really intend to become a Hero, after all. I have a trade empire to inherit."

All Might's opinion of Yuki plummeted even further, a mixture of frustration and concern arose within him. In his mind, the path of a hero was not one to be taken lightly or for mere amusement. It required unwavering dedication, selflessness, and a burning desire to protect and inspire others. Joining a hero school on a whim, driven by the pursuit of entertainment, struck at the core of All Might's values.

"What about the people you could save with your power?" All Might pressed on, determined to make Yuki understand the significance of heroism. His voice carried a mix of passion and concern, hoping to ignite a spark of empathy within Yuki.

Yuki, unfazed by the plea, met All Might's gaze with an unwavering resolve. "Why should I care?" he countered, his tone laced with a hint of disdain. "In the first place, isn't it partly their own fault? They're the ones who label people with certain quirks as monsters or villains, simply because their quirks lead them to develop strange habits.

Deep within Yuki's conviction, there lay a belief that society had grown overly reliant on heroes, cultivating a false sense of security. In his eyes, this overreliance had given rise to a degeneration of society, suppressing individuality and breeding a culture of discrimination.

"But..." All Might's voice trailed off, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "Being a hero also has many benefits for yourself," he continued, his voice filled with a hint of persuasion. "You will be famous, admired by the masses. People will look up to you, and you might even have merchandise dedicated to your name."

Yuki let out a sigh, a mix of exasperation and amusement. He couldn't deny the allure of fame and adoration, yet his conviction remained unyielding. "That's also a part of the problem," he retorted, his voice laced with a touch of disdain. "In my opinion, heroes should be more like the police, do the job you get paid for and don't vie for fame. What use does fame serve, except for hindering the work of heroes by attracting unnecessary attention and interference from overzealous fans?"

All Might's conviction burned brightly in his eyes as he vehemently defended the role of the heroes and how fame for them can also be positive. "What Japan needed was a Symbol of Peace like me," he declared, his voice filled with unwavering confidence. "Just look at the crime rates that have continuously declined ever since I became this Symbol."

Yuki originally wanted to retort All Might's argument with him stating that this is just the result of him taking down the ringleader of the villains, but was abruptly interrupted by a startling sight.

His gaze shifted towards a man with a collar around his neck, struggling to catch his breath. In the chaotic shuffle of the crowded streets, a woman accidentally collided with the man. In a sudden eruption of aggression, the man seized the woman as a hostage, his furious screams reverberating through the bustling streets.

"Please!!! I'm begging you, anybody!!! Help me! I just need to break this collar!!! There's no danger for you!!!"

The desperate cries of the collar-bound man echoed through the chaotic scene. All Might's instinct to rush forward and offer aid surged within him, ready to rescue the man from his torment. He turned to Yuki, determination flashing in his eyes as he declared, "We need to help him."



But Yuki stopped All Might by gripping his arm, simultaneously telling him. "Are you not seeing the people behind the running slave? If you now interfere, you can forget about receiving the treatment you need."

All Might's disappointment at Yuki etched across his face, his eyes a mix of frustration and compassion. He made a desperate attempt to break free from Yuki's grasp, his resolve undeterred even as he coughed up blood.

But Yuki's grip tightened. The words that followed were laced with a painful truth, one that threatened to shatter All Might's heroic instincts. "Even if you run now, that collar will explode, taking you down with it."

"Please, help me! I left when my kid was still a baby! He doesn't even know my face!!" The desperate cries of the fleeing slave echoed through the air, tugging at All Might's heartstrings.

"I don't care," All Might defiantly declared, his voice strained with determination as he strained against Yuki's unyielding grip. He poured every ounce of his fading strength into breaking free regardless of the consequences. The toll on his frail body became evident as blood stained his lips once again.

But as All Might's body trembled, weakened by his own failing health, Yuki's grip remained resolute. His eyes, though tinged with a flicker of admiration for All Might's unwavering spirit, remained steadfast in their resolve.

Deep within Yuki's mind, a thought stirred. 'He has grown strong in the past year, but so have I,' Yuki acknowledged silently, but ultimately it was useless. All Might was easily stopped by Yuki. This just is the fundamental difference in strength a Flügel has to a human, albeit enhanced. "It's useless, you only are bringing us trouble, look!"

The man's tear-filled pleas echoed through the air, his desperate cries resonating with a deep sense of anguish and despair. His voice trembled with a raw vulnerability as he clung to the hope of liberation, the weight of the oppressive collar on his neck seemingly unbearable. "This collar! If only this were gone!"

But before anyone could react, a deafening explosion shattered the tense atmosphere, unleashing a wave of chaos and panic. The collar, rigged with a devastating payload, erupted in a fiery burst of destruction. The force of the explosion reverberated through the surroundings, scattering shards of metal and sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

Screams reverberated in the background, an eerie chorus of fear and alarm filling the streets. Onlookers scattered in a frenzy, their instincts driving them to flee from the unleashed danger.

"A slave tried to escape!"

"Get away from him! Don't even get close!"

"I could have saved him," All Might's voice quivered with regret.

"But at what costs? Us getting in BIG trouble," Yuki's words cut through the air, laced with a hint of frustration. He emphasized the word 'BIG,' reminding All Might of the potential consequences they had narrowly avoided. Yuki then continued. "Not only would your health deteriorate further from overexertion, but we would also needlessly antagonize the Tenryūbito. The repercussions would be far-reaching, bringing upon us a magnitude of trouble that we can not afford for now. In the first place, that slave was a pirate that would have been imprisoned even if you saved him."

'Well, I just want to annoy All Might and see some of the canon events before messing it up completely,' Yuki justified his own hypocrisy to himself, after all he himself planned to cause even bigger trouble later on. He couldn't deny the satisfaction he derived from annoying All Might. In his mind, All Might suffered from what he called the 'Hero Syndrome,' an obsession with heroism that needed a dose of reality.

To Yuki, the decision to seek Trafalgar Law's help in healing All Might was not purely driven by altruism. It was yet another way for Yuki to toy with the symbol of peace. He knew he had the power to heal All Might effortlessly through the Rite of Restoration, but enduring a year of All Might's fervent ramblings about heroism was a fate Yuki was not willing to accept.